Subject: What are they doing ?? 佢地做緊乜? [Print This Page] Author: 深藍-Owen Time: 28/02/2009 22:14 Subject: What are they doing ?? 佢地做緊乜?
Feb 28, 2009. Mai Po. Jemi had report this incident to Mai Po Waden house immedaitely.
1st pic, seems someone chop a lot of stick from the mangrove and ship out to the left of HKBWS bird hide.
2nd pic, then they throw them to the sea one by one.
3rd pic, another guy walking along the edge of mangrove at the same time.
also two boat drive to the right of new hide today around 10:30am Author: tbob Time: 1/03/2009 22:40
As a guess, the sticks are for hanging up illegal fish nets Author: sbena Time: 2/03/2009 20:28
Yes, the sticks are for holding up a line of fishing nets. From past practice, the nets are put up at night. Thanks for reporting to the warden post. Lets hope AFCD removes them and carries out regular checks.
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