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Subject: [Hong Kong] Dumping at Nam Chung Cheng UK 南涌鄭屋的填土活動 [Print This Page]

Author: wcaptain    Time: 11/12/2009 16:59     Subject: Dumping at Nam Chung Cheng UK 南涌鄭屋的填土活動

今日下午(11 Dec),南涌鄭屋的農地有填土活動,已通知政府部門。由於鹿頸路(包括通往南涌的車路)是限制道路,所有重型車輛不准進入。警察已檢控兩輛泥頭車。為了保護南涌濕地,若鳥友看見泥頭車駛入南涌,請通知警察(tel:999)採取執法行動。

There was dumping activities at wet farmlands at Nam Chung Cheng Uk. Has reported it to the Govt. As Luk Keng Road is a restricted road (including the road to Nam Chung), no heavy trucks are allowed to enter the road. The police prosecuted two dump trucks this afternoon. In order to protect wetlands at Nam Chung, pls report to the Police (tel 999) if you see any dump trucks at Nam Chung.

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