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Subject: Which Warbler? [Print This Page]

Author: mguy    Time: 28/01/2009 12:02     Subject: Which Warbler?

Your assistance would be appreciated.........

Author: HFCheung    Time: 28/01/2009 16:01

Dusky Warbler, I am pretty sure.

HF Cheung
Author: mguy    Time: 28/01/2009 18:01

Thanks......, just wondered about the dark line above the eye
Author: HFCheung    Time: 29/01/2009 21:20

My primary judgement is based on the feature that the rare part of the supercilium is more yellow than the part in front of the eye.  Indeed the dark like above the supercilium (and also the eye stripe) is a bit alarming.  But it seems Dusky Warbler can have individual variation to fit this bird.  See the link I list below. ... ;sl=20&index=15

HF Cheung
Author: mguy    Time: 30/01/2009 04:50

Agree my image & the link show the same bird, but could raise the question as to whether the link is of a Dusky.
Have put my image in Bird Forum where the debate is between Dusky & Yellow-streaked.
Apart from the eyebrow line, concern is the thickness of the bill & legs which seem to be thicker than Dusky.
Variations are more likely to happen in plumage dependent on time of year & ambiant light.
I am going to see if I can get a sound byte this weekend which might help to sort it out.
Author: mguy    Time: 31/01/2009 11:24

Thanks for the input.
Neil & I went back to the same spot this morning and whilst I didn't see the chap, heard him all around us......, no recording device but both of us agreed is definitely a "tsic" and NOT a "tac".
Conclude we are looking at a Yellow-streaked Warbler

[ Last edited by mguy at 31/01/2009 11:31 ]
Author: lpaul    Time: 2/02/2009 09:23

Despite what you say about the call, to me this is a fairly typical adult winter Dusky Warbler.  It does have an obvious dark border above the supercilium which is regularly shown on both Radde's and Yellow-streaked, but it is also well known that some Dusky Warblers can show this.

Yellow-streaked is extremely similar to Radde's and can be very tricky to separate, the separation of Dusky and Yellow-streaked should not really be an issue.

This bird lacks the uniformly pale legs and feet, well defined supercilium behind the eye and thicker bill of Yellow-streaked (and Radde's).

This is also an adult (based on the bright undertail coverts and flanks and white belly); as such an adult Yellow-streaked would show obvious yellow streaks on the underparts - which this bird lacks.
Author: mguy    Time: 3/02/2009 13:00

Thanks Paul for your detailed reply.
I have amended the image in "warblers" to read "Dusky".

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