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Subject: 燕鷗不識字,釣友又何嘗識? Terns don't read, neither do fishermen [Print This Page]

Author: BWA    Time: 10/05/2009 22:46     Subject: 燕鷗不識字,釣友又何嘗識? Terns don't read, neither do fishermen

10/5/09 大鵬灣

週日的燕鷗島非常熱鬧,最少有 14 人在垂釣,
Tern Island on Sunday is a hot spot, with at least 14 fishermen along the shore.
One of them seemed bored and started to explore the core area where terns breed.

It must be quite a experience to have so many birds circling overhead.

「噢,乜呢道唔入得來嘅咩?冇人話我知喎阿 Sir!」
"Oh! No one told me that this is out of bounds"

The following sign in fact can be found along the perimeter of the core areas.  So he probably came from Mars.

It was curious that the warning sign at the pier was blank - only the AFCD logo was left.  So let's fill it for the time being.

This was found on the other side of the island.  Wonder if the warden has taken action on it.

Last episode: Birds don't know how to read
Author: Sze    Time: 10/05/2009 23:53

Author: maria    Time: 11/05/2009 10:47

there are so many small islands in hk that are good for fishing, i can't understand why they don't pick the other ones that won't distrub the terns???
Author: thinfor    Time: 11/05/2009 19:44

Fishing has its own knowledge as well that we birdwatchers hardly know.  Tides, seasons and the temperature of the sea current all affect the possibility of getting a desired species of fish.  Just like us, birdwatchers, we know where and how likely we can see birds in a particular area in HK.

Please don't misunderstand me that I support this kind of disturbance.  I don't think much of fishing since it's a hobby that you build up your joy on other organism's lives.  I'd rather buy something fresh in the fish market instead of killing 1 or more extra fish in the sea.

But, we should respect each other, as long as they don't break the rules.  
Author: hetta    Time: 14/05/2009 20:02

I wonder if boat fishing an alternative for fishermen while reserve a few islets for Tern breeding in a period of a year?
Author: BWA    Time: 7/06/2009 08:35

More Martians mocking at the conservation measures.

Author: thinfor    Time: 7/06/2009 11:01

I don't think the people will follow unless govt legislates against it.  Moreover, the fine has to be great and it should be executed at least once to show its strength.

HK people has much freedom and sometimes it's overused.  They will never be considerate.  As I said again, fishing, in general, is a hobby like hunting - killing organisms as an objective (no matter whether you will throw the fish back into the sea to free them).  So should we be so naive to believe that they will follow (even the law is legislated, the islands are too remoted for the related parties for execution.)

To cap it all, edcuation is the most important element to change their attitude.  But changing their attitude is even harder than legislation.

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