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Subject: [Ducks] Cotton Pygmy Goose [Print This Page]

Author: wleepoin    Time: 24/10/2009 21:02     Subject: Cotton Pygmy Goose

Shan Pui Tsuen
24th October, 2009

Many thanks to Ho Fai, Ah Tung, Dickson and Steven Cheung for the news so that all have the chance to see this rare bird! (4th record for HK)

Big Cheers
PWMK :-)

[ Last edited by wleepoin at 25/10/2009 06:37 ]
Author: ypakwai    Time: 24/10/2009 23:05

Author: thinfor    Time: 25/10/2009 03:02

I'm not aiming to challenge how many HK records for this cute Cotton Pygmy-goose but just want to share to all of you something from previous bird reports.  Experienced birders are very welcome to share their previous happy moments when they first saw the pygmy-goose.  The habitat and the surrounding environment at that time would be very interesting to our new beginners.  

Quote from The Hong Kong Bird Report 1974

48x. Cotton Teal
A female or clipse bird at Mai Po on 23 October.  This is the second Colony record.

Look at the date.  Even it's already 35 years ago, the pygmy-gooses seem to be quite 'punctual'.
Author: wleepoin    Time: 25/10/2009 06:43

Thanks Thinfor for the corrections!

Here are the records that i know of, correct us if still wrong.

1) 23rd October, 1974
2) 31st October, 1976
3) 29th October, 2006
4) 24th October, 2009

Yes, a truly punctual bird!!
Michelle is so happy that she doesn't have to wait for another 30 years to see it. :-)

Author: gary    Time: 25/10/2009 10:38


A little gossip about the history of this bird in Hong Kong:
Pokfulam in western HK Island is named after "Pok Fu" duck was found abundant in the place (Pokfulam is literally mean a wood for ducks named Pok Fu).
However, we could not know if old name "Pok Fu" was referring the same Cotton Pygmy-goose (Min Fu) we see today .

[ Last edited by gary at 25/10/2009 10:41 ]
Author: thinfor    Time: 25/10/2009 11:45

Thanks PWMK for your further information for the records!  

Ha, from the bird records, it looks as if it's an IQ question -

1) 23rd October, 1974
2) 31st October, 1976 (2 years?)
3) 29th October, 2006 (30 years?)
4) 24th October, 2009 (3 years?)
5) Oct, 20??

In this case, the logic might be another 30 years for the 5th record, i.e. 2039?! and then 6th one 4 (3+1 years) years after, i.e. 2043?!    Oh no please!!!
(just daydreaming, don't believe it...)

BTW, from 1974 report, 23Oct74 was just the 2nd record?!  Then for the first one was...?    Very interesting...
Author: wleepoin    Time: 25/10/2009 21:56

Shan Pui Tsuen
25th October, 2009
Author: kmike    Time: 25/10/2009 22:01

Love the final shot.

Here for at least 3 days now - all the others only stayed one day.

Mike K
Author: thinfor    Time: 25/10/2009 22:51

I love the first shot.  The water drops from the pygmy goose just froze in the air!

[ Last edited by thinfor at 26/10/2009 08:15 ]
Author: cfrankie    Time: 26/10/2009 00:43

Great Shot !!!Peter !!
Author: tmichael    Time: 26/10/2009 09:56

Anyone with access to Carey et al 2001 has this information, but to respond to thinfor's query, what the 1974 HKBR considered the first record must have been the currently unsupported record of one shot at Chuk Yuen in September 1969.

Carey et al 2001 and Chalmers 1986 both also include reference to one shot at Fanling on 25 October 1931 (considered the first record by Chalmers but later considered unsupported) - obviously the date for that one looks excellent, and if we disregard the 1969 record but include the 1931 one, this would mean that all five records for this species have been within a nine day period from 23-31 October.

Mike Turnbull.
Author: thinfor    Time: 26/10/2009 17:43

Thanks very much for your detailed information for the records!

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