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Subject: Digiscoping with Swarovski's fieldscope converter TLS800 [Print This Page]

Author: lwingkay    Time: 2/11/2009 00:13     Subject: Digiscoping with Swarovski's fieldscope converter TLS800

Gears: Swarovski 80 HD ATS and its TLS800 and Fuji S5 Pro.
Focal length: The fieldscope becomes an f10 800mm telephotographic lens and the resultant focal length on S5 Pro as a result of APS-sized sensor cropping is 1200mm.
Shooting location: Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shutter speed:  As shown as in shot

1  Shutter speed: 1/40 sec

2      1/20 sec

3    1/70 sec

4   1/90 sec

5     1/80 sec

Author: 觀鳥新丁    Time: 4/11/2009 20:00

GOOD...是為了易操作及pq關係, s5不配鏡頭?
Author: lwingkay    Time: 4/11/2009 23:59

Original posted by 觀鳥新丁 at 4/11/2009 20:00
GOOD...是為了易操作及pq關係, s5不配鏡頭?
多謝賞圖。可否給多點提示,以便回覆?  Peter
Author: 觀鳥新丁    Time: 5/11/2009 00:39

由於小弟初了解DIGISCOPING, 故很多事都不懂.

想請教DSLR配MONOCULAR是不用再裝鏡頭, 直接駁EYEPIECE加套筒, 便可以?

由於看其他資料得知, DIGISCOPIMG以DC配MONOCULAR的效果較配dslr更好, 何解師兄會使用dslr作配答.


Author: cbryan    Time: 5/11/2009 01:21

new ding (haha, kinda like your name),

using a dslr with a field scope (or what you call monocular) you need an adaptor.  in that case the scope will be turned to a tele lens equivalent, in the case of Swarovski, Nikon and Leica, etc., a 800mm.  but the dslr loses autofocus function and the largest aperture greatly reduced.  but some still opt for this setup maybe due to the instantaneous response of the dslr and rapid continuous burst of dslr.

using a dc with a field scope can have the eyepiece of the fieldscope on as well.  e.g. using a 30x eyepiece will then give you 800 x 30 = 2400mm equivalent, which is way more powerful magnification.  then you can add to that with the optical zoom of the dc.  so the magnification provided by a fieldscope+dc combo is beyond comparison.  it's also a lighter setup and there's no vibration due to the mirror flip of dslr so vibration in this setup is less of an issue considering the same focal length equivalent.  but dc hunts when focusing and the response is generally slower.

i've seen ppl using a fieldscope + eyepiece + dslr with lens (e.g. 50mm) on or with extension tube as well.  haven't tried it but it seems a very cumbersome setup and difficult to carry around in the field.

Author: puppymic    Time: 5/11/2009 01:30

fieldscope + eyepiece + dslr with lens is my recent setup

Swarovski STS-80HD + 30x eyepiece + Panasonic GH1 + 20mm/f1.7

Image Attachment: GH1.jpg (5/11/2009 01:30, 185.36 KB) / Download count 565

Author: cbryan    Time: 5/11/2009 01:33

wow.  so mandy you can actually use autofocus of your dslr.  and u're using the flat adapting plate already.

Author: lwingkay    Time: 5/11/2009 10:37

有關 觀鳥新丁於Thread 4的提問:
想請教DSLR配MONOCULAR是不用再裝鏡頭, 直接駁EYEPIECE加套筒, 便可以?
由於看其他資料得知, DIGISCOPIMG以DC配MONOCULAR的效果較配dslr更好, 何解師兄會使用dslr作配答.

有一點想提,就是這個配搭裡單鏡機的用鏡問題。我傾向用zoom lens,以便拍攝時進行構圖。Digiscoping的焦距動輒1500mm以上。在這焦距情況下,找到被攝体已是一種造化了,委實不容易。如果發覺入景的被攝体不太合自已剪裁的心意,就真有點不是味兒。事後做剪裁是一種出路,不過畫質就吃虧了。我現在試用的zoom lens是Nikon的AFD 24-50mm鏡,取其短變焦和短焦距的優點。


[ Last edited by lwingkay at 1/02/2010 12:10 ]

Image Attachment: P2240248.JPG (5/11/2009 10:49, 130.76 KB) / Download count 673

Author: lwingkay    Time: 5/11/2009 16:37

Original posted by puppymic at 5/11/2009 01:30
fieldscope + eyepiece + dslr with lens is my recent setup

Swarovski STS-80HD + 30x eyepiece + Panasonic GH1 + 20mm/f1.7
Dear Mandy,
I have the feeling that the locking device for the protrudable verbal shaft of the Gitzo tripod is an undesirable design. The locking device results in detaching the Manfrotto 501 from very top of the tripod for about an inch and vibration is therefore unavoidable when the 501 is being manuvered on the tripod. In this regard, a flat tripod top without the protrusion is more desirable for digiscoping purposes.
Author: puppymic    Time: 5/11/2009 20:16

Thanks Peter.

Author: 觀鳥新丁    Time: 5/11/2009 20:57

Original posted by cbryan at 5/11/2009 01:21
new ding (haha, kinda like your name),

using a dslr with a field scope (or what you call monocular) you need an adaptor.  in that case the scope will be turned to a tele lens equivalent, in the case  ...
thank for detailed information
Author: 觀鳥新丁    Time: 5/11/2009 20:58

Original posted by cbryan at 5/11/2009 01:33
wow.  so mandy you can actually use autofocus of your dslr.  and u're using the flat adapting plate already.

可用af !!!????
Author: 觀鳥新丁    Time: 5/11/2009 21:01

Original posted by lwingkay at 5/11/2009 10:37
有關 觀鳥新丁於Thread 4的提問:
想請教DSLR配MONOCULAR是不用再裝鏡頭, 直接駁EYEPIECE加套筒, 便可以?
由於看其他資料得知, DIGISCOPIMG以DC配MONOCULAR的效果較配dslr更好, 何解師兄會使用dslr作配答.

Bryan的回 ...

那支鏡頭是af或是mf? 還有, 見未加強防震的組合, 是否即使用上remote control, vibration都不能控制?

那麼, 強化版的設計如何?
Author: papago    Time: 5/11/2009 21:42

關於這個問題, 小弟提供一些個人看法
小弟從不使用高ISO來拍攝, 因為小弟只用 digiscoping 來拍靜態的鳥
所以我只用 dc 接 digiscoping, 從不考慮 dslr 如何接  digiscoping
瞭解手上器材的特性, 應用在合適的地方
若有追拍或飛行版的場合, 小弟就直接帶 400mm/F5.6 或 500mm/F4 (DSLR) 去拍,
小弟認為 digiscoping 跟 DSLR 是兩套系統, 不是互相取代, 而是互補其長的
就像開車跟騎單車, 我們不用傷腦筋追求怎麼用單車來取代汽車的功能
(題外話, 雖然有人騎單車環遊全世界, 但好像還沒人開車環遊全世界, 到底哪個是長距離用車??)

有朋友問小弟說帶單筒時, 若遇到要追拍的場合怎麼辦
1.很少有這種場合, 因出門前已設定今天要拍的主題是飛行版還是靜態版, 若設定今天帶單筒要拍靜態版, 就專心拍靜態版, 遇到動態版拍不到也不需流口水
2.拍鳥也是一種修行, 拍到精采畫面不要太得意, 錯過精采畫面也不要太懊惱, 小弟現在已練到"培養自己得失心不要太重" 的火候
3.玩 digiscoping 時把 400mm/F5.6 dslr 小砲也帶著, 這樣的話就 "近可攻動態, 遠可守靜態"
4.台灣鳥友間有一種術語叫 "刷卡", 你聽過出門拍鳥可以不用帶砲的嗎 ? 遇到精采畫面而自己器材不夠力無法拍攝的話, 就跟旁邊朋友說
   你的砲借我刷卡, 就是拿出自己的 CF 卡然後借旁邊朋友的 dslr 大砲來拍攝, 當然這是在跟好朋友一起出門拍鳥的場合(當然要等朋友拍完再來借刷卡)

[ Last edited by papago at 5/11/2009 22:27 ]
Author: puppymic    Time: 5/11/2009 21:52

可用af !!!????
Author: puppymic    Time: 5/11/2009 21:53

若有追拍或飛行版的場合, 小弟就直接帶 400mm/F5.6 或 500mm/F4 (DSLR) 去拍
我無 500mm/F4
Author: lwingkay    Time: 5/11/2009 22:07

Original posted by papago at 5/11/2009 21:42

關於這個問題, 小弟提供一些個人看法
小弟從不使用高ISO來拍攝, 因為小弟只用 digiscoping 來拍靜態的鳥
所以我只用 dc 接 digiscoping, 從不考慮 dslr 如何接  digiscoping
瞭解手上器 ...
Author: papago    Time: 5/11/2009 22:08

Original posted by puppymic at 5/11/2009 21:53

我無 500mm/F4
puppymic 的 digiscoping 玩具種類這麼多, 集中起來就可以換一支 500mm/F4 了

[ Last edited by papago at 5/11/2009 22:23 ]
Author: 觀鳥新丁    Time: 6/11/2009 00:15

Original posted by papago at 5/11/2009 21:42

關於這個問題, 小弟提供一些個人看法
小弟從不使用高ISO來拍攝, 因為小弟只用 digiscoping 來拍靜態的鳥
所以我只用 dc 接 digiscoping, 從不考慮 dslr 如何接  digiscoping
瞭解手上器 ...
very good explanation...

我就無打算買500或600定焦大炮, 只有支500反及400變焦...

故此, DIGISCOPING正目的要打遠物件..

因為即使400, 去到米埔, 變左STANDARD ZOOM...

刷卡, 我想我的朋友不會給我....因為佢都不停影..
Author: 觀鳥新丁    Time: 6/11/2009 00:16

Original posted by puppymic at 5/11/2009 21:52


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