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Subject: 辦公室新貨品New products: 日本鳥書 Bird books [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 14/04/2009 10:11     Subject: 辦公室新貨品New products: 日本鳥書 Bird books

數量有限,有與趣的朋友請到香港觀鳥會辦公室選購 (不設預留服務)
Only limited quantity. For those who are interested, please feel free to come and purchase at the HKBWS office (No reservation).

辦公室地址 office address: ... &extra=page%3D1

<新版猛禽飛翔圖鑑> (A Guide to Inflight Raptor - New Edition) [售罄 Sold Out]
全書80頁,全日文內容,附學名 80 pages, in Japanese with scientific name
售價 Price: 會員 member - $160 非會員 non-member - $180
數量Quantity: 2
*蘇毅雄先生在會訊209&210中的新書推介中介紹這本猛禽圖鑑 Mr. Samson So introduced this book in Bulletin 209&210.

Image Attachment: DSCF7325.JPG (14/04/2009 10:15, 60.65 KB) / Download count 643

Image Attachment: DSCF7326.JPG (14/04/2009 10:15, 66.66 KB) / Download count 656

Image Attachment: DSCF7327.JPG (14/04/2009 10:15, 74.07 KB) / Download count 601

Author: lrichard    Time: 14/04/2009 15:46

Yes, I'd like to buy this book if still available. Thanks, Richard
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 15/04/2009 11:42

We are sorry that two members came up and bought the books yesterday.

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