[quote:42f87ffb20="thendrix"][quote:42f87ffb20="hkwongkit"][quote:42f87ffb20="fforrest"]... In fact, we have just added a "Name" field in the "
rofile" section which you can input your name in it and then your name will be displayed/showed in the profile information, messages & etc. ... [/quote]
Hi Forrest,
Now that you've provided a 'Name' field why not make this a mandatory entry and forget about dispaying the 'user name' which is confusing for most if not all readers. Also the 'user name' is only used by the user himself/herself when log-in and administration/software for verification purpose.
right :!:
根本就是個沒必要,惹 user 反感,令 viwer 誤會的措施 :shock: :x :x :x[/quote]
Hendrix, 我唔明你點解反應咁大. 新 system launch. 大家有意見係正常. 但你可唔可以平心靜氣 d 呀? 你個名你可以諗到係 The Ndrix. 咁 Hendrix 都可以當係 He Ndrix 架o者?
我地唔係唔接受意見. 但你比意見時. 有冇諗過背後做野班人呀? Forrest 叫左兩年找人幫手. 來來去去都係果幾個. 個 phpBB 佢獨力攪左半年. 唔係淨係一個 forum 比你地吹水咁簡單架. 後面仲 connect 左幾個 application . 大家用同一個 user database 架.
要你參與時你就走埋一邊. 到 launch 左有問題. 你就淨係曉鬧. 大佬. 比意見還比意見呀, 你咁 negative, 我地好 hardfeeling 架!! 做咁多野出黎. 比人鬧? 貪得意? 你要明白, 個新 system 好同唔好. 作為觀鳥會會員既你, 都有責任架~!