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Subject: [Bittern] 救亡16秒之黑鳽 Saving a Black Bittern [Print This Page]

Author: pitarhk    Time: 25/04/2009 20:04     Subject: 救亡16秒之黑鳽 Saving a Black Bittern

發現後,Paul Leader立即使用船上任何設施拯救佢!
救左上黎後,身體好弱,Paul Leader用佢件衫幫佢吸走水份同埋保曖,
最後,Paul Leader落船後,飛的將佢交給KFBG!
Thx Paul Leader!



[ Last edited by BWA at 25/04/2009 20:16 ]
Author: kmatthew    Time: 25/04/2009 20:31

Poor thing!!  Hope it will get better soon!!
Author: tmichael    Time: 25/04/2009 21:05

I'm assuming this was not the bird which those of us on the other boat, including the saviour himself (Paul Leader) left for dead.

It certainly seemed to be utterly "bereft of life" at the time.

Mike Turnbull

Image Attachment: IMG_5429.JPG (25/04/2009 21:05, 28.9 KB) / Download count 589

Author: maria    Time: 25/04/2009 22:05

Thanks a lot, Paul!!!!  I wish to hear good news from KFBG soon!!!  fingers crossed!

to Pita: i think the T-shirt (wrapped the Black Bittern) belongs to the boat captain instead of Paul..

[ Last edited by maria at 25/04/2009 22:15 ]
Author: Sze    Time: 25/04/2009 22:53



Thank you very much Paul Leader!

Author: isaac_chan    Time: 26/04/2009 01:09

可能今朝唔係船家誤會咗, 變咗遲咗兩個零鐘先出發, 又或者我哋 defer 今次個 trip, 都可能救唔到佢....
Author: ph1115_ko    Time: 26/04/2009 16:24

希望佢可以早日康復 !!!
Author: lpaul    Time: 27/04/2009 19:54

I understand the Black Bittern is doing extremely well at KFBG, and is already well enough to try and attack those trying to look after it!  Hopefully it will recover fully and can be released soon.

Author: Sze    Time: 27/04/2009 23:46

Original posted by lpaul at 27/04/2009 19:54
I understand the Black Bittern is doing extremely well at KFBG, and is already well enough to try and attack those trying to look after it!  Hopefully it will recover fully and can be released soon.

It is a good news!
Paul! Thanks again!
Author: maria    Time: 28/04/2009 10:48

Original posted by lpaul at 27/04/2009 19:54
I understand the Black Bittern is doing extremely well at KFBG, and is already well enough to try and attack those trying to look after it!  Hopefully it will recover fully and can be released soon.

Thanks Paul for updating us!

Just wonder if it could be able to continue its migration by itself or would it attach to another flock after being released??

[ Last edited by maria at 28/04/2009 11:01 ]

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