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Subject: Raptor ID [Print This Page]

Author: ctakming    Time: 6/02/2009 23:04     Subject: Raptor ID

4 Feb 2009, Shek Kong. Is it possible to tell what it is? Thanks.

Author: pitarhk    Time: 7/02/2009 00:05

I think this is Eurasian Sparrowhawk
Author: Amur    Time: 7/02/2009 12:02

Northern Goshawk adult
Author: Beetle    Time: 7/02/2009 12:10

i really couldn't tell which speices of Accipiter it is, may i know what features showing it is a Eurasian Sparrowhawk or Northern Goshawk(which are both rare)?
Author: ltsunpun    Time: 7/02/2009 21:25

Black wing tips and pale underwing, looks it is a Chinese Goshawk.
Author: ctakming    Time: 7/02/2009 22:06     Subject: Additional information

Thank all experts for the replies.
I saw it when I was having my lunch. It was also far away.
The back of the bird is brown in color just like a common buzzard. I am not good at sizing a flying raptor at a far distance but its size seemed to fall between a common buzzard to a peregrine falcon. It circled around for a few seconds and glided beyond my eye sight. When it was circling, it maked some short bursts of flapping with a frequency just like a common kestrel. Thanks all of you.
Author: ajohn    Time: 7/02/2009 22:46

I agree that this looks like a Eurasian Sparrowhawk. It is an accipiter which seems relatively bulky. The wings are fairly long with narrow 'hands'. The tail also seems fairly long and square-ended. The underside is pale but the wingtips are not as dark as on Chinese Sparrowhawk.
Among the commoner species, Besra and Crested Goshawk would have rounder wings, while Japanese Sparrowhawk is smaller with a shorter tail. Northern Goshawk is larger and would have a different structure (notably with bulging secondaries). Although the bird does appear pale underneath, Chinese Goshawk would have more contrasting dark wingtips.
Author: John Holmes    Time: 8/02/2009 17:26     Subject: Raptor ID

There are "no satisfactory records" of Northern Goshawk in Hong Kong, according to my 8th edition of "The birds of Hong Kong and South China."   Older editions mention Northern Goshawk, but there seems to have been confusion between Northern Goshawk and Crested Goshawk.

But just in case - and for FUTURE reference - here is a Northern Goshawk photographed in Sichuan in 2006. Note broad body and bulging secondaries, as mention by John Allcock.

Image Attachment: Northern_Goshawk_Mengbis-01.jpg (8/02/2009 17:26, 92.54 KB) / Download count 324

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