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Subject: Lam Tsuen, WInter 2009 [Print This Page]

Author: subbuteo    Time: 14/11/2009 19:17     Subject: Lam Tsuen, WInter 2009

I will celebrate the arrival of cooler weather with a new thread.

This morning (14 November 2009) I walked from Pak Tin Kong through Ping Long and up to Tai Om Shan.  

Black-necked Starling
Black faced Laughing Thrush
White-cheeked Laughing hrush
Chinese Blackbird
Crested Bulbul
Hair-crested Drongo
Daurian Redstart
Siberian Stonechat
White Wagtail
Yellow-browed Warbler
Large-billed Crow
Long-tailed SHrike
Little Bunting
Crested Mynah
Lesser Coucal
Olive-backed Pipit
Tree SParrow
Chinese Pond Heron
Spotted Munia
White-backed Munia
Sooty-headed Bulbul
Common Tailorbird
Japanese White-eye
Great Tit
Dusky Warbler
Spotted Dove
Scarlet-breasted Flowerpecker
Magpie Robin
Ashy Drongo
Grey-throated Minivet
Fork-tailed Sunbird
Rufous-crowned Babbler
Silver-eared Mesia
Blue-tailed Minla
Pygmy Wren Babbler
Chestnut Bulbul
Lesser Shortwing
Viloet Whistling Thrush
Velvet-fronted Nuthatch
Asian Stubtail Warbler- a real influx of these, more than 10 seen/heard
Blue Magpie
Chinese Bulbul
Grey Wagtail
White-brested Waterhen
Blue Rock Thrush (phillipensis) imm

Surprisingly, no Mountain Tailorbird today.

[ Last edited by subbuteo at 14/11/2009 19:25 ]
Author: kmike    Time: 15/11/2009 17:32

A few birds have clearly arrived with the cold front, although most were moving through.  With just a couple of hours to spare I concentrated on the grassland areas at Ping Long and She Shan:

Common Teal - 1 (same female)

Red Turtle Dove  - 1 ( new for me in Lam Tsuen. In the afternoon tail feathers were found, suggesting this bird may have been caught by a predator)

Black-winged Cuckooshrike - 2 (maybe 3)

Daurian Redstart - 2f
Common Blackbird - 21

Manchurian Bush Warbler -2

Silky Starling - 65
White-cheeked Starling - 2 (new for me in Lam Tsuen)

Yellow-breasted Bunting - 4

Mike K
Author: subbuteo    Time: 20/11/2009 17:07

She Shan this afternoon (4.20 pm 20/11/09), a single Dusky Thrush, seen well perched on a line just off the She Shan Road.  The bird was by the house beside the main path that leads down into the grassy area.  

Author: kpokuen    Time: 22/11/2009 20:58

Nov 22, 1600-1700

-Asian brown flycatcher
-Little Bunting
-Black faced Bunting
-Dusky thrush 2X

Author: kmike    Time: 22/11/2009 21:54

Wonderful shot Kwan!

I'll try to go for these in the next day or so.

Also today:

Common Buzzard ( I had others today at the Aberdeen Tunnel - (Aberdeen side), and one flying between the buildings on Leighton Rd in Causeway Bay!)
Daurian Redstart (3 chasing each  other around the veggie patch)
Red-throated Flycatcher - 1

Mike K
Author: subbuteo    Time: 24/11/2009 16:04

Excellent photo!  This morning (24 Nov 2009) over She Shan grassland there were at least five Red-rumped Swallows and one Barn Swallow.  Also black-faced buntings feeding at "the cairns" on the road leading down to the river.
Author: kmike    Time: 1/12/2009 22:46

A good range of birds on Sunday morning and late evening - 56 species

Chinese Pond Heron
Black-crowned Night Heron (in the stream by the roundabout in pitch dark)
Little Egret
Common Teal
Black Kite
White-breasted Waterhen
Green Sandpiper
Woodcock (my first of the winter)
Plaintive Cuckoo
Greater Coucal
Spotted Dove
Oriental Turtle Dove
Richard's Pipit
Olive-backed Pipit
Amur Wagtail
Grey Wagtail
Red-rumped Swallow - 2 (new for me in the valley, but seen by Dylan last weekend)
Scarlet Minivet
Ashy Drongo
Hair-crested Drongo
Chinese Bulbul
Red-whiskered Bulbul
Chestnut Bulbul
Sooty-headed Bulbul
Siberian Stonechat
Magpie Robin
Siberian Rubythroat ( a fine male)
Daurian Redstart
Red-flanked Bluetail (my first of the winter in the valley)
Chinese Blackbird
Grey-backed Thrush (my first of the winter in the valley)
Plain Prinia
Yellow-bellied Prinia
Zitting Cisticola - (first one sen from the house)
Bright-capped Cisticola
Common Tailorbird
Mountain Tailorbird
Manchurian Bush Warbler
Dusky Warbler
Yellow-browed Warbler
Pallas' Leaf Warbler
Red-throated Flycatcher
White-cheeked Laughingthrush
Black-throated Laughingthrush
Masked Laughingthrush
Great Tit
Japanese White-eye
Fork-tailed Sunbird
Black-necked Starling
Silky Starling
Crested Mynah
Large-billed Crow
Tree Sparrow
Black-faced Bunting
Chinese Grosbeak
Author: kmike    Time: 6/12/2009 22:36

Saturday I visited Ng Tung Chai and this morning Tai Om Shan, which is the valley just to tthe northeast, which can be accessed from Tai Om village. Tai Om was surprisingly more productive, as usually NTC's larger size and better forest holds the better birds. The birds listed were seen at both sites unless stated.

Chinese Pond Heron
Besra - NTC
Common Buzzard - Ping Long
Black Kite - NTC
White-breasted Waterhen
Spotted Dove
Oriental Turtle Dove 4 - NTC
Emerald Dove - seen by others in Ping Long on Saturday evening
Common Kingfisher - 2 NTC and one in Ping Long village  om Saturday  (a new high count for Lam Tsuen)
Scarlet Minivet
Grey-chinned Minivet - 4 TOS
Black-winged Cuckooshrike
Long-tailed Shrike
Ashy Drongo - 1 TOS
Hair-crested Drongo - 12 Ping Long
Chinese Bulbul
Chestnut Bulbul
Red-whiskered Bulbul
Olive-backed Pipit
White Wagtail
Grey Wagtail
Siberian Stonechat - Ping Long
Red-flanked Bluetail - 3 TOS, 3 NTC
Siberian Rubythroat - 1TOS
Magpie Robin
Chinese Blackbird
Grey-backed Thrush
Blue Whistling Thrush - 1h NTC
Lesser Shortwing 4 h NTC, 1 h TOS
Russet Bush Warbler - 1 TOS
Brown Bush Warbler - 1 TOS ( both these birds seen very well, including undertai coverts, which are pale-tipped on Russet and uniform on Brown)
Manchurian Bush Warbler - 1 TOS
Asian Stubtail - 4-5 at each site
Pallas' Leaf Warbler - 15 NTC
Yellow-browed Warber - 1 at each site
Goodson's Leaf Warbler - 1 at each site
Mountain Tailorbird
Common Tailorbird
Plain Prinia TOS
Yellow-bellied Prinia TOS
Black-naped Monarch -1f TOS
Pygmy Wren Babbler
Rufous-capped Babbler
White-bellied Yuhina - TOS
Black-throated Laughingthrush - 2 NTC
Masked Laughingthrush
Streak-breasted Scimitar-Babbler - h NTC
Blue-winged Minla
Silver-eared Mesia _ TOS
Great Tit
Velvet-fronted Nuthatch - Chai Kek on the way to NTC
Fork-tailed Sunbird
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker - Ping Long
Tristram's Bunting - 5 at NTC, 3 at TOS (my first of the winter)
Little Bunting - 7 NTC
Black-faced Bunting -2  Ping Long Friday AM
Tree Sparrow
Spotted Munia
Black-collared Starling
Crested Mynah
Silky Starling
Large-billed Crow

Mike K

[ Last edited by kmike at 6/12/2009 23:25 ]
Author: subbuteo    Time: 9/12/2009 20:34


Damp weather has dampened the birding in the last few days.  However, an unusual record this afternoon- a single male Pintail on the Lam Tsuen river immediately below the Tolo Highway flyover!  Also nearby, Collared Crow, a first for me in the valley and  Striated Heron.  Other birds seen in the last few days include Siberian Rubythroat, Black-faced Bunting, Common Buzzard and Red-billed Starlings which frequent the large tree on the left heading towards She Shan from the Lam Kam Road.  A great deal of grass-cutting has occurred in the past week so the grassland area is bare and holds very little- Richard's Pipit, and Olive-backed Pipit are common still.

[ Last edited by subbuteo at 10/12/2009 09:17 ]
Author: kmike    Time: 10/12/2009 09:33

Pintail is a new Lam Tsuen record - great stuff!

Striated Heron winters around the lower end of the valley just above the Hong Lok Yuen roundabout every year, and Collared Crow has been seen  in this area too over the last few years.

Author: subbuteo    Time: 12/12/2009 09:57

12 December 2009

A male Grey Bushchat came over to see who was making funny noises.  First one have seen in a very long time!  The bird was in the grassy area with graves along the path up the valley (leading to Ha Tin Liu Ha) from the She Shan Road.  Perches openly, and responds to "pishing"- it came out of the grass and hovered over our heads when we were annoying Great Tits- I think we would have missed it otherwise.
Author: kmike    Time: 12/12/2009 22:56

Dipped on the Grey Bushchat, but did get my first Peregrine in Lam Tsuen circling over the valley at about 10am.

I believe the Peregrine is a first record for the Valley (please let me know if you have seen or know of others). I'd also be interested to know of other Bushchat records - Dylan found a record of 4 by Geoffrey Herklots in 1940!

Other good birds included a fine male Verditer, Grey-headed Flycatcher, Greenish Warbler, and Emerald Dove in the Golden Triangle, and two Red-throated Flycatchers calling in other parts of the valley.

Also, the Pintail was still on the Lam Tsuen River near the Hong Lok Yuen Roundabout on Friday morning, and there ws a Birdline message about a Chestnut-bellied Rock Thrush at Kadoorie Farm.


Mike K
Author: thinfor    Time: 13/12/2009 02:01

Thanks Mike and Subbuteo to keep posting the bird report for Lam Tsuen area.

We also visited Lam Tsuen today.

Birding time 觀鳥時間: 0745-1245

Cloudy then sunny, 20-24C, Occasional breeze

PL = Ping Long, TOS = Tai Om Shan, GT = Golden Triangle

018 Little Egret 小白鷺, PL
022 Chinese Pond Heron 池鷺, PL
067 Black Kite 黑鳶 (麻鷹), PL
071 Crested Serpent Eagle 蛇鵰  x1, TOS
078 Besra 松雀鷹  x1, PL
080 Common Buzzard 普通鵟  x1, PL
141 Eurasian Woodcock 丘鷸  x1, TOS
194 Spotted Dove 珠頸斑鳩
196 Emerald Dove 綠背金鳩  x1, GT
252 Red-rumped Swallow 金腰燕  x1, PL
257 Grey Wagtail 灰鶺鴒   x1, TOS
260 Olive-backed Pipit 樹鷚  x1, PL
265 Black-winged Cuckoo-shrike 暗灰鵑鵙  x2, TOS
268 Grey-chinned Minivet 灰喉山椒鳥   x2, 1M1F, TOS
269 Scarlet Minivet 赤紅山椒鳥 x2, 1M1F, TOS
270 Red-whiskered Bulbul 紅耳鵯
271 Chinese Bulbul 白頭鵯
273 Chestnut Bulbul 栗背短腳鵯  x2+, TOS
279 Long-tailed Shrike 棕背伯勞
280.5 Lesser Shortwing 白喉短翅鶇  x3 (heard), TOS
286 Red-flanked Bluetail 紅脇藍尾鴝  x1F/Juv, TOS
287 Oriental Magpie Robin 鵲鴝
292 Common Stonechat 黑喉石(即鳥)  x1, PL
310 Rufous-capped Babbler 紅頭穗鶥  TOS
323 Asian Stubtail Warbler 鱗頭樹鶯  (heard), TOS
326 Brownish-flanked Bush Warbler 強腳樹鶯  (heard), TOS
328 Brown Bush Warbler 棕褐短翅鶯  x1, TOS
344 Bright-capped Cisticola 黃頭扇尾鶯  (heard), PL
346 Plain Prinia 純色山鷦鶯(褐頭鷦鶯), PL
346.9 Mountain Tailorbird 栗頭縫葉鶯  (heard), TOS
347 Common Tailorbird 長尾縫葉鶯
349 Dusky Warbler 褐柳鶯  (heard), TOS
352 Pallas's Leaf Warbler 黃腰柳鶯
354 Yellow Browed Warbler 黃眉柳鶯
369 Asian Brown Flycatcher 北灰鶲  x1, TOS
384 Black-naped Monarch 黑枕王鶲  x1F (not seen by me), TOS
389 Great Tit 大山雀
393 Buff-bellied Flowerpecker 紅胸啄花鳥  x1, TOS
395 Fork-tailed Sunbird 叉尾太陽鳥   x2, TOS
397 Japanese White-eye 暗綠繡眼鳥(相思)
402 Little Bunting 小鵐  x4, PL
406 Yellow-throated Bunting 黃胸鵐  x2 (not seen by me), PL
421 Scaly-breasted Munia 斑文鳥  x1, TOS
424 Eurasian Tree Sparrow 樹麻雀
433 Black-collared Starling 黑領椋鳥
436 Crested Myna 八哥
440 Hair-crested Drongo 髮冠卷尾  x1, TOS

For photos of Brown Bush Warbler, please refer to
Author: kmike    Time: 13/12/2009 21:35

This morning both Russet and Brown Bush Warblers showed well at Tai Om Sham at close range - in fact the Russet Bush Warbler was so close my bins could not focus.  Once again it was a bird in cover that announced its presence with a very sharp "takk" - louder and cleaner that Dusky Warbler, and then stayed around almost within touching distance for several minutes.

The Brown Bush Warbler showed in the same spot as last weekend - up to Tai Om Shan , over the stream, and first left just up the hill at the shrine under the canopy.  It came into the vegetation at the edge of the clearing after persistent pishing, calling repeatedly.

Other good birds included a male Verditer Flycatcher, a Red-throated Flycatcher, a rather long-billed  Greenish Warbler that pished in superbly and give its distinctive sparow-like three-note call, a female Red-flanked Bluetail and my first White's Thrush of the winter in the valley.  In Tai Om Village a pair  of both Scarlet and Grey-chinned Minivets came out of the big trees above the playground, while Asian Stubtail was by the stream at Tai Om Shan, and a Japanese Bush Wabler called from a creeper-covered cable back in Tai Om village.

Author: thinfor    Time: 13/12/2009 23:47

Thanks, Mike!    I think what you described on where you saw the brown bush warbler was exactly the place that we saw it yesterday!  Maybe I go again to search for Russet bush warbler.
Author: subbuteo    Time: 14/12/2009 16:49

Great to see more people birding in Lam Tsuen!  Well done, Thinfor.

Today (14/12/09 3.45pm) there was a male Plumbeous Redstart on the river directly below the Tolo Highway flyover, near the Hong Lok Yuen roundabout.  An absolutely stunning bird- and a life tick for me!  Happy days.  

Author: subbuteo    Time: 15/12/2009 09:49

I have been down to the same area to search for the grey bushchat five times since Saturday morning but have not managed to relocate it.  I did hear Russet Bush Warbler this morning (15/12/09, 7.30am) calling from the area near the public toilet at Ha Tin Liu Ha.  I was not able to go and look for it but it seems to be an accessible sire, close to She Shan (10 minute easy walk).  No sign of the plumbeous redstart this morning- but I only have time to work one side of the bridge, so there is a good chance it is still about.  

Author: Tony    Time: 15/12/2009 21:52

It is a nice place at Tai Om Shan. 15Dec.

I start birding at 7:45am and the birds are quite active.
I finally got the Russet Bush Warbler!

Black-necked Starling
Black faced Laughing Thrush
Chinese Blackbird
Crested Bulbul
Hair-crested Drongo
Daurian Redstart
Yellow-browed Warbler
Large-billed Crow
Long-tailed SHrike
Little Bunting
Crested Mynah
Olive-backed Pipit
Tree Sparrow
Scarly-breasted Munia
Common Tailorbird
Japanese White-eye
Great Tit
Dusky Warbler
Spotted Dove
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker
Magpie Robin
Grey-throated Minivet
Scarlet Minivet
Fork-tailed Sunbird
Rufous-capped Babbler
Blue-winged Minla
Pygmy Wren Babbler
Lesser Shortwing
Black-napped Monarch
Black-winged Cuckooshrike
Red-flanked Bluetail
Velvet-fronted Nuthatch
Asian Stubtail Warbler
Russet Bush Warbler
Yellow-bellied Prinia
Author: subbuteo    Time: 20/12/2009 18:01

There have been a nice run of birds in the valley in the last few days.  Best for me was a female and then a male Common Rosefinch on consecutive days (19-20 Dec).  They have been in the same area as a flock of Chestnut buntings.  I've had a maximum of seven together but there are more than that about.  Brownish-flanked Bush-Warbler and Russet Bush Warbler have both been close to Pak Tin Kong.  Crested Goshawk, Besra, Buzzard, Black-eared Kite and Crested Serpent Eagle have been visible over the last few days.  Tristam's Bunting was at Tai Om Shan.  Daurian redstart and Red-flanked Bluetail are about in suitable habitat.  Mike Kilburn has picked up on a few other species over the last couple of days, I'm sure he'll post an update soon!   It's a great place for a walk at the minute!

Author: tmichael    Time: 20/12/2009 19:40

I don't think anyone has mentioned this species recently, so it may be worth reporting that I had a sizeable flock of Indochinese (Striated) Yuhinas fairly high up in Kadoorie Farm on 18/12 - at least 35 of them. Maybe they'll roam to Ng Tung Chai and/or Tai Om.

Also two Bluetails and a Daurian Redstart at Kwun Yam Shan, and LOTS of Pallas's Warblers.

Mike Turnbull

[ Last edited by tmichael at 21/12/2009 08:20 ]
Author: subbuteo    Time: 20/12/2009 20:19

Hi Mike,

Haven't picked on the Yuhinas- thanks for that, will keep an eye out! There are LOTS of Pallas's warblers about aren't there!

Author: kmike    Time: 20/12/2009 23:45

Dipped on Dylan's Rosefinches, but had some compensation in the form of a female Bull-headed Shrike on the path up to Tai Om Shan (badly digiscoped through my hand-held bins and brand new p6000), a fine male Hainan Blue Flycatcher, and a couple of Grey-backed Thrushes further up the path, and earlier this morning a lovely male Black-naped Monarch.  

Mike K

[ Last edited by kmike at 20/12/2009 23:46 ]

Image Attachment: DSCN0082 - bf.jpg (20/12/2009 23:45, 180.27 KB) / Download count 747

Author: subbuteo    Time: 21/12/2009 10:32

I had a Hainan Blue Flycathcer this morning at Pak Tin Kong- also plenty of Chestnut buntings again, as well as Little Bunting.  I'll go shrike hunting this afternoon!
Author: thinfor    Time: 21/12/2009 10:51

I wish I could just forget my job and go to Lam Tsuen now!!!  Buntings, warblers, ...

BTW, many thanks for the reports from all of you!
Author: subbuteo    Time: 22/12/2009 09:44

No Bull-headed Shrike for me yet.

This morning (8-8.30 am 22/12/09) in the same small fung shui wood in Pak Tin Kong I had Black-winged Cuckoo Shrike, Hair-crested Drongo, Chestnut and Little Bunting, Hainan Blue Flycatcher (male), Black-naped Monarch Flycatcher (female), Red-flanked Bluetail (male and female), Mountain Tailorbird, Pallas's Warbler, Silver-eared Mesia, Rufous-capped Babbler, White-cheeked Laughing Thrush, also Russet Bush Warbler calling from grassland nearby.  A large wild boar was rummaging around.

[ Last edited by subbuteo at 22/12/2009 09:46 ]
Author: kmike    Time: 24/12/2009 07:50

A tough morning in Lam Tsuen with visiting birder Jeff Hopkins on Monday - the highlight being a pir of Collared Crows flying down the valley, a Manchurian Bush Warbler and an Asian Brown Flycatcher.

Wednesday morning was a little better - I finally caught up with the male Plumbeous Redstarton the river channel underneath the road bridge at the roundabout atthe bottom of the valley. This turned out to be a good five minutes -there was another Collared Crow, Common and White-throated Kingfisher, a Common Sandpiper, Grey Wagtail, Chinese Blackbird, White-breasted Waterhen(2), Dusky Warbler, Great Egret, Little Egret, and Chinese Pond Heron.

The same afternoon there were a couple of Daurian Redstarts and an Emerald Dove around the veggie patch, but none came in range of my fumbling efforts at digiscoping with the new camera.In the evening a Collared Scops Owl called nearby.

Mike K
Author: subbuteo    Time: 24/12/2009 10:31

Just back from a short walk to the swamp area at Pak Tin Kong- highlights were the winter-resident Chestnut and Little Buntings, Siberian Rubythroat.  Two new birds for this part of the valley a pair of Red-rumped Swallows and an Oriental Turtle Dove.  Nice and warm but the mosquitoes are back.
Author: kmike    Time: 25/12/2009 23:35

A good day for Warblers at Tai Om Shan - Brown Bush Warbler and Greenish Warbler I've seen already this winter, but the Goodson's Leaf Warbler was my first for the winter in Lam Tsuen. It was rather quiet except for these, although I did see or hear nine other warbler species.

Mike K
Author: puppymic    Time: 26/12/2009 00:33

A walk in the villages at Tai Om, Ping Long and Lam Tsuen this morning, following birds were seen:
fork-tailed sunbird, red-flanked bluetail, little bunting, long-tailed shrike, siberian stonechat, white wagtail, common blackbird, grey-headed flycatcher & emerald dove

Author: bond    Time: 26/12/2009 00:44

25th morning highlights:

Bull-headed Shrike
Eurasian Wryneck
Bright-capped Cisticola
Black-naped Monarch
Verditer Flycatcher
Tristram's Bunting
Ashy Drongo
Hair-crested Drongo

[ Last edited by bond at 26/12/2009 16:47 ]
Author: kmike    Time: 26/12/2009 14:46

Looks like you did well Bond!

Where were the Wryneck and the Bull-headed Shrike?

This morning I went to Ng Tung Chai hoping for some winter magic. I walked to the landslide valley next to the top falls. The best birds were a couple of Mountain Bulbuls and a Tristram's Bunting near the temple, and three Grey-backed Thrushes and a White's Thrush feeding on fruiting trees. I also had 3 Red-flanked Bluetails, a Greenish Warbler, a poorly-seen Rubythroat and at least 4 Asian Stubtails. There were also about 15 Pallas' Leaf Warblers and Blue Whistling Thrush.


Mike K
Author: bond    Time: 26/12/2009 16:47

both the Bull-headed Shrike and Wryneck were seen near the She Shan Road.
Author: kpokuen    Time: 28/12/2009 11:19

Dec 27, morning
-Russet bush warbler
-Eurasian sparrowhawk

[ Last edited by kpokuen at 28/12/2009 22:49 ]
Author: thinfor    Time: 28/12/2009 21:55

We were not so lucky this time.

Birding time 觀鳥時間: 0745-1445, 26Dec09

Cool and cloudy, 17-19C

022 Chinese Pond Heron 池鷺
067 Black Kite 黑鳶 (麻鷹)
075 Crested Goshawk 鳳頭鷹  x1 (not seen by me)
101 White-breasted Waterhen 白胸苦惡鳥  x2
194 Spotted Dove 珠頸斑鳩
207 Plaintive Cuckoo 八聲杜鵑  x1
209 Greater Coucal 褐翅鴉鵑  x1
257 Grey Wagtail 灰鶺鴒  x3+
258 White Wagtail 白鶺鴒
260 Olive-backed Pipit 樹鷚  x15+
269 Scarlet Minivet 赤紅山椒鳥  x1M
270 Red-whiskered Bulbul 紅耳鵯
271 Chinese Bulbul 白頭鵯
272 Sooty-headed Bulbul 白喉紅臀鵯  x2
279 Long-tailed Shrike 棕背伯勞
286 Red-flanked Bluetail 紅脇藍尾鴝  x1F/Juv
287 Oriental Magpie Robin 鵲鴝
289 Daurian Redstart 北紅尾鴝  x1F
292 Common Stonechat 黑喉石(即鳥)
298 Blue Whistling Thrush 紫嘯鶇  x1
303 Common Blackbird 烏鶇  x1
310 Rufous-capped Babbler 紅頭穗鶥  (heard)
312 Masked Laughingthrush 黑臉噪鶥
316 White-browed Laughingthrush 白頰噪鶥  x4+
323 Asian Stubtail Warbler 鱗頭樹鶯  (heard)
345 Yellow-bellied Prinia 黃腹山鷦鶯(灰頭鷦鶯)  x1
346 Plain Prinia 純色山鷦鶯(褐頭鷦鶯)  (heard)
347 Common Tailorbird 長尾縫葉鶯  x1
349 Dusky Warbler 褐柳鶯  x1
352 Pallas's Leaf Warbler 黃腰柳鶯
354 Yellow Browed Warbler 黃眉柳鶯  x1
389 Great Tit 大山雀
394 Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker 朱背啄花鳥  x1
395 Fork-tailed Sunbird 叉尾太陽鳥  (heard)
397 Japanese White-eye 暗綠繡眼鳥(相思)
402 Little Bunting 小鵐  x4
410 Black-faced Bunting 灰頭鵐  x1+
421 Scaly-breasted Munia 斑文鳥  x50+
424 Eurasian Tree Sparrow 樹麻雀
433 Black-collared Starling 黑領椋鳥
436 Crested Myna 八哥
440 Hair-crested Drongo 髮冠卷尾  x1
444 Common Magpie 喜鵲

1 Accipiter sp (likely a Besra)
Author: subbuteo    Time: 29/12/2009 14:00

I walked from Pak Tin Kong up to Tai Om Shan yesterday morning, relatively quiet but some nice birds about- I have borrowed your list from above- can I ask how you generate these lists?  It would make reporting more complete and quicker!

28/12/09 7.15- 9.30am Cool and cloudy

022 Chinese Pond Heron 池鷺
067 Black Kite 黑鳶 (麻鷹)
075 Crested Goshawk 鳳頭鷹  x1 (heard- possibly a good Black-throated Laughing Thrush mimicking!)
101 White-breasted Waterhen 白胸苦惡鳥  x2
194 Spotted Dove 珠頸斑鳩
207 Plaintive Cuckoo 八聲杜鵑  x1
209 Greater Coucal 褐翅鴉鵑  x1
Lesser Coucal
260 Olive-backed Pipit 樹鷚  x15+
269 Scarlet Minivet 赤紅山椒鳥  x1M
Grey-chinned Minivet
270 Red-whiskered Bulbul 紅耳鵯
271 Chinese Bulbul 白頭鵯
272 Sooty-headed Bulbul 白喉紅臀鵯
Chestnut Bulbul
279 Long-tailed Shrike 棕背伯勞
286 Red-flanked Bluetail 紅脇藍尾鴝  x1F/Juv
287 Oriental Magpie Robin 鵲鴝
289 Daurian Redstart 北紅尾鴝  x1F
292 Common Stonechat 黑喉石(即鳥)
303 Common Blackbird 烏鶇  x1
Grey-backed Thrush (first I have actually seen this winter- well up the TOS path)
310 Rufous-capped Babbler 紅頭穗鶥
Streak-breasted Scimitar Babbler 棕頸鈎咀鶥
Pygmy Wren Babbler (heard)
312 Masked Laughingthrush 黑臉噪鶥
Black-throated Laughing Thrush
Silver-eared Mesia
Lesser Shortwing (Heard)
323 Asian Stubtail Warbler 鱗頭樹鶯  (heard)
345 Yellow-bellied Prinia 黃腹山鷦鶯(灰頭鷦鶯)  x1
Bright-capped Cisticola
347 Common Tailorbird 長尾縫葉鶯  x1
Mountain Tailorbird
349 Dusky Warbler 褐柳鶯  x1
352 Pallas's Leaf Warbler 黃腰柳鶯
354 Yellow Browed Warbler 黃眉柳鶯  x1
389 Great Tit 大山雀
395 Fork-tailed Sunbird 叉尾太陽鳥  (heard)
397 Japanese White-eye 暗綠繡眼鳥(相思)
402 Little Bunting 小鵐  x4
410 Black-faced Bunting 灰頭鵐  x1+
421 Scaly-breasted Munia 斑文鳥  x50+
White-rumped Munia
424 Eurasian Tree Sparrow 樹麻雀
433 Black-collared Starling 黑領椋鳥
436 Crested Myna 八哥
440 Hair-crested Drongo 髮冠卷尾  x1
444 Common Magpie 喜鵲
Large-billed Crow
Velvet-fronted Nuthatch (at Ping Long and TOS)

I think that's the lot- nothing too spectacular but a nice mornings list!
Author: thinfor    Time: 29/12/2009 14:16

Hi Dylan, actually I copied from the birdlist provided by HKBWS.  it's an excel file.  I think the link is still here somewhere in the forum.
Author: kmike    Time: 3/01/2010 00:51

After 8 years in Lam Tsuen I finally tried birding on the northern side of the road, especially along the river.

I worked pretty hard and  got a few birds between 0900 and 1430

Crested Serpent Eagle - 1
Green Sandpiper - 2
Common Sandpiper - 5
Common Kingfisher - 5
Plaintive Cuckoo - 3
"Ocularis" White Wagtail - first Lam Tsuen record at Mui She Hang park
Grey Wagtail - 6
Siberian Stonechat - 1
Daurian Redstart - 1 veggie patch
Plumbeous Redstart - 1 male and maybe also a female @Hong Lok Yuen  Roundabout
Grey-backed Thrush - 1 female, veggie patch
Unidentified thrush - 1
Blue Whistling Thrush - 1
Greater-necklaced Laughingthrush - 8
Pale-legged Leaf Warbler - 1  a green-backed one
Goodson's Leaf Warbler -1
Blyth's Leaf Warbler - 1
Asian Stubtail - 1h
Grey-headed Flycatcher - 1
Red-throated Flycatcher - 1 Mui She Hang Park
Verditer - 1 Mui She Hang Park
Black-faced Bunting - 1
Collared Crow - 1 HLY Roundabout

Like John I also had a Hong Kong Newt (and they're easier to photograph than birds!)

Mike K

Image Attachment: DSCN0224.HK Newt.jpg (3/01/2010 00:51, 104.04 KB) / Download count 628

Author: subbuteo    Time: 3/01/2010 19:08

3/12/10 4.30-6.30 pm Pak Tin Kong- Tai Om Shan- Pak Tin Kong

A walk at dusk today- relatively quiet as the birds were settling down for the night.

141 Eurasian Woodcock 丘鷸 last bird of the evening, flew overhead at 6.15pm
194 Spotted Dove 珠頸斑鳩
209 Greater Coucal 褐翅鴉鵑  x1
229 Common Kingfisher 普通翠鳥
255 A Yellow Wagtail 黃鶺鴒
257 A Grey Wagtail 灰鶺鴒
260 Olive-backed Pipit 樹鷚  x10+
270 Red-whiskered Bulbul 紅耳鵯
271 Chinese Bulbul 白頭鵯
273 Chestnut Bulbul 栗背短腳鵯
279 Long-tailed Shrike 棕背伯勞
280.5 Lesser Shortwing 白喉短翅鶇
287 Oriental Magpie Robin 鵲鴝
289 Daurian Redstart 北紅尾鴝  x2F
303 Common Blackbird 烏鶇  x2+
Thrush sp heard
298 Blue Whistling Thrush 紫嘯鶇
309 Streak-breasted Scimitar Babbler 棕頸鉤嘴鶥 (heard)
309.5 Pygmy Wren Babbler 小鱗胸鷦鶥
310 Rufous-capped Babbler 紅頭穗鶥
312 Masked Laughingthrush 黑臉噪鶥
314 Black-throated Laughingthrush 黑喉噪鶥
315 Hwamei 畫眉
317 Silver-eared Mesia 銀耳相思鳥
323 Asian Stubtail Warbler 鱗頭樹鶯  (heard)
345 Yellow-bellied Prinia 黃腹山鷦鶯(灰頭鷦鶯)  x1
343 Zitting Cisticola 棕扇尾鶯
346.9 Mountain Tailorbird 金頭縫葉鶯
347 Common Tailorbird 長尾縫葉鶯  x1
352 Pallas's Leaf Warbler 黃腰柳鶯
389 Great Tit 大山雀
395 Fork-tailed Sunbird 叉尾太陽鳥  (heard)
397 Japanese White-eye 暗綠繡眼鳥(相思)
407 Chestnut Bunting 栗鵐
421 Scaly-breasted Munia 斑文鳥
424 Eurasian Tree Sparrow 樹麻雀
433 Black-collared Starling 黑領椋鳥
436 Crested Myna 八哥
439 Ashy Drongo        灰卷尾
440 Hair-crested Drongo 髮冠卷尾  x1
447 Large-billed Crow 大嘴烏鴉

Looking forward to what the cold weather brings.

Author: subbuteo    Time: 4/01/2010 19:33

4 January 2009 3.30-4.30pm
Hong Lok Yuen roundabout to Pak Yin Kong

16 Great Egret 大白鷺
18 Little Egret 小白鷺
22 Chinese Pond Heron 池鷺
133 Green Sandpiper 白腰草鷸
136 Common Sandpiper 磯鷸
229 Common Kingfisher 普通翠鳥
257 Grey Wagtail 灰鶺鴒
258 White Wagtail 白鶺鴒       
260 Olive-backed Pipit 樹鷚  x10+
270 Red-whiskered Bulbul 紅耳鵯
271 Chinese Bulbul 白頭鵯
279 Long-tailed Shrike 棕背伯勞
287 Oriental Magpie Robin 鵲鴝
292 Common Stonechat 黑喉石(即鳥)
303 Common Blackbird 烏鶇  x6+
312 Masked Laughingthrush 黑臉噪鶥
345 Yellow-bellied Prinia 黃腹山鷦鶯(灰頭鷦鶯)  x1
343 Zitting Cisticola 棕扇尾鶯
347 Common Tailorbird 長尾縫葉鶯  x1
352 Pallas's Leaf Warbler 黃腰柳鶯
389 Great Tit 大山雀
395 Fork-tailed Sunbird 叉尾太陽鳥  (heard)
397 Japanese White-eye 暗綠繡眼鳥(相思)
421 Scaly-breasted Munia 斑文鳥
424 Eurasian Tree Sparrow 樹麻雀
433 Black-collared Starling 黑領椋鳥
436 Crested Myna 八哥
440 Hair-crested Drongo 髮冠卷尾  x5
447 Large-billed Crow 大嘴烏鴉

Note:  I had yellow wagtail recorded in yesterday's list by mistake.
Author: kmike    Time: 4/01/2010 21:20

Yesterday I walked all along the northern boundary of Lam Tsuen, starting opposite Kadoorie Farm and climbing Tai To Yan and walking all the way long the ridge-top and down the Ngau Kwu Leng Hiking Trail. This is a great trail for exactly covering the whole norther catchment of Lam Tsuen.

Initially I intended to go to Kadoorie Farm to look for the Chestnut-bellied Rock Thrush but got distracted down the trail on the other side, followed the Pak Ngau Shek Trail, whih doesn't lead to Pak Nagu Shek and then decided what the heck and started climbing.  However the lower areas were OK. Asian Brown and Grey-headed Flycatchers were in the trees near the stream, the first of three Grey-backed Thrushes showed OK and a flock of about ten Pallas' Leaf Warblers kept me searching for something a bit more special.

A couple of fruiting trees on the PNS trail should have held more than bulbuls, but didn't with the exception of a briefly seen Goodson's Leaf Warbler.  It was quieter on top and my earnest pishing was not a huge success until I pulled in a Black-faced Bunting and a Rufous-rumped Grassbird in the grassland right on the top. Interestingly there were burned out bush stems in the grass, and It's safe to say that the grassbird is one of very few species (the others are Chinese Francolin, Bright-capped Cisticola and Upland Pipit) that actively benefit from hillfires maintain areas of grassland on our hills.  The only other birds on top were a calling Rubythroat that wouldn't come out and a female Blue Rock Thrush.

Things got better as I started my descent. An area of twisted black-trunked trees interspersed with slender bamboos held Mountain Bush Warbler and Tristram's Bunting, and a chat that chucked, but didn't show. As I turned down the NKL hiking trail I found a couple of Red-flanked Bluetails in a very beautiful and promising-looking area (for those brave enough for the 2,600m climb from the Lam Tsuen River!) but had o rush back home in time for lunch so didn't stay here as long as I would have liked.


Mike K

I am thinking of planning a morning to try to cover as many of the parts of Lam Tsuen as possible in a single day with different peple covering different spots. I would like to do this in one of the last two weekends in January. We will need to cover KFBG, Ng Tung Chai, Tai Om Shan, Tai To Yan, Pak Tin Kong, She Shan,  the Golden Triangle  and the Hong Lok Yuen Roundabout. Please send me a PM if you are interested to take part.
Author: subbuteo    Time: 8/01/2010 09:46

That sounds like a great walk and a demanding one too!

I opted for a walk up to Ng Tung Chai which was not very productive (a very loud group of hikers on the trail didn't help) yesterday so tried Tai Om Shan afterwards.  It was colder but no dramatic change in birds seen, only Tristram's Bunting were more obvious at Tai On Shan, they were easily seen responding to pishing, both male and female; at least ten were there and more were heard foraging along the path up.

7 January 2010, 8.30 am - 1.30 pm

Crested Serpent Eagle flushed from the stream at TOS
194 Spotted Dove 珠頸斑鳩
257 A Grey Wagtail 灰鶺鴒
260 Olive-backed Pipit 樹鷚  x10+
270 Red-whiskered Bulbul 紅耳鵯
271 Chinese Bulbul 白頭鵯
273 Chestnut Bulbul 栗背短腳鵯
280.5 Lesser Shortwing 白喉短翅鶇
287 Oriental Magpie Robin 鵲鴝
Red-flanked Bluetail 4 female/imm
289 Daurian Redstart 北紅尾鴝  x2F
303 Common Blackbird 烏鶇  x10+
Thrush sp heard
298 Blue Whistling Thrush 紫嘯鶇
309 Streak-breasted Scimitar Babbler 棕頸鉤嘴鶥 (heard)
309.5 Pygmy Wren Babbler 小鱗胸鷦鶥
310 Rufous-capped Babbler 紅頭穗鶥
312 Masked Laughingthrush 黑臉噪鶥
314 Black-throated Laughingthrush 黑喉噪鶥
317 Silver-eared Mesia 銀耳相思鳥
323 Asian Stubtail Warbler 鱗頭樹鶯  5+
345 Yellow-bellied Prinia 黃腹山鷦鶯(灰頭鷦鶯)
343 Zitting Cisticola 棕扇尾鶯
346.9 Mountain Tailorbird 金頭縫葉鶯
347 Common Tailorbird 長尾縫葉鶯  x1
Yellow-browed Warbler
352 Pallas's Leaf Warbler 黃腰柳鶯
Pale-legged Leaf Warbler (just after temple at Ng Tung Chai)
Goodson's Warbler TOS
389 Great Tit 大山雀
395 Fork-tailed Sunbird 叉尾太陽鳥
397 Japanese White-eye 暗綠繡眼鳥(相思)
Tristram's Bunting
421 Scaly-breasted Munia 斑文鳥
424 Eurasian Tree Sparrow 樹麻雀
433 Black-collared Starling 黑領椋鳥
436 Crested Myna 八哥
440 Hair-crested Drongo 髮冠卷尾
447 Large-billed Crow 大嘴烏鴉

[ Last edited by subbuteo at 8/01/2010 09:48 ]
Author: kmike    Time: 10/01/2010 01:00

Brief notes today

Crested Goshawk - 2 (1 displaying)
Besra - 2
Crested Serpent Eagle - 1
Emerald Dove - 1 in veggie patch  (seen from my roof)
Black Bulbul - 12 just my second record of this species in Lam Tsuen/Ng Tung Chai
Black-winged Cuckoo-shrike - 2 one very short-tailed bird in veggie ptch
Japanese Thrush - 1 male (my first this winter)
Rufous-tailed Robin - 1(my first this winter)
Tristram's Bunting - 3
Ashy Drongo - 1

Mike K
Author: kmike    Time: 10/01/2010 23:09

An excellent follow-up morning at Kadoorie Farm:

I went looking for the Chestnut-bellied Rock Thrush reported a few weeks ago, and after scanning the terraces between the helipad and the Main office for about 90 minutes I found it - a superb male Chestnut-bellied Rock Thrush, perched high on a bare branch rich blue upperparts almost shining in the sunlight - fantastic!  A little later I found it again - this time on the road eating a short-bodied, but long-legged cricket.

While I was searching I was distracted by three Black Kits chasing a smaller raptor. I assumed it was a Besra, but I was blown away to discover it was a Black-shouldered Kite!  This is the first ever in Lam Tsuen and my 200th Lam Tsuen bird!

Other good birds included first a male and then a female Pale Thrush in the fruiting trees at the bottom corner of the fern walk, a wonderful male Orange-bellied Leafbird that washed itself in a stream by divig off a branch bout 3 feet above the level of the stream like a kingfisher, and then flying back up tot the branch for a wiggle and shake to dry itself off.  It did the at least 5 times within a couple of minutes.

I also had 4 Red-flanked Bluetails, a female Daurian Redstart, a female Grey-backed Thrush, two Blue Whistling Thrushes

Mike K

[ Last edited by kmike at 10/01/2010 23:41 ]
Author: kmike    Time: 17/01/2010 00:00

A good morning in Lam Tsuen, but its late so just the highlights:

Great Cormorant - 26 new Lam Tsuen record flying over Hong Lok Yuen roundabout at dusk
Wryneck - 2 one bird calling and one heard responding in the grassland near Ping Long - just my second ever record in Lam Tsuen
Brown Shrike -  1 adult lucionensis near Siu Om Shan (rare in Lam Tsuen)

Black-winged Cuckooshrike - 2
Bright-capped Cisticola - 2
Ashy Drongo - 1
Hair-crested Drongo - 2
Crested Goshawk - 2, one displaying

Red-flanked Bluetail - 2
Daurian Redstart - 3

Mike K
Author: kmike    Time: 23/01/2010 23:41

A few birds on a very foggy morning at Tai Om Shan and Pak Tin Kong with visiting birder Simon:

Besra  - 2
Crested Goshawk - 2

Oriental Turtle Dove - 10

Black Bulbul - 18

White Wagtail - ocularis - 1 (first one in Long Valley)
Scarlet Minivet - 2
Grey-throated Minivet - 30

Red-flanked Bluetail - 1
Siberian Rubythroat - 1
Daurian Redstart - 1
White's Thrush - 1
Grey-backed Thrush - 3

Russet Bush Warbler - 1 h
Bright-capped Cisticola - 2
Asian Stubtail - 1
Pallas' Leaf Warbler - 6

Taiga Flycatcher - 2

White-browed Laughingthrush - 4
Pygmy Wren Babbler - 1

Little Bunting - 1
Black-faced Bunting - 1

Lesser Coucal - 1
Ashy Drongo - 1
Hair-crested Drongo - 3

Mike K
Author: subbuteo    Time: 24/01/2010 20:50

24 January 2010 7am- 1pm (12 degrees, overcast)

I walked from Pak Tin Kong to Tai Om Shan and had a diversion over the other side of the valley hunting for a Bull-headed Shrike which proved elusive!  Finally got Black Bulbul!

18 Little Egret 小白鷺
022 Chinese Pond Heron 池鷺
067 Black Kite 黑鳶 (麻鷹)
075 Crested Goshawk 鳳頭鷹
194 Spotted Dove 珠頸斑鳩
208 Common Koel 噪鵑
209 Greater Coucal 褐翅鴉鵑  x2
229 Common Kingfisher 普通翠鳥
257 A Grey Wagtail 灰鶺鴒
258 White Wagtail 白鶺鴒   
260 Olive-backed Pipit 樹鷚  x10+
268 Grey-chinned Minivet 灰喉山椒鳥 20+ M/F
269 Scarlet Minivet 赤紅山椒鳥  x1M
270 Red-whiskered Bulbul 紅耳鵯
271 Chinese Bulbul 白頭鵯
273 Chestnut Bulbul 栗背短腳鵯
274 Black Bulbul 黑短腳鵯 9+
279 Long-tailed Shrike 棕背伯勞 3
286 Red-flanked Bluetail 红脇藍尾鴝 4 imm
287 Oriental Magpie Robin 鵲鴝
289 Daurian Redstart 北紅尾鴝  x1F
290 Plumbeous Redstart 紅尾水鴝 1F near Ping Long
292 Common Stonechat 黑喉石(即鳥)
302 Japanese Thrush 烏灰鶇 x1 (+ likely heard)
303 Common Blackbird 烏鶇  x10+
306 Pale Thrush 白腹鶇 x1
298 Blue Whistling Thrush 紫嘯鶇
309 Streak-breasted Scimitar Babbler 棕頸鉤嘴鶥 (heard)
309.5 Pygmy Wren Babbler 小鱗胸鷦鶥
310 Rufous-capped Babbler 紅頭穗鶥
312 Masked Laughingthrush 黑臉噪鶥
314 Black-throated Laughingthrush 黑喉噪鶥
315 Hwamei 畫眉
317 Silver-eared Mesia 銀耳相思鳥
323 Asian Stubtail Warbler 鱗頭樹鶯  2+
325 Japanese Bush Warbler 日本樹鶯 1
345 Yellow-bellied Prinia 黃腹山鷦鶯(灰頭鷦鶯)
343 Zitting Cisticola 棕扇尾鶯 x2
346.9 Mountain Tailorbird 金頭縫葉鶯 x2
347 Common Tailorbird 長尾縫葉鶯  x1
349 Dusky Warbler 褐柳鶯 3 (much less common than earlier in the winter)
352 Pallas's Leaf Warbler 黃腰柳鶯 several
354 Yellow-browed Warbler 黃眉柳鶯 several
389 Great Tit 大山雀
391 Velvet-fronted Nuthatch 絨額鳾
395 Fork-tailed Sunbird 叉尾太陽鳥
397 Japanese White-eye 暗綠繡眼鳥(相思)
400 Tristram’s Bunting 白眉鵐 x2(more in there though!)
402 Little Bunting 小鵐 x2
410 Black-faced Bunting 灰頭鵐 8+ in graves at start of TOS trail
420 White-rumped Munia 白腰文鳥
421 Scaly-breasted Munia 斑文鳥
424 Eurasian Tree Sparrow 樹麻雀
433 Black-collared Starling 黑領椋鳥
436 Crested Myna 八哥
439 Ashy Drongo 灰卷尾
440 Hair-crested Drongo 髮冠卷尾
444 Common Magpie 喜鵲
447 Large-billed Crow 大嘴烏鴉

I heard my first Koel (噪鵑) calling on the 20 January.  Collared Scops Owl have been calling regularly.  
An Alexandrine Parakeet (721 亞歷山大鸚鵡) was flying around Lam Tsuen San Tsuen on the 22/1/10.  
I had a Black-winged Cuckoo Shrike (265 暗灰鵑鵙) at Pak Tin Kong on the 18/1/2010

[ Last edited by subbuteo at 24/01/2010 20:54 ]
Author: kmike    Time: 24/01/2010 21:26

A quieter time for me than for Dylan this morning:

Green Sandpiper - 1
Common Sandpiper - 2

Ashy Drongo - 1
Black-winged Cuckooshrike - 3

Siberian Stonechat - 2
Daurian Redstart  - 2
Plumbeous Redstart - 1 m (different from Dylan's - mine was at Hong Lok Yuen Rdbt, Dylan's near Tai Yeung Che)
Grey-backed Thrush - 1

Mountain Bush Warbler - 1
Manchurian Bush Warbler - 1
Asian Stubtail - 1
Russet Bush Warbler - 1

Taiga Flycatcher - 1


Mike K
Author: Beetle    Time: 11/02/2010 17:55

11 Feb 2010 2:30-4:30pm

Striated Yuhina 20x+
Tristram's Bunting x1
Chestnut-flanked White-eye x at least 1

Author: kmike    Time: 11/02/2010 21:49

A very good Lam Tsuen record!

Author: kpokuen    Time: 12/02/2010 11:54

Feb 12, morning

Bull headed shrike

Author: kmike    Time: 13/02/2010 21:01

There were two Bull-headed Shrikes in Lam Tsuen this morning! Both were females.

One was at Tai Yeung Che, just in front of the row of three old houses. The other, a brighter and cleaner bird, was in the flower fields near the path that goes south from the left hand side of the She Shan Road.

Other good birds today, which was spent mostly in the open field areas because it was so dark included a Blue Rock Thrush in Tai Yeung Che, a Magpie on a nest  above the abandoned school, five Fantail Warblers together near She Shan, and a Bright-capped Cisticola nearby, five Little Buntings near the pond where Common Teal, now showing the plumage of a breeding male continues to hide. Over 30 Hair Crested Drongos may have included some newly arriving birds.

It was good to see a flock of five White-browed Laughingthrushes, having missed them completely in the bird race, and to have 6 or 7 Dusky Warblers - I thought they'd thinned out over the last couple of months.  Apart from that there were the usual winter regulars, but 4 Greater Coucals was a good count, and I enjoyed the Common Buzzard perched in the tree in front of my house and the distinctive zree-but.zree-but.zree-but song of a Russet Bush Warbler from the same area at dawn, and a Black-winged Cuckooshrike with delusions of grandeur hanging on the coattails of a couple Hair-crested Drongos.

Altogether I had 52 species, and missed the Plumbeous Redstart Dylan saw at Tai Yeung Che!


Mike K
Author: kmike    Time: 14/02/2010 20:54

A quick visit to day to Tai Yeung Che and finally saw the Plumbeous Redstart on the river  between the Lam Kam Road and the bridge.

This is an interesting bird - a first winter male - which is starting to grow the red tail feathers of the adult plumage and the back is more uniform than a female I saw yesterday at Bride's Pool (below the beautiful waterfall on Mirror Pool).

I also saw the Bull-headed Shrike - again in front of the row of stone houses with the large fung shui trees behind.


Image Attachment: DSCN0542 bh shrike bf.jpg (14/02/2010 20:54, 71.38 KB) / Download count 520

Author: kmike    Time: 16/02/2010 00:07

The Bull-headed Shrike and Plumbeous Redstart at Tai Yeung Che showed well again today, But the light on the shrike was much better than on the Redstart.

However you can still the beginnings of red in the tail, as mentioned yesterday


Mike K

[ Last edited by kmike at 16/02/2010 00:09 ]

Image Attachment: DSCN0572 PRed3 bf.jpg (16/02/2010 00:08, 114.24 KB) / Download count 536

Image Attachment: DSCN0587 BHShrike 1 bf.jpg (16/02/2010 00:08, 109.98 KB) / Download count 518

Author: subbuteo    Time: 16/02/2010 20:41

In the same location today at around 1 pm, a second Plumbeous Redstart joined the one Mike photographed - an adult plumaged male.  

Author: kmike    Time: 16/02/2010 21:50

Checking back at the photo of the first Bull-headed Shrike it is of course a male (black mask), which mans that there have now been at least 3 individuals in Lam Tsuen this winter.

Mike K
Author: John Holmes    Time: 16/02/2010 22:48     Subject: Bull-headed Shrike

Id MKIV + 800mm + 1.4x

Seen and enjoyed today as well..

Image Attachment: BHShrike_005-01.jpg (16/02/2010 22:48, 55.8 KB) / Download count 472

Image Attachment: BHShrike_025-01.jpg (16/02/2010 22:48, 64.79 KB) / Download count 504

Author: lalan    Time: 17/02/2010 01:03

I took this on 31/1/2010 in Ma Po Mai

Author: kmike    Time: 17/02/2010 08:20

Hi Alan

I thin this is the same bird that is  at Tai Yeung Che - the two villages are close-by,  The most distinctive feature of male I photographed was a black mask through the eye.  Your bird has the uniformly orange brown head of a female.


Author: subbuteo    Time: 17/02/2010 11:46

At Pak Tin Kong this morning, I watched an Ashy Drongo picking off honeybees brave enough to face the cold and rain.

Author: kmike    Time: 17/02/2010 23:47

The Bull-headed Shrike was again at Tai Yeung Che this morning, but there was no sign of the Plumbeous Redstarts by the bridge.

Other birds there included a Red-flanked Bluetail, Dusky and Yellow-browed Warblers, a Common Kingfisher  and a Green Sandpiper.

Author: kkoel    Time: 18/02/2010 18:42

At She Shan this evening there's a Grey-headed Lapwing flying around.
Author: kmike    Time: 19/02/2010 00:25

Today I went up to Ng Tung Chai for what turned out to be a rather quiet morning's walk. The highlights were 5 Red-flanked Bluetails, a female Black-naped Monarch, cracking male Siberian Rubythroat and a male Tristram's Bunting. Apart from that the major interest was that the Pallas' Leaf Warblers have started singing - in bold defiance of the coldest day of the year!

I also found a bundle of quills where a porcupine met its end, but by what predator I'm not clear. Answers on a postcard.

While waiting for the bus I had terrific views of a male Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker in a tree just below the road.

The Eurasian Buzzard which had disappeared for a couple of weeks is now back in residence on the trees around the marshy grassland at Ping Long and the female Daurian Redstart is back on the veggie patch.


Mike K

Image Attachment: DSCN0650 buzzard bf.jpg (19/02/2010 00:25, 194.74 KB) / Download count 511

Image Attachment: DSCN0663 porcupine bf.jpg (19/02/2010 00:25, 134.79 KB) / Download count 503

Author: kmike    Time: 20/02/2010 20:43

I had a great start to the morning with two female Bull-headed Shrikes chasing each other around the car park at Tai Yeung Che.  

I hard a harsh chattering call I didn't recognize from a small bush and just as I was thinking "I wonder if that's the Bull-headed Shrike".  Immediately one popped out of the bush and landed on a nearby frame, but no sooner had it landed when another came screaming after it, and chased it up into the tall trees along the Lam Kam Road, before returning across the river.

My best guess is that the bird from the other side wandered into the territory of the Tai Yeung Che bird, and was chased away by the furious territory-holder.  About an hour later I saw one of them in the cherry orchard at the Ping Long  bus stop (Yuen Long direction).

Other good birds in the Tai Yeung Che area included a calling Blue Magpie, an Emerald Dove, and a Mountain Bush Warbler. The Crested Bulbul was on a convenient perch near the path.

The day before a Grey-backed Thrush sat up long enough for this record shot.

Mike K

[ Last edited by kmike at 20/02/2010 20:45 ]

Image Attachment: DSCN0674 gb thrush bf.jpg (20/02/2010 20:43, 104.74 KB) / Download count 516

Image Attachment: DSCN0707 ch b magpie bf.jpg (20/02/2010 20:43, 166.33 KB) / Download count 493

Image Attachment: DSCN0725 crested bulbul bf.jpg (20/02/2010 20:43, 115.79 KB) / Download count 502

Author: Carmen    Time: 21/02/2010 00:15

19th Feb, afternoon
Common Rosefinch x2

Image Attachment: LT.jpg (21/02/2010 00:15, 149.14 KB) / Download count 502

Author: kmike    Time: 21/02/2010 23:45

A swift hour between 0800 and 0900 this morning near Siu Om Shan and Pak Tin Kong:

Brown Wood Owl - heard by Dylan Saturday night around 19:20pm

Black-winged Cuckooshrike - 2
Scarlet Minivet 4

Daurian Redstart - 1f
Siberian Rubythroat - 2 heard

Common Blackbird - 3
Grey-backed Thrush - 1f

Taiga Flycatcher - 1
Verditer - 1f

White-browed Laughingthrush - 3

Hair-crested Drongo - 2

Mike K
Author: subbuteo    Time: 26/02/2010 10:31

An early walk this morning (6.10 am 26/2/10).  I heard Savannah Nightjar calling over Ping Long / Tai Om Tsuen village. Disappointingly, and despite a lot of trying at different times, I have not heard the Brown Wood Owl since last Saturday.
Author: kmike    Time: 28/02/2010 21:26

Savannah Nightjar was calling again last night; and today a swift 90 minutes on the patch paid off with a Black Kite chasing a Crested Honey Buzzard above Tai Om, while I was trying to photograph the Blue Whistling Thrush, and the Bull-headed Shrike is still at Tai Yeung Che despite the rise in temperatures.

A little later there were also a couple of Pacific Swifts in with a flock of 40-50 House Swifts and Barn Swallows obviously taking advantage of a hatch of winged insects over Tai Om woods.

More signs of spring . . . and this will be the last posting of the winter - March is definitely spring!


Mike K

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