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Subject: [Eagles] 黑翅鳶 Black-winged Kite [Print This Page]

Author: thinfor    Time: 31/07/2009 15:12     Subject: 黑翅鳶 Black-winged Kite

Poor record photos.  Anyway, so happy to see this raptor!  

30Jul09 PM, MPNR

[ Last edited by thinfor at 31/07/2009 15:13 ]
Author: kfmak    Time: 31/07/2009 16:45

嘩, 好呀, 我好想見嘅猛禽! Wah!  Excellent , it is the raptor I want to meet very much!
Author: lchunfai    Time: 31/07/2009 20:21



有d 邪ga  

用50mm 駁單筒??
Author: gary    Time: 31/07/2009 20:36

oh! nice bird, it's an adult, isn't?
have not seen it for long time.
Author: thinfor    Time: 31/07/2009 22:05

Thanks all.

Fai:  Just luck indeed.  It was just reported on 29Jul from the WWF blackboard.  One more record last week for the black-winged kite, if my memory is correct.  Yes, just handheld digiscope with around 50mm focal length.  So high ISO was used with much noise.

Gary:  I think so but not 100% confirmed.  It's my new tick!

BTW, I saw it at Pond #8.  It hovered and perched on those leafless branches alternately.
Author: bkenneth    Time: 2/08/2009 21:50

It was still there this evening (2 Aug) - Pond 8 area.

Author: kfmak    Time: 2/08/2009 22:19

I have been there this morning but cannot see it!
Author: mhs    Time: 2/08/2009 22:46

It was still there this evening (2 Aug) - Pond 8 area.

Which time, I leave pond 8 about 2:00pm
Author: bkenneth    Time: 2/08/2009 23:46

6:45 p.m onwards. Did not spot it before then. Flying around and hovering for about 20 minutes. Not shy at all.
Hope that helps.

Author: mhs    Time: 3/08/2009 20:47

Hi Ken, Thanks.
Author: John Holmes    Time: 6/09/2009 22:06     Subject: Black-winged Kite still around

Saw the BWK from the Tower Hide at Mai Po between 17:30 and 18:10hrs today, 2009-09-06

VERY distant for a photo !

ID MK IIn + 800mm + 1.4x

Image Attachment: 090906_BSKwingup-01.jpg (6/09/2009 22:06, 39.72 KB) / Download count 409

Author: kmatthew    Time: 6/09/2009 22:57

We were also at MaiPo during 5:30pm John, if someone was making considerable amount of noise downstairs of you at the tower hide, it would probably been us!! The BWK was hovering and hunting near the lily pond for 30 minutes before 7pm.

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