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Subject: White Stork in Poland - live [Print This Page]

Author: Eva    Time: 29/05/2009 13:01     Subject: White Stork in Poland - live  


We want to invite you for the Polish White Stork nest observation by Internet, on or streaming option - We  hope you will found it interesting to see our Storks family.
Now is 4th year with the monitoring by camera Internet with our "Close to Storks" project.

About our project you can read by pdf article from the book "White Stork in Poland". The author of the text is Paweł T. Dolata - "Close to Storks" project coordinator:

Dolata P. T. 2006. “Close to Storks” – a project of on-line monitoring of the White Stork Ciconia ciconia nest and potential use of on-line monitoring in education and research. In: Tryjanowski P., Sparks T. H., Jerzak L. (red.). The White Stork in Poland: studies in biology, ecology and conservation. Bogucki Wyd. Nauk., Poznań: 437-448.

Also you can read more news about uor White Storks at polish forum where now is a small english part:

I hope you will have nice time and nice observations. How is interest in your country about this project, you can see on the map and flags in the down part of main page.

More about us you can read also in the text down from our project coordinator - Mr Paweł T. Dolata
Best regards
Eva Stets
South Wielkopolska Group of Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (PwG OTOP)

White Stork nest in Poland in Internet – “Close to Storks” project

The „Close to Storks” project, based on the White Stork’s nest observation by Internet, is conducted since March 2006 by the South Wielkopolska Group of Polish Society for the Protection of Birds – BirdLife International partner in Poland. Monitored nest is located in Przygodzice village (51.35 N, 17.49 E) in Wielkopolska region, near the border of „Barycz Valley” Landscape Park and Special Protected Area of Natura 2000 European ecological network.
The aim of the project is show to the public the nesting period of the White Stork - species which is a non-formal sign of Poland (Polish population - about 40.000 breeding pairs - represents 20% of the total world population). The project’s title means not only technical possibility of non-stop, close monitoring of the nest, but also establishing the emotional relation of the observers with the storks.
The camera has absolutely no influence for the stork’s behaviour and does not interrupt their life. In 2006-2009 seasons the storks laid 5 eggs, in 2006-2008 - 3, 2 and 4 nestlings left the nest.
Online transmission is realized in several options to choose from according to observers’ needs and technical possibilities. Transmission with the view refreshed every 7 seconds is available on, on – the streaming view (25 frames per second), and also the streaming view for mobile phones (20 frames per second) is accessible.
The number of transmission viewers was estimated for 1.5, 3 and 5 millions in 2006-2008, coming from more than 100 countries each year. Besides Poland, the biggest numbers were from: United Kingdom, Germany and France from Europe; USA, China and from the rest of the world.
On 2nd June 2008 the site came first in worldwide ranking, now is on fifth position. Media also show their great interest in the project. Since 2006 summer „Close to Storks” Meeting is organized, and since 2007 the discussion forum site is active, with a part in English also.
Now everybody can observe five freshly hatched (between 15th and 20th May) nestlings and their feeding by earthworms by the parents.

Paweł T. Dolata
„Close to Storks” project co-ordinator

[ Last edited by Eva at 25/04/2010 00:51 ]

Image Attachment: 20 IV 2009 (5).jpg (29/05/2009 13:03, 48.7 KB) / Download count 769

Image Attachment: 17 V 2009.jpg (29/05/2009 13:04, 43.65 KB) / Download count 728

Image Attachment: 18 V 2009.jpg (29/05/2009 13:27, 51.54 KB) / Download count 728

Image Attachment: 24 V 2009 (5).jpg (29/05/2009 13:29, 38.27 KB) / Download count 725

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 29/05/2009 16:39

I've just seen the baby storks through the camera~~~ they're so lovely!!
Author: Eva    Time: 1/06/2009 15:01     Subject: White Stork in Poland - live  

In text up We was writing about our White Storks in Poland, in Przygodzice village. May be you see it on from our nest cam Anyway

I must to tell you that from Friday, 29 May 2009 change the number of or chicks. We lost one from our storks (the small, last one).
You can see more here:  http://www.bocianyzprzygodzic.pu ... hp?pid=15769#p15769

Another our small stork died at 31 V 2009. That is Nature...We hope for the tree to be good.

Best regards to all
Eva Stets

[ Last edited by Eva at 1/06/2009 15:03 ]
Author: Eva    Time: 3/06/2009 22:31     Subject: White Stork in Poland - live

As I write up - the last days was difficult for our nest. If somebody from you was looking live  at Monday (1 VI 2009), you can know how it was.
On the 1st June, was very close to happen next big problem in our nest, which, fortunately, had been avoided. Late afternoon, at 17:25, mum brought to the nest a long, thin patch of skin. Two chicks tried to eat the skin strip, each from the other end. None of them could take the remaining part from the other, or to cough up the part that was stuck in his throat. In this way, the chicks were joined together for more than two and a half hours and there existed a serious threat of suffocation.

Pawel Dolata, the project coordinator  and Wojtek Kaźmierczak, helped by the firefighters with their fire engine equipped with lift, carried out very rapid rescue action at 20:00. Pawel and Wojtek entered into the nest and two chicks got relief from the unfortunate food. They also have removed the dead chick from the nest.

You can read (and see) more about here at link:  http://www.bocianyzprzygodzic.pu ... hp?pid=16244#p16244

Down is some photos from that evening (photos by Eva Stets).



[ Last edited by Eva at 27/06/2009 11:05 ]
Author: Eva    Time: 10/06/2009 13:53     Subject: White Stork in Poland - live


The last days the weather in Poland is not so nice for our  Storks, with rein and cold is difficult time...but the  tree small going well and it is good.
They are now very bigger than 10 days ago, stay on the legs (sometime not so good), but they try to do it very well. You can see big differences in the photo - and this what is good that now they will change day by day as well you can see at:

Best regards
Eva Stets


Author: Eva    Time: 27/06/2009 11:04     Subject: White Stork in Poland - live


The time is going so quickly and now our storks change so much from the small storks one moth ago.
Few days before our Naming Contest was ended and we choose the names for them.
Three names that have received the largest number of votes, from among ten names selected by the project team, are:

Zosia,  Barycz,  Czwartak

- Zosia (Zofia) is traditional Polish name for girl, Zofia's day is 15th May, when first two small was hatched.

- Barycz is the name of the river (tributary to Oder) near Przygodzice, their wet meadows are feeding our stork. Barycz Valley is important Bird Area and Special Protected Area of Natura2000 ecological network.

- Czwartak means the fourth nestling (according to the time of birth from all 5 hatched), but it was also the name for very brave and famous soldiers of 4th Infantry Regiment during November Uprising against tsar's Russia in 1830-1831.

We hope at Saturday 27 VI 2009, about 12.00 (time in Poland) to ring and measure our storks (depend the weather may be on Sunday).

So we invite you to see it on-line in : page.

With best regards from
Paweł T. Dolata
South Wielkopolska Group of the Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (PwG OTOP)
coordinator of „Close to Storks” PwG OTOP project


[ Last edited by Eva at 27/06/2009 11:06 ]
Author: Eva    Time: 28/06/2009 05:51     Subject: White Stork in Poland - live

Hi, everyone, once more!
Our three young storks: Zosia, Barycz, and Czwartak, were ringed on 27 VI 2009. The ringing action started shortly after 12 AM (CET). It could be carried thanks to the help of local volunteer fire-fighting unit, which agreed to share their car (together with the crew) with the special “crane”. However, there was a danger that the fire engine may be mired down in the wet meadow ground, because for many days there were heavy rains in Poland. But, fortunately, everything went smoothly.

The project coordinator, Pawel T. Dolata, who is also the professional bird ringer, approached to the nest on the crane and took down all storklets. Just before that, the parent gone on the nearby roof and from there watched the event.

On the ground storks were weighed, measured (beaks and wings), and then black-white rings, ELSA type, were attached to their legs over knees. Ringing has been done on the ground under the nest, because it is safer for young storks, and it is much easier to check if any dangerous things there are in the nest - strings, fishing line, etc. When all these operations were completed, storklets had been taken to the nest again, and for some time they still played to be "dead". The action lasted 31 minutes and after next 25 minutes adult stork joined her children.

More photos you can see here (page 1 and 2): http://www.bocianyzprzygodzic.pu ... hp?pid=17632#p17632

To see a short videos from the how it was you can click:  here

From several days all three storklets actively exercise their wings preparing for their first flights. Time passes quickly and soon they begin to fly, and in the first decade of August they leave the nest to fly to Africa.

Welcome to watch them with us on !

Best regards
Eva Stets & Lucyna Ciesielska

[ Last edited by Eva at 28/06/2009 21:39 ]
Author: Eva    Time: 16/07/2009 23:31     Subject: White Stork in Poland - live

Strange White stork in our nest


The last two nights (14/15 and 15/16 July) we have very strange and interesting situation – one adult, alien stork spent these nights on the monitored nest in Przygodzice, together with 3 our nestlings, when both their adults stayed all the nights on the neighbouring chimney, their normal summer roosting place. In both mornings alien stork flow away from the nest in early morning, polish time (15.7 on 4.12 am, 16.7 on 4.40 am), after attacks of young and adult storks.

According to the ELSA type ornithological ring number (resighted by the telescope this morning by Janina Bartuzi, Wojtek Kaźmierczak and me), we know that alien stork is an adult stork called „Aggressor” with interesting story – it unsuccessfully attacked our nest in April, after the beatting by one of our adults  and falling on the roof under the nest was injured in the breast and wing. After veterinary consultation by Vet. Dr Stanisław Kempa and a first trying of releasing, „Aggressor” spend two weeks of rehabilitation on the garden od Dr Kempa in Ostrów Wielkopolski town (ca 8 km N from Przygodzice), with two other storks unable to fly. Dr Kempa is delivering them the food, but they are free in the garden. „Aggressor” flow away itself from the garden on 15th May.

As we see, he return to Przygodzice nest as the „Guest” more than „Aggressor” now

Let's observe our nest this and the next nights, maybe Guest/Aggressor will come to the nest too!

Best regards
Paweł T. Dolata
Coordinator of „Close to Storks” PwG OTOP project
Author: Eva    Time: 18/07/2009 09:31     Subject: White Stork in Poland - live

Few more words to last post (read up the story with the strange stork):

The Aggressor don't come the last two nights to our nest, so as you can see - the storks are quite. We cannot to know if the strange stork will come back again (but it is possible).

Down is some photos how they try to throw the strange, adult stork. It was at 16 VII early morning.
You can see also the action in short video here:

By the way - our youngs is ready to fly. They are now in 10 week from the day when first was hatched. So is good to try to see them, may be you will have the luck to see the first fly of them.

Best regards
Eva Stets



[ Last edited by Eva at 19/07/2009 10:33 ]
Author: Eva    Time: 21/07/2009 09:46     Subject: White Stork in Poland - live

Hi one more time!

19 July 2009, after 12.00 PM we note our storks to fly for first time. It was really a short time flight, but the bird was out from the nest more than 2 minutes.
For longer time flights we are waiting day by day to see slowly all the storks to fly and after...empty nest.
Enjoy them in:  as they are stil in the nest.

Best regards
Eva Stets  

1 - Some photos from the initial flights you can see here:
2 - On 19 July the Aggressor came at the evening but one from the parents throw him out quickly immediately.
3 - Down are photos taken on 20 July, when the youngs try to test their wings strenth.
Author: Eva    Time: 23/09/2009 05:03     Subject: White Stork in Poland - live


To finish our strork story from Przygodzice for 2009.

Here are a few infos about some significant events of the end of the 2009 season.

25th July – all the storklets were flying (the nest was empty for a longer time).

1st and 2nd August – the meeting (rally) of enthusiasts of storks was held in Przygodzice, in which, in addition to the organizers and speakers, many storks’ fans from different parts of  Poland participated. Below, a link to the gallery PWG OTOP, where one can see photos from the rally: ... bum=100&start=0

9th August – early morning two young storks were seen in the nest for the last time. Then, they probably joined other youngsters from    various local nests gathering somewhere on the meadow in a large group before leaving for Africa.

25th August – at 7:51 - the last (adult) stork, flew away

Down one photo, from Poland, from our meeting in Przygodzice.

Best regards to all from our team

[ Last edited by Eva at 25/04/2010 00:52 ]
Author: Eva    Time: 27/03/2010 13:49     Subject: White Storks come again

Welcome to the new season 2010 of the "Close-to-Storks" Project.

In the evening, on March 24, a couple of storks came to our nest - some days earlier than in previous seasons.

One of the storks has a black ring above the right knee. At the first mating, which occured very quickly, it turned out that the ringed stork is a male. This is certainly not a male from the previous year, who had no ring.

It is possible that the new male is an “Aggressor”, who last year tried to take over the nest (unsuccessfully). In the struggle he was injured (fortunately not too seriously), and he could not fly. Local vet cured and released him after several days. During convalescence of the stork Pawel T. Dolata ringed him above the right knee with a black ring "ELSA"-type (as distinct from the young storks, which are was ringed above the left knees). Two times more the same intruder appeared in the nest to spend the night together with the frightened young storks; in that time they were almost ready to fly. For some reason, he delighted this nest especially.

But as long as the ring is not read, we can not be absolutely sure that this is the same stork.

Pictures of our two storks as well as short videos can be seen here and here

It seems that the new couple decided to stay in our nest for the present breeding season.

We invite everyone to observe events in our stork-nest on our website: .

Best regards from the team of the "Close to Storks" project

[ Last edited by Eva at 29/03/2010 20:31 ]
Author: Eva    Time: 28/03/2010 12:22     Subject: White Stork in Poland - live

Last year our website appeared in international ranking of “Birding Top 1000” a very high position

This year We "start" with our storks also very good. On 27 March 2010, we achieved fourth position.
This is indeed very good result, taking into account that more than 1000 pages from all over the world participate in this ranking!  

We hope that, as in the previous years, soon we will place higher and now we are waiting for the first storks egg .

Best regards
Eva Stets

Author: Eva    Time: 2/04/2010 12:03     Subject: White Storks in Poland

1 April 2010 - 21:28 - our Storks with first egg  

Author: Eva    Time: 6/04/2010 00:59     Subject: White Storks in Poland - nest cam

The second egg was observed for the first time on 3rd April, 21:26, you can see some photos on

The third egg is expected today’s evening  (5 April 2010) – you can see it on!  

More info:  http://www.bocianyzprzygodzic.pu ... hp?pid=22660#p22660
Author: Eva    Time: 8/04/2010 10:22     Subject: White Storks in Poland

More news about eggs in nest cam in Przygodzice :

The 3rd egg was observed on 5 April 2010, 20:50
Some photos zou can see here:  http://www.bocianyzprzygodzic.pu ... hp?pid=22704#p22704

The 4th egg was observed on 7 April 2010, 21:37
Some picture you can see on:    http://www.bocianyzprzygodzic.pu ... hp?pid=22871#p22871

Short videos you can see in our forum on: http://www.bocianyzprzygodzic.pu ... hp?pid=22791#p22791

We will be waiting now for the 5th egg...:

Best regards
Eva Stets

[ Last edited by Eva at 9/04/2010 16:09 ]
Author: Eva    Time: 9/04/2010 16:11     Subject: White storks in Poland - live

Our Storks, four eggs and... may be today will be the 5th.

We invite everyone to observe events in our stork-nest on our website:

Best regards from the team of the "Close to Storks" project

Author: Eva    Time: 10/04/2010 14:33     Subject: White Storks in Poland -live

5 eggs in Przygodzice: 9 April 2010 - night and 10 April 2010 - day

Author: Eva    Time: 14/04/2010 22:57     Subject: White Storks in Poland -live


On Tsech ornithology site in english version - you can read the article of the coordinator of our project, mr Pawel T. Dolata about our storks and what was last year with the male who is now in our nest: ... mavosti&lang=en

Eva Stets
Author: Eva    Time: 16/04/2010 19:54     Subject: White Storks in Poland

16 April 2010 - some nice moments from our nest in Przygodzice :


Author: Eva    Time: 17/04/2010 18:53     Subject: White Storks in Poland - live

"Dancing Storks"  -


Author: Eva    Time: 19/04/2010 20:13     Subject: White Storks in Poland - live


Hi to all!

In our Stork site    if you click for the British flag, after you can read some more about the project "Close to Storks" with some information's from the past and this season.
Also in this site (little down) is a dates from any laying eggs this year. If you click on any date - you can see some more - the post is in polish, but there is also many photos to see all - what was the procedure with any eggs this year.

Eva Stets

[ Last edited by Eva at 19/04/2010 20:15 ]
Author: Eva    Time: 24/04/2010 23:52     Subject: White Storks in Poland -live

In stork nest in Przygodzice now is quite time because the parents care all the time for them 5 eggs. Also that moment can be interesting, special because We can understand when the care of eggs has female and when male Stork. To remember - the male Stork has black ring  (ELSA tarsus ring) - you can read more about post up.

On the photo: stay a male (you can see the ring) and female is on the eggs. For more obserwations We invite you to our site:

Author: Eva    Time: 27/04/2010 12:50     Subject: White Storks in Poland - live


Now in our nest in Przygodzice we will waiting the young’s stork. The young's are hatching 33-35 days after when the 1st egg was laying.

For example years before was:
2006 – The 1st chick was hatched after 34 days,
2007 – after 35 days,
2008 – after 35 and
2009 – after 34 days.

This year the 1st egg was laying on 1 April, so as you can see – the date to see the small storks is near. Until the first chick will be "first star" on our camera we invite you to our site  to see how and what will doing the adults storks.

Eva Stets

[ Last edited by Eva at 27/04/2010 13:05 ]
Author: Eva    Time: 30/04/2010 01:00     Subject: White Stork in Przygodzice - Poland

29 April 2010

Few days more and the youngs storks will hatching (on the photo male Stork)


Best regards
Eva Stets
Author: Eva    Time: 1/05/2010 12:29     Subject: White Storks in Poland - live

As I write posts up... this days we waiting for the chicks  
The young's will hatching 33-35 days after when the 1st egg was laying, so it can be from 3-6 May for the first small.

Until this nice moment we have to wait and see what will happen

I wish you good observations on  



[ Last edited by Eva at 3/05/2010 07:13 ]
Author: Eva    Time: 3/05/2010 15:03     Subject: White Storks in Poland -live

3 May 2010 - morning

We are waiting on  for the small storks. Did you waiting with us?  

[ Last edited by Eva at 3/05/2010 15:04 ]
Author: Eva    Time: 6/05/2010 12:27     Subject: White Storks in Poland -live

6 May 2010, 4.08 morning - The first chick hatched

Some more photos you can see here: http://www.bocianyzprzygodzic.pu ... hp?pid=23868#p23868

Short video with the moment when we see our first chick is here: http://www.bocianyzprzygodzic.pu ... hp?pid=23870#p23870

Now we will waiting for the second which must come soon. You can see it live on

Eva Stets

[ Last edited by Eva at 6/05/2010 12:29 ]
Author: Eva    Time: 6/05/2010 21:13     Subject: White Stork in Poland -live

6 May 2010, 12:35 - The second chick has hatched

You can see some picture from the moments with the second chick here:  http://www.bocianyzprzygodzic.pu ... hp?pid=23871#p23871

Also video you can see here:

So, now will waiting for the 3th small stork on:

Best regards
Eva Stets

[ Last edited by Eva at 6/05/2010 22:38 ]
Author: Eva    Time: 7/05/2010 12:37     Subject: White Stork in Poland - live

7 May 2010 early morning and we are waiting for the 3th stork chick. On the photo you can see two small end one from the eggs with some little "hole" / "shadow"

More you can see live on:


[ Last edited by Eva at 7/05/2010 15:37 ]
Author: Eva    Time: 7/05/2010 22:53     Subject: White Storks in Poland -live

7 May 2010, after 14.00h The third chick has hatched

You can see some photos and videos here:

1 - photos:

2 - videos:

Now we will waiting for the 4th chick on

Best regards
Eva Stets


[ Last edited by Eva at 8/05/2010 15:04 ]
Author: Eva    Time: 9/05/2010 11:52     Subject: White Stork in Poland - live

8th of May, the fourth chick has been hatched. We had not much opportunity to watch hatching as the egg was covered up by the other three chicks.
Now we are looking forward to the hatching of the fifth egg.

Some pictures and videos from 8 May you can see on:

http://www.bocianyzprzygodzic.pu ... hp?pid=24058#p24058

http://www.bocianyzprzygodzic.pu ... hp?pid=24119#p24119

9 May, early morning we are waiting now for the 5th and the last chick. On the photo you can see on the 5th egg small  little "hole" / "shadow", so we hope to see soon the another small.

Let's see it together on


Best regards
Eva Stets

[ Last edited by Eva at 9/05/2010 13:59 ]
Author: Eva    Time: 11/05/2010 11:45     Subject: White Storks in Poland - live

11 May 2010 5.29 morning (polish time)

Just now hatching the 5th small Stork

[ Last edited by Eva at 11/05/2010 12:16 ]
Author: Eva    Time: 11/05/2010 15:17     Subject: White Stork in Poland - live


As I write post up - 11 May 2010 - very early mornig has hatched the 5th and the last our small stork.

Some few picture you can see here:

Short video you can see here:  http://www.bocianyzprzygodzic.pu ... hp?pid=24261#p24261

So, now we will see how they going. Welcome to watch them on:

Best regards to all
Eva Stets
Author: Eva    Time: 12/05/2010 15:42     Subject: White Storks in Poland - live

12 May 2010

The...Storks five


Author: Eva    Time: 13/05/2010 19:28     Subject: White Stork in Poland - live

Very nice information about our project you can read here (Zbychur post):

http://www.bocianyzprzygodzic.pu ... hp?pid=24335#p24335

Eva Stets
Author: Eva    Time: 15/05/2010 02:49     Subject: White Storks in Poland -live

The news from our nest is not so good...
13 May we lost one from the chicks (the younger) and 14 May the second.

We hope that the another 3 small storks will be good.

Videos with the sad moments you can see on:  http://www.bocianyzprzygodzic.pu ... hp?pid=24445#p24445

On the picture, one of the parents, dirty and wet from the rain, trying to keep warm his youngs.


[ Last edited by Eva at 16/05/2010 01:21 ]
Author: Eva    Time: 19/05/2010 04:56     Subject: White Storks in Poland -live

17 May 2010 was a more sad day for all who care about the nest in Przygodzice. We lost our all chicks...

More you can read in English: ... TIStory_528247.html
In French: ... 08_38_42482396.html,info,-les-conditions-meteorologi---:7074.html

Videos what happen is here: http://www.bocianyzprzygodzic.pu ... hp?pid=24639#p24639

The adults come back at night to the nest.
Only one, what is sure - the help from coordinator of the project, Mr Pawel T. Dolata was all what we can do.

This is Nature sometime and here the winner was the bad weather...

Best regards


Author: Eva    Time: 25/05/2010 13:57     Subject: White Storks in Poland - live

25 May 2010

The adults Storks are well :


More information's about this what happen one week ago - you can read here:

[ Last edited by Eva at 25/05/2010 17:09 ]
Author: Eva    Time: 28/05/2010 06:13     Subject: White Stork in Poland - live


On Greek website of the Hellenic Wildlife Hospital (EKPAZ) ( ) there is my short article about our storks including the story of the male stork, called from last year "Aggressor" (ringed as an adult by Pawel T. Dolata with ELSA tarsus ring last spring). The text was earlier (25 April) published in Greek (therefore it covers events up to the 5th egg).   
Few days ago, it was also translated into English.

The link is: ... temid=2&lang=en

Best regards
Eva Stets

[ Last edited by Eva at 28/05/2010 06:16 ]
Author: Eva    Time: 3/06/2010 22:34     Subject: White Storks in Poland - live

As you can see on the pictures the adults Storks in our nest are OK and they are in the nest many times by day and every night.

I think, that is also very interesting to observe what doing the adults the time, when in some another nest is breeding season. I hope, you will like it to.

You can enjoy them for 24h on

Best regards
Eva Stets


Author: Eva    Time: 27/06/2010 15:50     Subject: White Storks in Poland

The stork's couple from nest in Przygodzice are well and moult (as you can see). Everyday they are in the nest in the morning and the evening - every night they are come back to the nest.

Photos taken 27 VI 2010 from

Regards with best wishes to all


[ Last edited by Eva at 27/06/2010 17:12 ]
Author: Eva    Time: 7/04/2011 03:09     Subject: White Stork in Poland - live

"Close to Storks" project - 2011

Our storks from Przygodzice in Poland came back to the nest on 31st March 2011. One of the storks has a black ring above the right knee - it is the same male Stork as in 2010 (the ring number has been confirmed next day).

Yesterday evening (5th April 2011)  female laid her first egg; it was noticed at 23:07.
You can see it on video here:

The next egg is expected tomorow evening (7th April).

We hope you can see our Storks - the link to the camera is:

More information can be found here:

We are also on Facebook:

Best regards
Eva Stets


[ Last edited by Eva at 7/04/2011 04:47 ]
Author: Eva    Time: 8/04/2011 15:50     Subject: White Stork in Poland - live

Our storks from Przygodzice have a second egg! For the first time we see the egg on 7th April 2011 at 10:18 p.m.

More about you can read here: http://www.bocianyzprzygodzic.pu ... hp?pid=30865#p30865

Short video from the moment when female show the 2nd egg is here:

We are waiting for the third egg on 9 April evening and you are welcome to join all that with us here:

Author: Eva    Time: 10/04/2011 04:25     Subject: White Srorks in Poland - live

"Close to Storks" project 2011

9 April 2011 -  9.09 p.m. - the 3rd egg

Short video is here:


[ Last edited by Eva at 10/04/2011 11:24 ]
Author: Eva    Time: 12/04/2011 15:42     Subject: White Stork in Poland - live

11 April 2011 at 21:01 - the 4th egg  and the 4 with day light

Author: Eva    Time: 14/04/2011 13:07     Subject: White Stork in Poland - live

14 April 2011 - 5 eggs in Przygodzice at 00:36.

I wish them good luck and nice small Storks.

Author: Eva    Time: 13/05/2011 16:55     Subject: White Stork in Poland - live

Przygodzice nest cam  - until now there are 4 hatched small storks and still waiting for the 5th (must be soon).

Author: Eva    Time: 14/05/2011 02:23     Subject: White Stork in Poland - live

Here you can see some short video:

before the first chick go out from the egg - when start hatching

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how was hatching the 4 small storks in Przygodzice:

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[ Last edited by Eva at 15/05/2011 15:49 ]
Author: Eva    Time: 15/05/2011 01:56     Subject: White Stork in Poland - live

The 5th small storks in Przygodzice was hatched 14 May 2011.

Short video with this important moment are here:

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Author: Eva    Time: 3/06/2011 02:56     Subject: White Stork in Poland - live

The five small storks from Przygodzice going well

Welcome to watch them on


[ Last edited by Eva at 3/06/2011 02:58 ]

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