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Subject: 香港鳥類圖鑑(第一版)校勘表 Corrigendum Photoguide to the Birds of HK [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS WY    Time: 19/10/2009 17:38     Subject: 香港鳥類圖鑑(第一版)校勘表 Corrigendum Photoguide to the Birds of HK

謝謝各位對香港鳥類圖鑑的支持,為了令圖鑑的校對更有系統,我們先將已收集到的資料刊登如下,歡迎各位鳥友繼續提供有關資料,我們會不斷修正。但為了方便鳥友及讀者檢閱,請把有關資料以電郵(Email-h kbws@hkb或短消息(PM)傳給本會。

Thank you for your support to our new book "A Photographic Guide to the Birds of Hong Kong". In order to maintain a systematic corrigendum, we will update the below table regularly. Please forward your comment and correction to us through email (hkb ws@hk or PM once you find any mistake.
Thank you so much.
HKBWS Office

Image Attachment: 校勘表 Corrigendum_20100104.jpg (4/01/2010 12:22, 457.15 KB) / Download count 911

Author: HKBWS WY    Time: 12/04/2010 15:45

香港觀鳥圖鑑現正準備再版,假如你發現書上有任何錯漏,請以電郵(hkbw w@hk或PM把資料轉交本會。

The book "A Photographic Guide to the Birds of Hong Kong" will be reprinted shortly. Please forward us any mistakes you found in this book through email (hkbw w@hk or PM.
HKBWS Office

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