Subject: 香港鳥類圖鑑(第一版)校勘表 Corrigendum Photoguide to the Birds of HK [Print This Page] Author: HKBWS WY Time: 19/10/2009 17:38 Subject: 香港鳥類圖鑑(第一版)校勘表 Corrigendum Photoguide to the Birds of HK
Thank you for your support to our new book "A Photographic Guide to the Birds of Hong Kong". In order to maintain a systematic corrigendum, we will update the below table regularly. Please forward your comment and correction to us through email (hkb ws@hk or PM once you find any mistake.
Thank you so much.
HKBWS Office
The book "A Photographic Guide to the Birds of Hong Kong" will be reprinted shortly. Please forward us any mistakes you found in this book through email (hkbw w@hk or PM.
HKBWS Office
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