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Subject: Long Valley updates 塱原最新情況 [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 31/07/2009 15:21     Subject: Long Valley updates 塱原最新情況

Long Valley updates 塱原最新情況
Illegal dumping of C&D waste was discovered in large scale in Ho Sheung Heung recently and follow-up by corresponding Governmental departments and police. If bird watchers found trucks with soil and waste entering Long Valley or Ho Sheung Heung, please mark down the date, time and vehicle number and contact HKBWS staff as soon as possible.

In order to introduce Long Valley to visitors, we have set up a sign introducing Long Valley with a suggeseted route at the entrance near Ho Sheung Heung (in Chinese only). Visitors can know more about Long Valley during their visit.

We are going to set up a few more signs in Long Valley. If bird watchers have any suggestions or comments on the signs, or if the sign is damaged, please contact HKBWS staff. Thank you very much!

聯絡方法 Contact:
電話 Tel: 2377 4387
電郵 Email:
傳真 Fax: 2314 3687

Image Attachment: DSCF7743.JPG (31/07/2009 15:21, 567.82 KB) / Download count 651

Image Attachment: DSCF7744.JPG (31/07/2009 15:21, 556.04 KB) / Download count 633

Image Attachment: DSCF7746.JPG (31/07/2009 15:21, 341.93 KB) / Download count 711

Author: gary    Time: 31/07/2009 20:33

It's nice. But hope the design has adopted endurable material. Usual printing material color will fade out very soon under sunlight, not mention the leakage of rain water.
Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 3/08/2009 10:07

Thank you Gary!
The content sheets now using is just a temporary one. They will be replaced by some plastic like material sheet later on.
Author: lalan    Time: 4/08/2009 13:24

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 4/08/2009 14:14

謝謝你的提醒, 我都幾乎忘了要避開西斜, 可惜塱原實在太開揚, 如果放樹蔭底又怕個牌唔顯眼, 我地再想想辦法。
Author: lalan    Time: 10/09/2009 09:44

Author: butter    Time: 11/09/2009 11:57

Original posted by lalan at 10/09/2009 09:44
要完全防水真是很難呢! 可否考慮放在遮蔭處, 但用一丁點'反光'或'螢光'東西引路人注意?
下月18日在河上鄉有定向賽, 不知他們會否順道過來看一下?

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