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Subject: [Rails] Band-bellied Crake 斑脇田雞 [Print This Page]

Author: shey    Time: 5/05/2009 16:29     Subject: Band-bellied Crake 斑脇田雞

A crake was seen in Lung Fu Shan this afternoon (5May09)
Would any experts confirm its ID? Thanks in advance!!
Just dreaming if there is any possibility of a Band-Bellied Crake, or it is a Ruddy Crake.
Thanks very much!
Thanks Philip and Cindy for telling me about this bird.

Image Attachment: IMG_3517 (Large).JPG (5/05/2009 16:29, 132.76 KB) / Download count 724

Author: thinfor    Time: 5/05/2009 17:51

I've seen a ruddy-breasted crake before.  This one really looks a bit different since the barring on belly is very conspicuous that a ruddy-breasted crake should not have.  From the red legs, slaty-legged crake can be ruled out.  Also, ruddy-breasted crake doesn't look like to stay in Lung Fu Shan where is not like a nice swamp area.
Shey, I hope the other experienced birders would have this answer too!
Author: lpaul    Time: 5/05/2009 20:12

Band-bellied Crake!  It was still there later this afternoon and was seen by a number of birders (including me - a Planet Earth tick!).  With the three previous records comprising two dead birds and a bird taken to KFBG this is real mega!

It was a matter of time before one turned up and was twitchable - thank goodness it was on HK Island not an off shore island!

The key features are the orangey legs,and the barring on the wing.  The bill also looks very stout cf. other similar crakes.

Thanks Philip for taking us to the exact spot!
Author: lpaul    Time: 5/05/2009 20:18

I also meant to mention that there are no photos of this species on Oriental Bird Images; so a chance for photographic glory!
Author: gary    Time: 5/05/2009 20:39

Good luck to those whom seek the glory. But please don't be disturbing and keep it until we, weekend birdwatcher, are able to spend a visit.
Author: ysinhang    Time: 5/05/2009 22:12

It is so happy to record this bird in such habitat!~ and also thanks Hey helping me to ID this bird~!  Many thanks!~ I hope that this bird will visit HK every year!~
Here also get a very record record shot, Hope it can help to ID this bird!~

[ Last edited by ysinhang at 5/05/2009 22:23 ]
Author: Tony    Time: 5/05/2009 23:15

Great to see it this afternoon, I was working in field in Sai Kung when I heard this news!
Luckily it was still there when I got back at 530.
Hope it will stay a bit longer here!
Thanks Philip and Hey.
Thanks Maggie as she discovered it last Sat, not until today to get its ID!

[ Last edited by Tony at 5/05/2009 23:16 ]
Author: shey    Time: 6/05/2009 00:33

Thanks very much!
One more photo to share.


Image Attachment: Band-belliedCrake_LungFuShan_5May09_SYH_2 (Medium).jpg (6/05/2009 00:33, 73.2 KB) / Download count 696

Author: John Holmes    Time: 6/05/2009 09:09     Subject: Band-bellied Crake on Oriental Bird Images


J & J
Author: sdavid    Time: 6/05/2009 09:27

The bird was still showing at 8am this morning.  Great to have a HK Island twitch!

Thanks to those involved for putting the information out - a terrific find! Well done!
Author: 深藍-Owen    Time: 6/05/2009 09:44

Thanks Hey, Today's Photo.

Image Attachment: IMG_1737.jpg (6/05/2009 09:44, 108.74 KB) / Download count 509

Author: ypakwai    Time: 6/05/2009 09:54

Thank's Hey,

Author: hpippen    Time: 6/05/2009 14:09

Thanks Philip & Hey

Author: cchristina    Time: 6/05/2009 16:22

Thanks to all and the Crake!

Author: shey    Time: 6/05/2009 18:10

From Yu Yat Tung, this crake was still active in the same area at around 6:00pm.

Author: HFCheung    Time: 6/05/2009 18:50

Great birds.  We need to learn more about this species.  Does it call?  Please record that if possible.  I hope there is still chance to include this in the new HK photoguide.

This is a great year for rare bird, isn't it?

HF Cheung
Author: ajohn    Time: 6/05/2009 21:26

The Crake was showing well again this evening (about 1730-1800). It was foraging in the open on the grassy area outside the visitor centre. At the time all visitors were outside the fence at the visitor centre (which was closed). Judging by observations of the bird's behaviour and discussion with people who had been present earlier, I suspect that the bird is sensitive to disturbance is people are seen around the grassy area, retreating into the bushes if concerned (where it is sometimes visible but views are not as good).  

I recommend that if you are keen to see the bird tomorrow, you stand away from the grass, perhaps outside the fence or behind the wall by the gate. Hopefully that will mean that the bird will again feed in the open, and everyone can enjoy great views of the great bird. It may not be visible all the time but I suspect patience will pay off (and I'm always impressed by how patient photographers are!)

Thanks to all for finding and identifying the bird and making the information availble so that we can all see it. It seems that people are getting some great photos of a species that is very difficult to see, I look forward to seeing more photos in the coming days.
Author: yyattung    Time: 7/05/2009 00:09

By the way, I would like to express my thanks to staffs in the Lung Fu Shan education centre. They found the bird first and warmly welcome all bird watchers to visit the centre for this bird. I also found the garden is nicely made and maintained too!

[ Last edited by yyattung at 7/05/2009 00:12 ]
Author: kkoel    Time: 7/05/2009 03:00

Thanks to everyone, and to Philip and Hey for showing us the bird:

[ Last edited by kkoel at 7/05/2009 03:06 ]

Image Attachment: Band-bellied Crake bws2.jpg (7/05/2009 03:00, 167.88 KB) / Download count 768

Image Attachment: Band-bellied Crake bws.jpg (7/05/2009 03:05, 180.49 KB) / Download count 762

Author: hpippen    Time: 7/05/2009 09:32

Few more shots

Author: wleepoin    Time: 7/05/2009 10:17

Many thanks to all at Lung Fu Shan education centre for welcoming us to see such a rare bird!

Big Cheers
Author: ltsunpun    Time: 7/05/2009 21:33

I finally saw the bird after the third visit.   I am quite impressed with thanks to receive warm welcome from the LFS Education Centre's, staff.  I noticed that the bird was too shame and sensitive to disturbance, the time of its appearance was rare, even it appeared, it always stroll at the edge of the bush and not so easy to see or photo, may be some of the viewers were too close to the grass area, the bird was probably under pressure. In order that the bird could appear in the open area, I hope that viewers should keep away from the grass area as far as possible, so the we can enjoy to see the bird more clearly in the open area and photographers could take good photos accordingly. Expect to see more beautiful photos in BBS soon.
Author: ypakwai    Time: 12/05/2009 14:07


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