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Subject: 新書New book: 飛羽瞬間:中國野生鳥類精彩圖片選 [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS WY    Time: 7/08/2009 11:54     Subject: 新書New book: 飛羽瞬間:中國野生鳥類精彩圖片選


蘇毅雄  Samson So






China is a country with over 1300 species of bird, some 20% of the world total, including many endemic species as well as globally endangered species. All of these birds make good subjects for wildlife photographers.

Digital technology has invited more people to indulge in wildlife photography. Economy development in mainland China has also made photography a more affordable hobby. Over the last decade, more and more elusive birds in China were shown to the world.

In 2008, Chinese National Geography organized ‘The Best Wild Bird Pictures of China’ photo competition which attracted a good number of entrances. Some of these wonderful bird pictures are now in print, in the ‘The Best Wild Bird Pictures of China: Volume One’ which included 122 pictures from 77 photographers. The assorted pictures show the beauties of birds of montane regions, primary forests, snow-covered area as well as coastal wetlands.

The book has a map showing the suitable birdwatching locations in China which enthusiasts can refer to. In addition, a map showing the migratory routes of birds over China provides essential information for birdwatchers and photographers to understand the global importance of China in terms of bird conservation.

Each picture in this book has the Chinese, English and scientific names of the bird. Photographers’ notes and background information of the birds are also provided. ‘The Best Wild Bird Pictures of China: Volume One’ is a valuable reference book for vivid birdwatchers and wildlife photographers.

‘The Best Wild Bird Pictures of China: Volume One’ is edited by Zhang Suqinq and Zhao Cao, published by Encyclopedia of China Publishing House, RMB 198.

特價優惠香港觀鳥會會員 Special Offer to Members of HKBWS-
會員Member:港幣$180 HK$180   非會員Non-member:港幣$220 HK$220
Interested parties can order the book by sending cheque (payable to "The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society Ltd") to our office by mail or by hand. We will contact you once the book is ready. Deadline for ordering: 31 Aug 2009

A copy is available for you to read in our office.


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Author: HKBWS WY    Time: 11/08/2009 16:42


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Author: HKBWS WY    Time: 11/08/2009 16:42

Author: HKBWS WY    Time: 30/10/2009 17:35

會員:港幣$200   非會員:港幣$230

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