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Subject: [Eagles] Crested Goshawk 鳳頭鷹 [Print This Page]

Author: cchristina    Time: 1/02/2009 23:19     Subject: Crested Goshawk 鳳頭鷹

Shek Kong

Author: mchristine    Time: 2/02/2009 09:07

Dear Christina,

How come you can always take photos of birds including raptors at such close distance?  I recognised that since I attended the Bird watching Beginners' Class.  Could you share the tips with us???
Author: cchristina    Time: 2/02/2009 19:33

I was using 300mm len with 2x extender to take this picture.
Author: mchristine    Time: 3/02/2009 16:56

Dear Christina,

Thank you for sharing.  This is another good tips apart from 'The Ten Steps to Perfect Photographs' recommended by hkwongkit quoted as :

1.  Ascertain where the birds you want to photograph live.
2.  Go there before sunrise. You will scare them off when you arrive.
3.  While you wait for them to come back, get your camera ready. Small apertures give in-depth focus but require slower shutter speeds.  Use a tripod. If you have a gigantic telephoto lens, point it where you expect the bird.
4.  Remember the rule of news photographers: “F8 and be there.”
5.  Sit down and don’t move; the birds will return after they get used to your imitation of a tree.
6.  Sit still some more. Don’t scratch that itch.
7.  Ask yourself the big questions.
8.  Answer them.  You have plenty of time.
9.  After the birds return, slowly, ever so slowly, raise the camera to your eyes or lower your eyes to the tripod.
10.  Focus and trip the shutter.

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