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Subject: [Hong Kong] Bridge over Channel at Shek Kong Airfield Road 石崗明渠建行車橋 [Print This Page]

Author: 深藍-Owen    Time: 28/11/2009 21:30     Subject: Bridge over Channel at Shek Kong Airfield Road 石崗明渠建行車橋

(星島)2009年11月27日 星期五 16:50




任何擬反對工程或其使用的人士,須於2010年1月26日或之前,把反對書寄交花園道美利大廈16樓,運輸及房屋局    局長辦事處

Bridge over Open Drainage Channel at Shek Kong, Yuen Long
(Singtao Daily) 16:50 Friday 27 Nov 2009

The construction of a road bridge between Shui Lau Tin Village and Yuen Long Airfield Road will be gazetted today.  The works will improve the traffic between Shui Lau Tin Village and Kam Chin Wai.

The scope of the works includes construction of a dual lane road bridge and abutting walkway about 2m wide, temporary closure and reconstruction of part of existing road and walkway sections, as well as associated drainage and environment improvement works.

Drawings and related information are available from Central and Western District Office, Yuen Long District Office and Yuen Long District Lands Office.

Objections to the works or its use shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary for Transport and Housing’s Office at 16/F., Murray Building, Garden Road on or before 26 Jan 2010.

[ Last edited by Webcreeper at 28/11/2009 23:11 ]
Author: 深藍-Owen    Time: 28/11/2009 21:32

any idea hows they going to build the road? are they going to cover the whole water channel near the Shek Kong Airfield road ?
Author: thinfor    Time: 28/11/2009 22:46

Owen, my idea is that wherever there is any construction in HK, the environment in that area will be inevitably destroyed since HKSAR govt just concentrate on money from urban development and always ignore the HK wildlife.  Even she claims that she has adequate measures for protecting the environment, she is not able to supervise the whole development.  Before the completion date, the construction workers may have already destroyed the environment well enough, even though she has planned to do some protection measures afterwards.  The govt as well as the workers don't have the spirit or education to minimize the environment change.  So how could we trust them?

Just spread out the news and prepare a sample letter of complaint for environmental protectionists to d/l and send it to the related govt parties.  We send separately and I insist to keep sending until the relevant parties are noticed.  We may not change anything but we do our best.
Author: ddavid    Time: 28/11/2009 23:54

I'm a bit puzzled by this.

"The works will improve the traffic between Shui Lau Tin Village and Kam Chin Wai." Currently there isn't much traffic - nothing that the current village road can't handle.

"as well as associated drainage and environment improvement works" To me drainage and improvement projects means concrete, concrete, concrete. (You only have to look at the current ongoing work in the Lam Tsuen Valley to get the picture.) The channel from Kam Chin Wai to Shui Lau Tin and a little beyond is probably unique in HK because of the vegetation in the channel and the trees alongside. It certainly acts as a hard-weather haven for wintering birds when the temperature falls. You only have to compare this relatively small stretch with the more modern channels to the east and west to appreciate its special nature.

Unless I'm missing something (anything to do with the proposed new railway?), I can't see any real justification for the plans. Perhaps the HKBWS should look into the matter and make a formal complaint about the plans if it feels such a complaint is warranted.
Author: wcaptain    Time: 30/11/2009 10:35

Will take a look and share information about the alignment. Captain
Author: 深藍-Owen    Time: 30/11/2009 10:40

Thanks captain, i try to search for info from the net with no luck, and its really in-convince for me to go up the gov bldg ask for info during office hr.  appreciate..
Author: lalan    Time: 30/11/2009 11:38

Take a look in Yuen Long District Office but cant copy or take a photo,
the plan is going to build a bridge in the red marked place.

Image Attachment: SKBridge.JPG (30/11/2009 11:38, 123.54 KB) / Download count 510

Author: 深藍-Owen    Time: 30/11/2009 11:44

Thanks Alan, it should be ok if just a bridge. and hope they will not cut those tree along the channel to make the road wider.
Author: wdickson    Time: 30/11/2009 11:46

yes... there is currently not much traffic around that area. But our government can see the future... they know all the farmland around that areas are now owned by the main developers and they planned to build lots of the managed type villas. So, the government is taking the advance step in building up the roads and allowing the development to go smoothly and faster.
At the same time, widening the Kam Sheung Road and Kam Tin Road is not an easy task, including lots of tree felling and land reclaimed. Building road on the channels by covering up the drainage is much easier.
Author: ajohn    Time: 30/11/2009 13:21

I assume the main aim of the project is to provide a linkage between the Shui Lau Tin area and the Kam Tin/Shek Kong area - at the moment vehicle access through this area is actually not very convenient and I can understand why Shui Lau Tin villagers may want easier access to Kam Tin town/Highway. I haven't seen the exact plans but I guess this is likely to be a reasonably small bridge which in itself may not be very damaging for the local environment.

I think the big issue is likely to be the 'associated drainage and environmental improvement works'. This is likely to mean repairs to the concrete lining of the channel (resulting in the loss of vegetation). There may well be some associated tree felling along the channel.
There seems to be no suggestion yet of widening either of the roads which would also have a significant impact. It's unlikely that much of the channel would be covered because this would limit drainage of the area.
It's certainly worth keeping an eye on this though, to make sure the development isn't unnecessarily large-scale.
Author: wcaptain    Time: 1/12/2009 12:13

The location map and alignment

Although the work area is small, they usually acquire lands for temp work site and stockpiling area. Also, the scale of basement of the bridge will be larger than the bridge itself. As the nullah and adjacent woodland are a bird hotspot, it is better to let Govt know the subject area is a sensitive area.

Author: lalan    Time: 2/12/2009 00:15

also the waste after the work

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