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Subject: 請幫忙留意彩色腳旗 Plz help to record flagged shorebirds [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 1/09/2009 12:11     Subject: 請幫忙留意彩色腳旗 Plz help to record flagged shorebirds


今年秋季沧州开始使用上蓝下黄旗标组合环志鸻鹬类涉禽,目前已经环志了700余只,由于天津也使用这个组合,所以沧州的黄色旗标有剪角. 沧州多年来在孟德榮老师的努力下,环志成效很高,现在使用了彩色旗标,相信观察回收率会有很大提高的,在此表示祝贺!!!


News from mainland China:

Cangzhou, Hebei Province, started using blue and yellow flags to ring the shorebirds this autumn. They have already ringed 700 individuals. Since the colour combination is the same as that in Tianjin, the yellow flag is cut at corner.

If you discover any shorebirds with this combination, please contact Mr. Meng Derong ( and Mr. Bai Qingquan (

Thank you~

Author: yyattung    Time: 1/09/2009 14:06


如你發現任何有腳旗的涉禽及水鳥,也請匯報給我或鳥會. 謝謝!


If you have sightings of any flagged shorebirds or waterbirds, please also report to me or the society office.


Yu Yat Tung
Waterbird Monitoring Programme
Author: wcaptain    Time: 19/09/2009 23:58

One Greater Sandplover with white (upper) and yellow (lower) on the right leg was seen on a mudlfat at Sha tau Kok this afternoon (19 Sept 2009).

It is a bit away and I identified it based on its large size. Is it a HK ringed bird?


[ Last edited by wcaptain at 20/09/2009 22:05 ]
Author: ajohn    Time: 20/09/2009 13:47

Yes, this must a HK bird. It's unusual to get records away from the Deep Bay area, and I'm sure this must be the first from Sha Tau Kok. Could you see if the flags were fresh - we have flagged a few GSP this autumn, but it is perhaps more likely that this is a bird flagged in a previous year.
Author: wcaptain    Time: 20/09/2009 22:04

The flags are still sharp and colourful. Yes, the first time of recording flagged shorebirds at Sha Tau Kok. Captain

[ Last edited by wcaptain at 20/09/2009 22:06 ]
Author: John Holmes    Time: 20/02/2010 22:38     Subject: Saunders' Gull with BLUE Leg Flag

2010-February-20 - Mai Po Boardwalk
(1D MK IV + 800mm + 1.4x)

Spotted by Carrie Kilburn

Image Attachment: JGHL8525-01.jpg (20/02/2010 22:38, 63.08 KB) / Download count 726

Author: John Holmes    Time: 21/02/2010 20:26     Subject: Saunders's Gull with blue leg flag

Saunders's Gull with a DX blue leg flag on the left tibia and metal ring on the right with Chinese characters looks like "北京" Beijing?
2010 Feb 21 @ falling tide
Boardwalk MPNR

Image Attachment: [probably the same individual as 20th feb] DX100222-01.jpg (21/02/2010 20:26, 90.24 KB) / Download count 673

Image Attachment: [Close-up of leg flag and ring] DX100222ring-01.jpg (21/02/2010 20:26, 79.93 KB) / Download count 666

Author: kestrel    Time: 23/02/2010 16:31

Great photo!
I think this bird was banded in Yancheng NNR,Jiangsu province,China.A total of Three sites have band sauders's gull in China mainland,as far as know.

1、Shuangtaizihekou NNR,Panjin,Liaoning province. one leg with an engraved Red flag and a color-band on another leg(recent years). to get Both the flag number and the color of the color-band can id the individuals. they tied only a red-band on the leg some years ago,the gulls must be old birds if still alive.  
2、Huanghe delta NNR,Dongying,Shandong province. one leg with an engraved green flag
3、Yancheng NNR,Jiangsu province. one leg with an engraved blue flag

Except china,Japan also banding saunder'gull, one leg with a Yellow engraved flag,as far as know.

[ Last edited by kestrel at 23/02/2010 16:52 ]
Author: yyattung    Time: 23/02/2010 16:42


Thanks for your message!




Author: John Holmes    Time: 23/02/2010 18:53

Kestrel, Tung,

Very interesting, thanks for that information !

Author: Sze    Time: 24/02/2010 00:26

kestrel!Thank you so much for your sharing! Useful information!

嘗試翻譯了 kestrel 的資料,如有錯誤,請大家不吝指正,謝謝!

kestrel認為此黑嘴鷗(sauders's gull)是在中國江蘇省鹽城國家級自然保護區(Yancheng NNR,Jiangsu province,China)被環誌的。據kestrel所知中國共有3個地方有環誌過黑嘴鷗,包括:

1) 在遼寧省(Liaoning province)盤錦(Panjin)的雙台河口國家級自然保護區(Shuangtaizihekou NNR)。近年來這保護區會在黑嘴鷗的一隻腳套上紅色的腳旗,而另一隻腳則套上顏色色環,如可得知腳旗上的編號及色環的顏色,則可知道該黑嘴鷗的身份。數年前,保護區只在海鷗的腳上套上紅色色環。

2) 山東省(Shandong province)東營(Dongying)的黃河三角州國家級自然保護區(Huanghe delta NNR),保護區會為雀鳥套上綠色的腳旗。

3) 江蘇省鹽城國家級自然保護區(Yancheng NNR,Jiangsu province)),保護區會為雀鳥套上藍色的腳旗。

Original posted by kestrel at 23/02/2010 16:31
Great photo!
I think this bird was banded in Yancheng NNR,Jiangsu province,China.A total of Three sites have band sauders's gull in China mainland,as far as know.

1、Shuangtaizihekou NNR,Panjin,Liaoning province. one leg with an engraved Red flag and a color-band on another leg(recent years). to get Both the flag number and the color of the color-band can id the individuals. they tied only a red-band on the leg some years ago,the gulls must be old birds if still alive.  
2、Huanghe delta NNR,Dongying,Shandong province. one leg with an engraved green flag
3、Yancheng NNR,Jiangsu province. one leg with an engraved blue flag

Except china,Japan also banding saunder'gull, one leg with a Yellow engraved flag,as far as know.
[ Last edited by Sze at 24/02/2010 00:30 ]
Author: sdavid    Time: 2/03/2010 14:01

A few Hong Kong flagged birds today from the boardwalk included:

Great Knot
Greater Sandplover
Grey Plover (x3)
Black-tailed Godwit

Some of these must be returning migrants
Author: John Holmes    Time: 30/03/2010 07:11     Subject: Flagged Great Knot @ MPNR 100329

Sighting on 29/03/2010
@ MPNR Boardwalk
@ incoming tide

Image Attachment: [Flagged Great Knot - blue over white - incoming tide] 010329_003-01.jpg (30/03/2010 07:11, 76.96 KB) / Download count 640

Image Attachment: [Flagged Great Knot - Orange Yellow 'KUU' - incoming tide] 010329_002-01.jpg (30/03/2010 07:11, 105.29 KB) / Download count 644

Author: ajohn    Time: 30/03/2010 12:59

John, I think the first of your pictures shows the flag combination black over white, indicating a bird flagged in Shanghai.
The second is from Australia, and the lettering will be unique to this individual. If you contact the AWSG (, they should be able to provide more details of this individual.
Author: John Holmes    Time: 1/04/2010 14:24     Subject: Australian Flagged Shorebirds

John A.,

Thanks for the reminder, I've reported Great Knot "KUU" on the form at the website you linked to, and another one, "KDB" seen on 30th March.

I'll Email Tung about the Shanghai (Chongming Dao ?) flags in case he's missed this thread.

John H.
Author: John Holmes    Time: 3/04/2010 08:37     Subject: Great Knot - KUU

This is the reply we got from the Austrian Waders Study group about KUU.  


First international sighting of this bird. 
Interestingly, aged '1' when banded. 
Great Knot
            07/06/2009    Richards Point, Roebuck Bay, Broome  (-18.00, 122.37)  Australia
                             06303993 (KUU) Aged 1 
            23/10/2009    Stilt Viewing, Roebuck Bay, Broome  (-17.98, 122.33)  Australia
                             KUU Alice Ewing

Please note that as the two or three character alphanumeric code on the engraved flag (or five-character individual colour-band code) has been identified, this record will be 'officially' processed as a recovery by the ABBBS. Once this has occurred the attached 'interim' flag sighting report will be deleted.

The banding details were as follows:

Band Number: 06303993 (engraved flag KUU)
Date of banding: 7/06/2009

Age of bird when banded: 1
Locode: 800001 (Beaches, Crab Ck Rd, Roebuck Bay, Broome)

From: AWSG Leg Flag Sightings
c/o Clive Minton,
165 Dalgetty Rd.,
Beaumaris, VIC 3193

Phone/Fax: 61 3 9589 4901

Dear John and Jemi Holmes,

Thank you for recording the details of the flagged wader that was recently sighted. We appreciate your action in reporting this information, which will contribute to our understanding of the migration of birds in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway.

Please check the information given below and advise me if any details appear incorrect.

A Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris was sighted in a flock of 90 birds by John and Jemi Holmes at: Mai Po NR, Hong Kong (China) 22deg 30min 0sec N, 114deg 10min 0sec E  on 30/03/2010 with flag(s) as follows:


LEFT leg: nothing/unknown on tibia (upper leg) above nothing/unknown on tarsus
RIGHT leg: yellow engraved flag on tibia (upper leg) above nothing/unknown on tarsus

This bird was flagged Beaches, Crab Ck Rd, Roebuck Bay, Broome, approximate co-ordinates 18deg 0min S, 122deg 22min E, which uses the flag combination Yellow Engraved, on 7/06/2009.

The resighting was a distance of approximately 4592 km, with a bearing of 348 degrees, from the marking location.

Plumage described as: Partial Breeding.

First international sighting of this bird.  Interestingly, aged '1' when banded. 
Photo at: ... &extra=page%3D1

Thank you for contributing to shorebird research studies in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway.  The information you have helped to collect is valuable for scientific and conservation purposes.

Please report to us any further flag sightings you may make in the future.  This can be direct or via the electronic form on the Australasian Wader Studies Group website:

The "processing" of leg flag sightings is financially supported by the Australian Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts.

Yours sincerely,

Clive Minton,
Australasian Wader Studies Group

Processed 02/04/2010,
our reference: 00024593 (UNH37785).


[ Last edited by John Holmes at 3/04/2010 08:41 ]
Author: John Holmes    Time: 3/04/2010 08:47     Subject: Great Knot - Black/ White flags

Message partially quoted

.....A Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris was sighted by John and Jemi Holmes
at: Mai Po NR, Hong Kong (China) 22deg 30min 0sec N, 114deg 10min 0sec E
on 30/03/2010 with flag(s) as follows:

      LEFT leg: nothing/unknown on tibia (upper leg) above
nothing/unknown on tarsus
      RIGHT leg: black flag on tibia (upper leg) above white flag on

This bird was flagged at Chongming Dao, Shanghai, China, approximate
co-ordinates 31deg 27min N, 121deg 55min E, which uses the flag
combination Black/White, since April 2006.

The resighting was a distance of approximately 1256 km, with a bearing
of 219 degrees, from the marking location.....

Message unquote

[ Last edited by John Holmes at 3/04/2010 09:06 ]
Author: John Holmes    Time: 3/04/2010 09:05     Subject: Great Knot - KDB

This bird was seen on March 29, 2010 by YU Yat Tung,
seen again on March 30, 2010 on the incoming tide.

Message partially quoted

Many thanks.  These are the first international resightings of this bird.
Great Knot
            05/07/2009    Wader Spit, Roebuck Bay, Broome  (-18.00, 122.37)  Australia
                             06307722 (KDB) Aged 2+ 
            19/10/2009    Stilt Viewing, Roebuck Bay, Broome  (-17.98, 122.33)  Australia
                             KDB Alice Ewing
            23/10/2009    Stilt Viewing, Roebuck Bay, Broome  (-17.98, 122.33)  Australia
                             KDB Alice Ewing

Band Number: 06307722 (engraved flag KDB)

Date of banding: 5/07/2009
Age of bird when banded: 2+
Locode: 800001 (Beaches, Crab Ck Rd, Roebuck Bay, Broome)


From: AWSG Leg Flag Sightings

c/o Clive Minton,

165 Dalgetty Rd.,

VIC 3193

A Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris was sighted by Yu Yat Tung at: Mai Po NR, Hong Kong (China) 22deg 30min 0sec N, 114deg 10min 0sec E  on 29/03/2010 with flag(s) as follows:


LEFT leg: nothing/unknown on tibia (upper leg) above nothing/unknown on tarsus
RIGHT leg: yellow engraved flag on tibia (upper leg) above nothing/unknown on tarsus

This bird was flagged Beaches, Crab Ck Rd, Roebuck Bay, Broome, approximate co-ordinates 18deg 0min S, 122deg 22min E, which uses the flag combination Yellow Engraved, on 5/07/2009.

The resighting was a distance of approximately 4592 km, with a bearing of 348 degrees, from the marking location.

Message unquote

Image Attachment: [Great Knot - KDB - March 30, 2010] _JH_1917-01.jpg (3/04/2010 09:05, 59.25 KB) / Download count 640

Author: John Holmes    Time: 26/04/2010 19:45     Subject: Flagged Terek Sandpiper

MPNR boardwalk  26th April 2010

Red-over-blue - Tasmania  ?  Is this a "first"  ?

Image Attachment: Flagged_Terek_JH_8855-01.jpg (26/04/2010 19:45, 56.1 KB) / Download count 650

Author: yyattung    Time: 26/04/2010 20:47

Hi John,

Yes, it is a first record of a Terek Sandpiper in this colour combination.

I think it is flagged at Sumatra, Indonesia.

Author: wazy    Time: 27/04/2010 23:01     Subject: MP April 23 2010

Pls let me, where was double yellow tagged bird from?

Author: yyattung    Time: 28/04/2010 00:08

The colour combination of flegs are actually white above and yellow below. However, birds in HK always need to wade over muddy water in Deep Bay and so flegs would be covered by mud after some time and become yellow and 'darker' yellow.

This bird is fitted with flegs in Hong Kong.

Thanks for your report.
Author: wazy    Time: 28/04/2010 00:17

Thanks for the info. I was suspected they were white & yellow tags......

more picture from the same day & same place, but not so clear

[ Last edited by wazy at 28/04/2010 00:19 ]
Author: John Holmes    Time: 28/04/2010 14:24     Subject: Flagged Greater Sandplover

23rd April 2010  at MPNR boardwalk  (already reported to AWSG via their website)

Image Attachment: AKP_yellow_GSP_23April_j-01.jpg (28/04/2010 14:24, 69.24 KB) / Download count 623

Author: sdavid    Time: 28/04/2010 15:34

I think this flag has been put on the wrong bird.

It certainly doesn't look like "A KP"!

Author: John Holmes    Time: 28/04/2010 21:42     Subject: Greater Sand Plover (AKP) - not "A KP" !

Original posted by John Holmes at 28/04/2010 14:24
23rd April 2010  at MPNR boardwalk  (already reported to AWSG via their website)

Message partially quoted

Please note: First international sighting of this bird.
Previous sightings of this Greater Sand Plover:
            05/09/2009    Richards Point, Roebuck Bay, Broome  (-18.00, 122.37)  Australia
                             05254416 (AKP) Aged 2 
            19/09/2009    Beaches, Crab Ck Rd, Roebuck Bay, Broome  (-18.00, 122.37)  Australia
                             AKP Klaus Hein
            20/10/2009    Two Dog Hermit beach, Roebuck Bay, Broome  (-18.00, 122.37)  Australia
                             AKP Alice Ewing
            25/10/2009    Eagles Roost, Roebuck Bay, Broome  (-17.92, 122.58)  Australia
                             AKP Alice Ewing

Please note that as the two or three character alphanumeric code on the engraved flag (or five-character individual colour-band code) has been identified, this record will be 'officially' processed as a recovery by the ABBBS. Once this has occurred the attached 'interim' flag sighting report will be deleted.

The banding details were as follows:

Band Number: 05254416 (engraved flag AKP)

Date of banding: 5/09/2009

Age of bird when banded: 2

Locode: 800001 (Beaches, Crab Ck Rd, Roebuck Bay, Broome)

From: AWSG Leg Flag Sightings

c/o Clive Minton,
165 Dalgetty Rd.,

Beaumaris, VIC 3193


Please report to us any further flag sightings you may make in the future.  This can be direct or via the electronic form on the Australasian Wader Studies Group website:

The "processing" of leg flag sightings is financially supported by the Australian Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts.

Yours sincerely,

Clive Minton,
Australasian Wader Studies Group

Processed 28/04/2010, our reference: 00024746 (UNH37792).

Message unquote

[ Last edited by John Holmes at 28/04/2010 21:44 ]
Author: yyattung    Time: 15/09/2010 13:55     Subject: Sighting of a flagged Curlew Sandpiper (3E)

For your information

Summary of sightings
Curlew Sandpiper
Banding/Recapture        3E
12/11/2007        BEACHES CRAB CK RD ROEBUCK BAY BROOME  (-18.00, 122.37)  Australia
04234288  (3E) Aged 3+  

Resighting        3E
04/09/2008        Wader Beach, Roebuck Bay, Broome  (-17.98, 122.33)  Australia
Chris Hassell (Good flag condition)

16/10/2008        Tattler Rocks, Roebuck Bay, Broome  (-17.92, 122.58)  Australia
Alice Ewing (Good flag condition)

01/10/2009        Richards Point, Roebuck Bay, Broome  (-17.97, 122.33)  Australia
Alice Ewing (Slightly Faded flag condition)

04/10/2009        Wader Beach, Roebuck Bay, Broome  (-17.98, 122.33)  Australia
Alice Ewing (Good flag condition)

28/04/2010        Mai Po  (22.48, 119.23)  Hong Kong (China)
Yu Yat Tung

12/09/2010        Wader Beach, Roebuck Bay, Broome  (-17.98, 122.33)  Australia
Chris Hassell
Author: kkitty    Time: 26/09/2010 23:04

26 Sept 2010
Red-necked stint (with flag blue/blue) (from Hokkaido ?)

Author: yyattung    Time: 27/09/2010 00:40

I also see blue flags on both tibia and tarsus of right leg. I also think it is flagged at Northern Hokkaido. It is a very good re-sighting because we don't usually have sightings from birds flagged at Japan.

Thank you very much
Author: kkitty    Time: 1/10/2010 23:07

Greater Sand Plover
26 Sept 2010
Mai Po

with new HK flags

Author: tbob    Time: 5/12/2010 19:27

5th December 2010, Nam Sang Wai

Sorry for poor quality it is only a small section of video frame

Image Attachment: Flagged Bird.jpg (5/12/2010 19:27, 160.63 KB) / Download count 586

Author: kyshum    Time: 16/04/2011 19:49

16 Apr 2011
Mai Po




Author: puppymic    Time: 16/04/2011 23:08

Curlew Sandpiper (white and yellow flag - A9)
16 Apr 2011 - Mai Po Boardwalk

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