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Subject: 塱原春2009 Long Valley Spring 2009 [Print This Page]

Author: pchunchiu    Time: 11/03/2009 11:40     Subject: 塱原春2009 Long Valley Spring 2009

10/03/2009 Morning
Agricultural Fields in Ho Sheung Heung:
Asian House Martin x 4

Fung-shui Wood in Ho Sheung Heung:
Black-naped Monarch x 1
Author: chakwahli    Time: 13/03/2009 11:49

Can I know where is Fung-shui Wood in Ho Sheung Heung ?


chak wah

[ Last edited by chakwahli at 13/03/2009 11:56 ]
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 13/03/2009 16:48

Please refer to the following link: ... 0464fbfd74ab1d7f02e

The Ho Sheung Heung Feng-shui Wood area is highlighted in blue. The "good" part of the Feng-shui Wood (i.e. with mature trees) locates along the road, so although there is no path getting into the forest, you can just walk along the road.
Author: chakwahli    Time: 14/03/2009 08:35

thanks a lot
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 31/03/2009 12:59

31 Mar 2009
1x Yellow-breasted Bunting
3x Pale Martin
3x Red-necked Stint
1x Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
Author: pchunchiu    Time: 31/03/2009 23:13

31/03/2009 Morning
Agricultural Fields in Ho Sheung Heung:
Pale Martin x 3 (I think they are the same individuals recorded in Long Valley?)
Besra x 1

Image Attachment: Pale Martin.jpg (31/03/2009 23:13, 89.69 KB) / Download count 619

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 4/04/2009 10:44

1 Eurasian Spoonbill and 2 BFS were seen in the water flea pond this morning. Eurasian Spoonbill is first record to Long Valley!!! It would be great if someone could take some photos for record. Thank you very much!

今早塱原紅蟲水滋塘有一隻白琵鷺和兩隻黑臉琵鷺。白琵鷺是塱原新紀錄,不知有沒有鳥友可以拍下這個珍貴時刻以作記錄? 萬分感激!!
Author: pchunchiu    Time: 7/04/2009 23:22

7/4/2009 Morning
Long-toed Stint x 2

Image Attachment: Long-toed Stint_LV.JPG (7/04/2009 23:22, 131.87 KB) / Download count 607

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 9/04/2009 17:18

9/4/2009 morning

5x Long-toed Stint
1x Greenshank
Author: ckuifai    Time: 17/04/2009 18:44

Pacific Golden Plover Juvenile 太平洋金斑鴴幼鳥  x 1 ... &extra=page%3D1
Author: wchiyin    Time: 28/04/2009 12:19

紅尾伯勞 brown strike 27/4/2008 3:00p.m.
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 28/04/2009 12:27

28 Apr 09

1 Yellow-breasted Bunting
1 Little Bunting
5 Red-necked Stint
Author: Tony    Time: 29/04/2009 20:02

Pale Martin x 1
Author: ckuifai    Time: 4/05/2009 23:40

02 May 2009

Black-tailed Godwit 黑尾塍鷸 x 1

[ Last edited by ckuifai at 9/05/2009 12:43 ]
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 5/05/2009 09:33

Thank you ckuifai for your report and good photos!
Black-tailed Godwit is first record to Long Valley.
Author: shey    Time: 6/05/2009 12:23

Blue-tailed Bee-eater 6
Pacific Swift 1
Grey-capped Greenfinch 1


Image Attachment: Grey-cappedGreenfinch_LongValley_6May09_SYH (Small).jpg (6/05/2009 12:23, 22.88 KB) / Download count 644

Author: ckuifai    Time: 11/05/2009 15:47

Red-necked Stint 紅頸濱鷸 x 1 ... &extra=page%3D1
Author: Tony    Time: 18/05/2009 18:45

16May 09
Indian Cuckoo

Image Attachment: indian cuckoo.jpg (18/05/2009 18:45, 149.13 KB) / Download count 502

Author: pchunchiu    Time: 19/05/2009 13:00

19/05/2009 Morning
Agricultural Fields in Ho Sheung Heung:
Black Bittern x 1

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