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Subject: 敗了P6000 [Print This Page]

Author: scchu    Time: 30/07/2009 22:48     Subject: 敗了P6000

剛敗了P6000, 正研究及努力學習中。   
又在鴨寮街買了 DC mounting bracket.  需然是在祖國生產, 但望落去o的品質中規中舉。

[ Last edited by scchu at 30/07/2009 23:14 ]
Author: cwchan    Time: 31/07/2009 07:42

Don't forget to upgrade the firmware to Version 1.2,  P6000 is
Author: scchu    Time: 31/07/2009 22:15

Original posted by cwchan at 31/07/2009 07:42
Don't forget to upgrade the firmware to Version 1.2,  P6000 is

剛用單筒試機影月亮。 付上試影相片一張。

Image Attachment: [半月(30/7/2009)] DSCN0101-small.jpg (31/07/2009 22:15, 79.47 KB) / Download count 447

Author: scchu    Time: 2/08/2009 21:29

這幾天都在使用不同的設定來 digiscoping. 在傍晚時,對窗前拍幾張。 因沒有太陽光,看起來不大好。

設備: STS-80HD + P6000 + DCB-S
P6000 設定 : A(光圈先決), Zoom X2, ISO200, MF(手動對焦)

[ Last edited by scchu at 2/08/2009 21:31 ]

Image Attachment: DSCN0211a.jpg (2/08/2009 21:29, 76.7 KB) / Download count 436

Image Attachment: DSCN0261a.jpg (2/08/2009 21:31, 81.21 KB) / Download count 459

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