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Subject: is this a Aleutian Tern Juv ?? [Print This Page]

Author: 深藍-Owen    Time: 25/04/2009 18:20     Subject: is this a Aleutian Tern Juv ??

HK South Water
Apr 25, 2009.

Thanks help for ID.

Image Attachment: IMG_0748.jpg (25/04/2009 18:20, 115.66 KB) / Download count 397

Author: tmichael    Time: 25/04/2009 19:02

At the time, based, fairly safely I think, on its having the same size, shape and structure as the Bridled Terns also present, that's what we felt this strange bird to be.

I don't think an Aleutian could look like this at this time of year, and of course any "juvenile" would now be at least eight or even nine months old.

An interesting and unusual bird, but not the most interesting one we saw today!

Mike Turnbull

[ Last edited by tmichael at 25/04/2009 20:54 ]
Author: 深藍-Owen    Time: 25/04/2009 19:47

Many Thanks Mike, I just think its too early for a Bridled Terns Juv in HK so I guess its something else.

Author: tmichael    Time: 25/04/2009 20:58

Yes, Owen, either way it can't be a juvenile, I don't think, just a bird with a plumage/moult irregularity.

Further to what I said before, of course the underwing pattern, and as I recall the tail patterning etc etc were just like Bridled - it was the cap and the upper mantle which seemed bleached out.


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