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Subject: 單筒作品試貼 [Print This Page]

Author: papago    Time: 21/05/2009 21:52     Subject: 單筒作品試貼

初到貴寶地 , 試貼幾張單筒作品
台灣藍鵲 - SONY V1 + Kamakura 83ed

[ Last edited by papago at 4/07/2011 16:32 ]
Author: papago    Time: 21/05/2009 22:03

五色鳥 , 台灣公園鄉間常見鳥類
Canon A640 + Kamakura 83ed

五色鳥 SONY V1 + Kamakura 83ed

[ Last edited by papago at 4/07/2011 16:33 ]
Author: puppymic    Time: 21/05/2009 22:06

Thanks for sharing!

Very good digiscoping photos
Author: papago    Time: 21/05/2009 22:23

朱鸝 SONY V1 + KAMAKURA 83ED 攝於 2008/04  
西元1862年當英國博物學家史溫侯發現時 , 認為牠是台灣最美麗的鳥種 , 其為台灣特有亞種 ; 稀有 , 是公告之瀕臨絕種保育類野生動物

[ Last edited by papago at 4/07/2011 16:33 ]
Author: papago    Time: 21/05/2009 22:28

鵂鶹 Canon A640 + Kamakura 83ed
台灣最小的貓頭鷹(鴞) , 喜歡日間活動 , 體長 17CM , 會補食比自己大的獵物

[ Last edited by papago at 4/07/2011 16:34 ]
Author: lwingkay    Time: 21/05/2009 23:14

Terrific capture.  Peter
Author: papago    Time: 22/05/2009 07:22

領角鴞 , 台灣中海拔常聽到的貓頭鷹

[ Last edited by papago at 4/07/2011 16:34 ]
Author: papago    Time: 22/05/2009 07:22

星鴉 , 高山鳥類 (海拔 2000 - 2500 公尺)
Canon A640 + Kamakura 83ed

[ Last edited by papago at 4/07/2011 16:35 ]
Author: papago    Time: 22/05/2009 07:23

水雉 - 攝於台灣台南官田水雉保護區 , 瀕臨絕種保育類野生動物
SONY V1 + Kamakura 83ed

[ Last edited by papago at 4/07/2011 16:35 ]
Author: papago    Time: 22/05/2009 07:24

戴聖 - 過境鳥 , 攝於 2008/02 台灣高雄市立美術館
SONY V1 + Kamakura 83ed

[ Last edited by papago at 4/07/2011 16:36 ]
Author: bbken    Time: 22/05/2009 10:48

Author: HFCheung    Time: 22/05/2009 16:05

Great photo.  May be you can explain your trip to us, so that other may learn from you.
In one of your photo, if that is the smallest Owlet, then it is the Collared Owlet.

HF Cheung
Author: papago    Time: 22/05/2009 17:06

我是跟在台湾拍鸟界-人称 "单筒之神" 的 "洪董" 前辈学功夫的 , 有空在把 "洪董" 兄的真传诉诸文字 ...
拍鸟单筒器材不能太差 , 但技术更是重要
Kamakura 83ed 只是价位约 五千 港币的中低阶单筒望远镜
以上图片大部份都是原图直接缩图未裁切 , 等效焦长约 1400mm , 图档 exif data 皆在

[ Last edited by papago at 22/05/2009 17:12 ]
Author: papago    Time: 22/05/2009 19:50

白尾鴝 SONY V1 + Kamakura 83ed

[ Last edited by papago at 4/07/2011 16:36 ]
Author: papago    Time: 22/05/2009 19:53

赤腹鶇 SONY V1 + Kamakura 83ed

[ Last edited by papago at 4/07/2011 16:38 ]
Author: papago    Time: 22/05/2009 19:56

田鷸 , SONY V1 + Kamakura 83ed

[ Last edited by papago at 4/07/2011 16:38 ]
Author: papago    Time: 22/05/2009 19:59

過境鳥 - 褐鷹鴞 , SONY V1 + Kamakura 83ed

[ Last edited by papago at 4/07/2011 16:38 ]
Author: papago    Time: 22/05/2009 20:13

單筒照片要拍的清晰 , 盡量避免使用這種容易 "微震" 的 L型雲台 (日本人超愛用)

我的 SONY V1 + Kamakura 83ed ; SONY V1 雖是五百萬像素老機 , 但它有 "電子快門線" , 也對 "避免微震" 加分不少

徹底避免 "微震"

怎麼克服微震 , 比你是否使用 Leica , swarovski 鏡筒還重要!!

[ Last edited by papago at 4/07/2011 16:37 ]
Author: cywong    Time: 22/05/2009 21:08

Thank you very much for sharing these great photos and digiscoping technique.
Author: dick    Time: 22/05/2009 21:52

Author: cwchan    Time: 22/05/2009 21:59

Thank you for putting up so detailed description.

Vibration is the evil in digiscopoing, and it is also true in long lens photography.
Author: papago    Time: 22/05/2009 22:16

manfrotto 的油壓頭的確比 L 型雲台穩固 , 長板也是減少微震的密訣 , 聽說 manfrotto 原廠還沒有做那麼長的長板 (35 cm) , 是台灣廠商自己做的
小弟另外整理了一篇更詳細的單筒拍鳥文章 - "單筒拍鳥的美麗與哀愁" 等下放到器材區去
Author: kkitty    Time: 22/05/2009 23:14

賞心悅目, 技術先決.

[ Last edited by kkitty at 24/05/2009 02:05 ]
Author: ctakming    Time: 23/05/2009 00:00

Author: lwingkay    Time: 23/05/2009 00:27     Subject: Digiscoping set-up

it is interesting to read how Papago steadies the fieldscope set-up on his tripod. The photos below show how I set up my gears on Manfrotto's 501.



3  This one is a closer look at the DIY aluminium adaptal ring that links Nikon CP8400's adaptal ring with the concealed Swarovski's 30x-eyepiece to which the fieldscope is attached. The screw lines on the inner barrel of the DIY allows for the length of the adaptal ring to be adjustable. The adjustment makes it possible for vignetting to be reducible.

4.  The following shot was taken using the above gears. The shutter speed is at 1/6 of a second.

Author: fneil    Time: 23/05/2009 07:38

Very impresssive setup.  The results speak for themselves.  Thanks for sharing your equipment details with us. Neil.
Author: cwchan    Time: 23/05/2009 09:23


A very nice DIY setup.  

Will it be a bit heavy for field work?

[ Last edited by cwchan at 23/05/2009 09:25 ]
Author: lwingkay    Time: 23/05/2009 14:34

Dear Wing,
Not at all. The added load is the plank. I usually shoot in the afternoon for 2-3 hours and there are no problems carrying the set-up around. Worth mentioning is the 501 video head. The locks fasten well, so tilting, dropping and pivoting around the central axis happen scarecely.

I made the plank in order to accommodate with the use of a DSLR on the fieldscope. The fieldscope sticks fast to the wooden plank but because my fieldscope is an angled one, it is difficult to prevent vibration when a DSLR, an AFD 24-50mm Nikkor zoom and a DIY adaptal ring are further attached to the fieldscope; these additions will be hanging in the middle without a good anchorage point to the plank or the tripod for the purpose of stabilisation. At the same time, with these items added, the whole set-up will become pretty bulky and heavy. And worse still is that the advantages from such a set-up do not outweigh the ones from using the prosumer dc.

I am no good with carpentry. Perhaps, if the plank can be made into a double-deck one, with the lower one for the fieldscope and the upper one for the DSLR attachments, vibration can be reduced. Or, simply, if I just use a straight fieldscope, the problem can be resolved.

Author: papago    Time: 24/05/2009 21:43

我幫拿 NIKON P5100 的朋友 DIY 的

[ Last edited by papago at 24/05/2009 21:45 ]

Image Attachment: ap_F23_20080628032123655.jpg (24/05/2009 21:43, 83.41 KB) / Download count 710

Image Attachment: ap_F23_20080629100346915.jpg (24/05/2009 21:43, 40.25 KB) / Download count 688

Author: papago    Time: 24/05/2009 22:03

Vixen 出的萬用機械快門座 , 型號 VX-39191 , 售價約 5880 日幣
不過機械快門座還是有機械動作 , 最穩的還是電子快門線 (目前新機中好像只有 Canon G10 跟 RICHO GX 系列相機有電子快門線)

[ Last edited by papago at 24/05/2009 22:06 ]
Author: cwchan    Time: 25/05/2009 20:11


This is my DIY cable release bracket.
I personally like the mechanical type cable release because it can give me the half-press function.
I half press to get the right focus first, then waiting for the right moment to capture the best posture by pressing the rest half button to finish the shot. Electric wire type or remote control do not provide this function in DC.

[ Last edited by cwchan at 25/05/2009 21:03 ]
Author: papago    Time: 25/05/2009 21:56

Original posted by cwchan at 25/05/2009 20:11

This is my DIY cable releas ...
我的 SONY V1 之電子快門線有 半按對好焦 的功能
Canon G10 我沒碰過 , 但我知它的電子快門線跟我的 CANON 400D DSLR 用的快門線是一樣的型號 , 而 CANON 400D 的快門線可以 半按對好焦 , 所以我猜 Canon G10 應該也可以透過快門線 "半按對焦"
而長官您說的 有電子快門卻不能半按對焦的 , 是哪款 DC ??
大家下次購買時注意一下 ....

[ Last edited by papago at 25/05/2009 22:08 ]
Author: papago    Time: 25/05/2009 22:06

DIY 樂趣多 , 超長焦距的單筒尋鳥很吃力
有了描準器就方便多了 , 有人用內紅點瞄準鏡
或者也可以跟我一樣用一個 萬向球台 + 筆管 搞定 , 而且不像內紅點瞄準鏡
這個 DIY 裝置不用電

[ Last edited by papago at 25/05/2009 22:10 ]

Image Attachment: ap_F23_20080419081913352.jpg (25/05/2009 22:06, 67.34 KB) / Download count 683

Image Attachment: ap_F23_20080419081911793.jpg (25/05/2009 22:06, 40.87 KB) / Download count 674

Author: papago    Time: 28/05/2009 07:48

我的 Canon A640 裝備參考 (A640 有外翻 LCD)

[ Last edited by papago at 4/07/2011 16:39 ]
Author: lwingkay    Time: 28/05/2009 14:40

Thanks, Papago, for letting us how you set up your gears. Very useful information. Pete
Author: papago    Time: 28/05/2009 20:06

Original posted by lwingkay at 28/05/2009 14:40
Thanks, Papago, for letting us how you set up your gears. Very useful information. Pete
not at all

[ Last edited by papago at 28/05/2009 21:14 ]
Author: papago    Time: 28/05/2009 21:12

燕鴴 , Canon A640 + Kamakura 83ed

[ Last edited by papago at 29/05/2009 22:03 ]
Author: papago    Time: 29/05/2009 21:56

番鵑 , Canon A640 + Kamakura 83ed

[ Last edited by papago at 29/05/2009 21:58 ]
Author: cwchan    Time: 29/05/2009 22:27     Subject: Exhibition

Those who would like to know how digiscopic shots look like. Please come to the Chan  Shiu Man Photo Alumni exhibition at Central Library, Causeway Bay. This year I exhibit a set of 6 wild-bird photos all were taken in Hong Kong while birding by using a 30X scope plus a simple DC. The exhibition will be opened to the public from 30 to 31 May 2009. ... o=lastpost#lastpost
Author: tbob    Time: 31/05/2009 21:15

Wing has 6 stunning photos in the exhibition

Author: lwingkay    Time: 31/05/2009 21:40

Original posted by cwchan at 29/05/2009 22:27
Those who would like to know how digiscopic shots look like. Please come to the Chan  Shiu Man Photo Alumni exhibition at Central Library, Causeway Bay. This year I exhibit a set of 6 wild-bird photos ...
They are all stunning. I heard people utter wows watching your shots, probably for the details they contain. A pity that there were just 6  shots in all, which made me feel that something was missing when leaving the venue. Pete
Author: cwchan    Time: 1/06/2009 19:54

Thank you to Bob, Peter and those who have come to view the exhibition.
I treasure your advice and support.
Author: papago    Time: 1/06/2009 21:01

可惜台灣都沒有類似的展覽 ... 只有線上展覽了
這兩天的新作品 , 黃昏拍的 , 光線不太好 ....
Canon A640 + Kamakura 83ed

[ Last edited by papago at 1/06/2009 21:04 ]
Author: lwingkay    Time: 2/06/2009 00:07

Original posted by papago at 1/06/2009 21:01
可惜台灣都沒有類似的展覽 ... 只有線上展覽了
這兩天的新作品 , 黃昏拍的 , 光線不太好 ....
Canon A640 + Kamakura 83ed

http://digitraveler.homelinu ...
Love the details and vibrant colors the shots present.
Most of the shots are in landscape (i.e. horizontal) format. I have been wondering if it is possible to twist the prosumer digital camera for shooting in portrait (i.e. vertical) format?
Author: papago    Time: 2/06/2009 07:38

Love the details and vibrant colors the shots present.
Most of the shots are in landscape (i.e. horizontal) format. I have been wondering if it is possible to twist the prosumer digital camera for s ...
希望 iwingkay 兄看得懂中文,因為小弟英文不太好
1.直拍可以把 DC 轉直 , 或是橫拍後再靠軟件後製裁切達成


[ Last edited by papago at 2/06/2009 07:46 ]
Author: lwingkay    Time: 2/06/2009 16:43

Re the information "直拍可以把 DC 轉直", thanks. Pete
Author: papago    Time: 2/06/2009 17:05

Original posted by lwingkay at 2/06/2009 16:43
Re the information "直拍可以把 DC 轉直", thanks. Pete
iwingkay 兄不是已經這麼做了嗎 ?

Author: lwingkay    Time: 2/06/2009 22:00

Original posted by papago at 2/06/2009 17:05

iwingkay 兄不是已經這麼做了嗎 ?

Yes, I can do so for my set-up and it is pretty fast and easy: just loosen the second row of screws and then the prosumer digital camera at rear can be rotated in whatever angles I want.
I raised the question simply because I just wondered if the adaptal ring of the Kamakura 83ed could enable you to rotate the prosumer digital camera on the central axis. Just by looking at the photos you posted up here, I had the feeling that the rotation process was difficult to complete. With the reply you previously gave, the doubt has been cleared.
Again, thanks.
Author: Robbin    Time: 16/06/2009 02:57

Author: papago    Time: 16/06/2009 06:24

Original posted by Robbin at 16/06/2009 02:57
G10 的畫質一定比 A640 好 , 最近對 A640 的畫質越來越不滿意了(想換G10) , 不過 A640 的翻轉 LCD 實在好用 , 廠商都不出十全十美的機子

Canon A640 + Kamakura 83ed

SONY V1 + Kamakura 83ed

[ Last edited by papago at 4/07/2011 16:40 ]
Author: papago    Time: 16/06/2009 07:04

有個國外老兄 DIY 電子快門線 , 那需要一顆強有力的心臟阿 ~ 我才不敢這樣拆機子
Author: uncle_wong_hk    Time: 6/07/2009 15:30

揍熱鬧。My Digiscoping Gear.

Image Attachment: 12.jpg (6/07/2009 15:30, 45.03 KB) / Download count 576

Image Attachment: 14.jpg (6/07/2009 15:30, 55.41 KB) / Download count 581

Author: papago    Time: 6/07/2009 18:26

好專業阿 ~ 還有瞄準器
香港鳥友有福了 , 可以問問 UNCLE_WONG 兄在哪訂製 ?
DICK 兄也不用等 10 月到台灣買長板了

P.S. UNCLE_WONG 兄快門線座的部份, 可否來個特寫 , 謝謝

[ Last edited by papago at 6/07/2009 18:30 ]
Author: uncle_wong_hk    Time: 6/07/2009 19:45

Original posted by papago at 6/07/2009 18:26
好專業阿 ~ 還有瞄準器
香港鳥友有福了 , 可以問問 UNCLE_WONG 兄在哪訂製 ?
DICK 兄也不用等 10 月到台灣買長板了

P.S. UNCLE_WONG 兄快門線座的部份, 可否來個特寫 , 謝謝 ...
自已空閒時 DIY 的。
我看 Dick 兄還是到台灣一遊吧。

快門線座是在香港的鴨寮街買的。~ HK$80.

[ Last edited by uncle_wong_hk at 6/07/2009 19:46 ]

Image Attachment: 2.JPG (6/07/2009 19:45, 13.18 KB) / Download count 570

Author: puppymic    Time: 6/07/2009 21:24

揍熱鬧。My Digiscoping Gear.
Author: papago    Time: 6/07/2009 22:02

uncle_wong 的裝備真是 digiscoping 系統夢幻極品 , 猴鰓雷啦
不知是否考慮接受訂製 ...

買不到快門線座的可以參考小弟以前 DIY 的參考 ,
主要材料如下 (1)木條  (2) 0.25 吋螺絲  (3)2.5 吋 L 型角鐵 ,
以角鐵加木條可以很輕易的 DIY 出很多東西 ,
幾乎不用什麼特別的工具 (只用到 美工刀,強力膠,尺,小鑽子 , 圓型挫刀等)
全部在 "B&Q 特力屋" (香港叫百安居) 買的材料

這根木條比人還高 , 在特力屋買的慢慢騎車帶回家 , 其實可以折一半比較好攜帶

跟大姆指差不多寬 , 厚度約 0.4 cm , 厚度太厚雖較強固但也更難加工 , 要在強度跟易加工間取平衡點 , 可用線鋸或美工刀切斷

螺絲直徑是 0.25 吋 , 長度 0.5 吋 , 相機底板的螺絲直徑就是這個 SIZE

2.5 吋 L 型角鐵 , 可以 DIY 許多東西


■ 相機底板螺絲鎖

雖然是個小東西 , 不過要用時找不到替代品還真另人火大 ,
DIY 做一個不用五分鐘 , 又輕又好用

兩邊夾住螺帽讓螺絲不會滑轉 , 若要更強固 , 凹槽內可以灌熱融膠增加強度

L 型角鐵的洞口稍微小一點 , 用圓型挫刀擴一點孔徑就可讓螺絲穿過


■ 機械快門底座(支架)

成本不用 10 塊錢吧 , 金屬木材間用強力膠接合 , 看圖即知沒有需要特殊工具加工的地方 ;
鐵片跟木材間強力膠乾後 , 可以鎖上螺絲釘讓它更堅固  ;
一些初階單眼如 NIKON D40,D50,D70 ,

底部黑色的止滑墊是用有背膠的魔鬼氈剪的 , 文具行買得到

結合起來的樣子 , 鎖在相機底板上

[ Last edited by papago at 6/07/2009 22:04 ]
Author: uncle_wong_hk    Time: 7/07/2009 09:10

不知是否考慮接受訂製 ...

Anyway, 謝謝 papago 兄的贊賞。
Author: thinfor    Time: 7/07/2009 10:49

有那麼多高手在, 我一定要做個問題兒童了!

想問一下uncle和papago兄, 瞄準器的位置上有什麼竅門, 我發覺它真的很有用, 像我這個初學者, 永遠是雙筒找到的鳥單筒找很久, 直至牠飛時才找到, 多沮喪.

我見papago兄將瞄準器放在鏡上方, 原理相信和手槍一樣吧? 而uncle兄他放在左方, 相信是因為他用右眼看scope, 左眼可瞄準, 我的理解對嗎? 兩者之間孰優孰劣, 抑或這是習慣問題, 請多多指教.

本人仍然在想應該配一個dc或是一個DSLR, 自己已有DSLR, 不知應該多買一個dc? 不過其實解決方法也很簡單, DSLR試過不好, 就乾脆買一個dc吧. 有人用過nikon coolpix系列嗎? 像P6000或其他機種.

噢, 傻了眼, papago兄那個就不是nikon coolpix P5000吧? 好像有電子快門(遙控), 相片效果好嗎?

[ Last edited by thinfor at 7/07/2009 10:54 ]
Author: papago    Time: 7/07/2009 13:19

thinfor 兄想的太複雜了 , 管它黑貓白貓 , 能抓到老鼠的就是好貓 ...
因為手上沒太多金屬加工工具 , 就以手上所能找到的材料做成
剛好我的材料可以把瞄準器放在頂端, 所以我的瞄準器就在頂端了
另外我看日本網站也是說瞄準器在左右的方式是 "一眼看瞄準器,另一眼看 scope"
但我想兩眼焦距不同, 眼睛不會"脫窗" 嗎 ?

digiscoping 焦長太長, 沒有瞄準器 , 找鳥真的很累

nikon p5100 是我朋友的, 畫質還不錯, 值得推薦
但有人說 "無線'遙控 ,反應會慢半拍.... , 沒用過不曉得 ,
但我認為不管有線無線 , 只要是電子快門應該都比上面介紹的機械快門線好用
(機械快門線還是有機械彈壓動作 , 理論上還是會造成微震可能)

P.S.NIKON P6000 原廠有另售 "無線" 遙控器 , Canon G10 原廠有另售 "有線" 遙控電子快門線

[ Last edited by papago at 7/07/2009 17:17 ]
Author: papago    Time: 7/07/2009 13:36

UNCLE_WONG 兄的長板因為要卡入曼富圖油壓雲台的凹槽滑軌內
是不太可能自行 DIY 的
前面 Iwingkay 兄用木板 DIY 比較可行

[ Last edited by papago at 7/07/2009 15:40 ]
Author: thinfor    Time: 7/07/2009 13:55

謝papago兄解答, 你的回應挺快的啊!
Author: papago    Time: 7/07/2009 15:30

Original posted by thinfor at 7/07/2009 13:55
謝papago兄解答, 你的回應挺快的啊!
因職業使然 , 我幾乎是整天掛在網上的

[ Last edited by papago at 7/07/2009 15:39 ]
Author: dick    Time: 7/07/2009 16:04

Author: puppymic    Time: 8/07/2009 21:20

揍熱鬧。My Digiscoping Gear.
請問 UNCLE_WONG 兄可否講解一下怎樣連接相機跟單筒的 DCA
Author: uncle_wong_hk    Time: 9/07/2009 10:17

請問 UNCLE_WONG 兄可否講解一下怎樣連接相機跟單筒的 DCA [/quote]

我的 Adaptor 是由一段 PVC 管,加一個 Stepping ring,再加一個 8400 相機自身的 Adaptor ring 組成的。
8400 相機自身的 Adaptor ring 本來就可以直接連上 DCA。
但由於這個 Adaptor ring 的內徑太小,我要將我的 30X 目鏡上的橡膠圈拆除才可以正常使用。
為了方便平常觀鳥,我保留了這橡膠圈,並造了個內徑比較大的 Adaptor。

Image Attachment: m.JPG (9/07/2009 10:17, 54 KB) / Download count 551

Author: dick    Time: 9/07/2009 11:01

Uncle Wong,

Author: papago    Time: 9/07/2009 15:50

還好小弟的 KAMAKURA 83ED 之 LP2 目鏡有提供螺牙可以鎖上套筒(請參考)
另外 , 國外發燒友的這篇也可看看
Author: puppymic    Time: 9/07/2009 22:15

Author: 觀鳥新丁    Time: 4/11/2009 00:12

Author: papago    Time: 7/11/2009 14:14

想把單筒作品集中, 免得東一個西一個, 以後找不到
藍尾鴝 (母)
攝影參考 : Canon A640 + Kamakura 83ED

Author: papago    Time: 7/11/2009 14:18

攝影參考 : Canon A640 + Kamakura 83ED , 攝於台灣台南歸仁
秋夜氣爽, 夜鷹喜歡停棲在人少的田間產業道路上 (我猜測是因秋冬季柏油路面溫度較週邊溫度高)
不注意看以為是一陀什麼東西, 也因這個習性, 常成為車輪下的犧牲品

[ Last edited by papago at 7/11/2009 21:49 ]
Author: 觀鳥新丁    Time: 7/11/2009 14:41

Original posted by papago at 7/11/2009 14:14
想把單筒作品集中, 免得東一個西一個, 以後找不到
藍尾鴝 (母)
攝影參考 : Canon A640 + Kamakura 83ED

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