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Subject: [Curlews] 紅腰杓鷸 [Print This Page]

Author: bin_go    Time: 23/03/2009 14:27     Subject: 紅腰杓鷸

From Mai Po 浮橋觀鳥屋: 2009-3-15

Image Attachment: [Far Eastern Curlew] DSC_4792.jpg (23/03/2009 14:27, 68.63 KB) / Download count 466

Author: HFCheung    Time: 23/03/2009 17:04

Why not Eurasian Curlew?

HF Cheung
Author: bin_go    Time: 23/03/2009 17:59

Because of "barred wing lining" under wings, compared to another one I took for 白腰杓鷸. Hope I got it right.

Image Attachment: DSC_4664.jpg (23/03/2009 17:59, 73.52 KB) / Download count 470

Author: HFCheung    Time: 23/03/2009 19:45

The wing shape is seldom used to separate Eurasian to Eastern Curlew.  The white undertail covert and white underwing covert are excellent features for Eurasian.  This is definitely not Eastern Curlew.

HF Cheung
Author: bin_go    Time: 24/03/2009 13:26

Author: ltsunpun    Time: 25/03/2009 20:48

Author: ajohn    Time: 27/03/2009 14:36

I agree with bin_go that this appears to be an Eastern Curlew. Eurasian should normally show a pure white, unmarked underwing, as shown in the second photo.
It is unusual, however, for the underwing to be so pale on an Eastern Curlew, and for the rear of the underparts to be so pale.
Are there any more photos showing the upperparts of the bird to confirm whether the rump was white or dark? Looking closely at the photo, it looks like the feathers of the rump are barred (which would support the ID as Eastern).
Author: HFCheung    Time: 27/03/2009 18:22

Sorry that I have not looked at the barred underwing carefully.  I have checked the Japanese booklet on Wader ID.  The subspecies arquata has barred underwing.  This must be rare in HK.  I do not have HK Avifauna at hand, so please check that.

HF Cheung

I have now read more on this.  The usual subspecies in east Asia is orientalis.  Subspecies arquata is very rare, possibly the first in HK.  So please submit this record to the HKBWS record committee.

HF Cheung

[ Last edited by HFCheung at 28/03/2009 14:47 ]
Author: ltsunpun    Time: 29/03/2009 16:07

以前師兄教落,白腰是最好的ID來辨別白腰杓鷸。從第一張相片看到,紅腰杓鷸的亞種也有白腰,那麽以後分別飛行中的白腰或紅腰杓鷸便要加多翼下覆羽的橫紋來作最後決定,由於距離遠,翼下覆羽的橫紋不容易看得清楚,將會增加準確辨認的難度。由於白腰杓鷸和紅腰杓鷸的亞種同有白腰,那麽Eurasian curlew 和 Far eastern curlew 的中文名是否需要修改呢?
Author: ajohn    Time: 14/04/2009 16:01

I decided to take a new look at this photo after watching Far Eastern Curlew at Mai Po this spring. I agree with Ho-fai that the overall colour of the bird fits better for Eurasian rather than Far Eastern.
The barred underwing does not fit with typical orientalis Eurasian, which is the subspecies found in HK. I don't know about the variation in orientalis, but as Ho-fai suggests this may be from the western subspecies arquata. This would be the first HK record of this subspecies, which breeds west of the Urals and winters in Africa, and is therefore a surprising vagrant. As Ho-fai suggests, I recommend that you submit the record to the records committee for assessment.

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