
荔枝角公園隨想 - a story in Lai Chi Kok Park

或者我講講成個發現的流程. 查實和大家知道的日子不爭太遠.

Nov 18
鳥友 blackdogto 到街上閒奔. 發現了 Woodcock 的存在. 隨後把相片 post 上. 之後也沒引起甚麼大反應. 起碼我個人和其他人也沒有問地點. 直至兩位比較年輕的版友查問和成功拍攝到照片回來. 大家才關心起來. 隨後幾天斷斷續續. 版友來來回回. 有人影到. 有人只是在公園閒談整夜. 無功而回. 這個包括我和一些資深鳥友.

Nov 23 (Friday)
再有鳥友到公園, 成功拍得Woodcock 同時. Helen and Allen 發現 Nightjar, 雀仔To 又發現 Crake 的存在.  哄動開始.

Nov 24 (Sat)
週末早上. 有資深鳥友 Peter 發現 Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler, 除後夜晚各鳥友濟濟一堂. 笑言為甚麼沒有 Owl. 這時又有鳥友 Helen 在暗處發現鳥 Brown Hawk Owl 的存在.

Nov 25 (Sun)
消息傳得很快. 很多鳥友拍友出現.

Nov 26 (Mon)
消息傳到其他攝影網站. 很多拍友也出現了.

Nov 27 (Tue)
觀鳥熱線也有報導. 可是把 Grey Nightjar 說成 Savanna Nightjar  

是實 Gary, 你也不是比我遲很多呀. 只是一天而矣..!  :wink:

說說鳥會 Forum 問題..  (待續):

Here’s a rundown of what happened.  The delay was in fact quite short.

Nov 18
Birdwatcher Blackdogto found the Woodcock first and posted a photo (at without much response.  Interest was stirred up after Two younger members of the forum got the location from Blackdogto and took some photos of the bird.  Members of the forum subsequently had various degrees of success at the Park.

Nov 23 (Friday)
More Birdwatchers got the Woodcock.  At the same time Helen and Allen found the nightjar while another member (To) found the crake – the party began.

Nov 24 (Saturday)
Peter found the Pallas’s Grasshopper Warbler in the morning.  Helen found the owl as people asked in the evening why there was no owl.

Nov 25 (Sunday)
Many birdwatchers and photographers turned up as the news spread quickly.

Nov 26 (Monday)
More photographers turned up as the news spread to other photo forums.

Nov 27 (Tuesday)
The news was reported on Birdline, but the Grey Nightjar was taken for Savanna Nightjar.

So Gary learnt about it just one day later than I do.

Translated by Webcreeper


基本上. 我和 Sammy 是"同一類人" 他所說的問題我也同意.

由其是 Forum 分類問題. 很多時. 找很久也不知要把攝到的鳥兒放到那處. 我就放棄了. 例子, 我永遠也不明白和, 為何拍到一隻"反咀鷸", 卻要帖到 "Jacanas 水雉" 的 Forum 處.  這個不合邏輯的分類雖然偶硬跟了但心中卻滿不是味兒.

不知是不時這分類影響. 帖子少了, 回應的人也少了. 落得整個 forum 也滿嚴肅的. 似乎如果不是甚麼大發現. 不會有甚麼人回應. (單筒攝影除外)   ops:

另一個就是地點問題. 也許以前的日子和平很多. 觀鳥的就像一家人. 沒甚麼衝突, 但時代轉變. 數碼影響. 多了很多攝影人. 他們主要是以拍攝為主. 鳥兒為副. 影到一張美麗照片就是最重要的事. (詳情可找找舊帖子) 也許他們沒有錯. 只是他們的手法是我們所不接受. 正所謂道不同不相為謀. 我們找到了鳥兒. 只希望和我們理念相近的朋友分享. 相信怎樣說也沒有不對. 但如果要帖到鳥會來. 就只能老老實實地把地點公開. 這等於把全世界引來. 由其是這類"明星雀", 所引來的反應. 絕對是可以是很震撼.

為了確保鳥兒生活不受太大影響. (我們認為的). 唯有割愛不帖到鳥會來.

也許還有一些小問題. 但我個人覺得. 最重要就是以上幾點. 多謝閱畢!  :wink:

About this Forum:
I am in the same camp as Sammy and find the same problems he mentioned.

About classification in particular: I often can’t decide where to place a photo of a bird after trying and eventually abandoned the effort.  Example: I never understand why Avocet has to be placed in the Jacanas sub-forum, and is not comfortable with the logic although I did follow the arrangement.

Perhaps because of this the number of posts dropped and people’s responses go down with it.  The Forum becomes quite rigid and formal.  Except for major discoveries few people would respond (digiscoping excepted).

Another problem is about the disclosure of locations.  Birdwatchers were like a family in the old days.  However with digital photography came a group of photographers who put photos before birds (see old posts).  Perhaps they are not wrong, but we don’t accept their approach.  As the Chinese saying “eople with different outlooks won’t work together” goes, we would only share news about birds with others with similar values.  Nothing can be said about that.  If we post the photos at this Forum, we would be forced to bring the whole world to the bird, especially the rarities.  The effect could be overwhelming (to the bird).

In order not to bring too much disturbance to these birds (we think), we have to refrain from posting photos here.

Perhaps there are other small glitches, but the above are the most important.  Thanks for reading!

Translation by Webcreeper


Thanks Webcreeper spent so much effort to translate for us.


no sign of Grey Nightjar Yesterday and Tonight Nov 28.
Also can't see any Woodcock tonight.  

But Brown Hawk Owl and Slaty-Legged Crake still there.

An interesting news that a woman report to police this morning 08:00 there is a bird sitting on the floor with no movement in the park. she afraid it may be a H5N1 inflected bird.  But the bird disappear before police arrived.  What bird will this be ?  Will the nightjar change to a morningjar? :wink:


a Rufous-tailed Robin appeared since Sunday photoed by another birder this morning near the slaty legged crake area.


woodcock back tonight.


nightjar back also~!


a new bird join the party, eagle owl there tonight !!


someone got the photo but he is still in the park. hope they will post the photo here later.


seems only the lovely not shy crake left in the park tonight.

