
2023-Oct-29 Mai Po Nature Reserve at Pond 16/17 and 4

Thank you very much.

Common Redshank PE was ringed on 2-Sep-2022. Reported 8 times at Mai Po from Sep-2022 to Mar-2023 and once in Shenzhen Futian in Feb-2023. This is the 1st report of this bird this season. This bird is carrying a GPS tracker. Data from the tracker shows that it migrated to NE Inner Mongolia for breeding.

Common Redshank UD was also ringed on 2-Sep-2022. Reported 4 times at Mai Po in Sep&Oct 2022, Apr2023 and Aug2023 by you.

Marsh Sandpiper Y9 was ringed on 26-Nov-2022. It was recorded once in Shenzhen Bay Park on 24-Sep-23, and then for 3 times in Oct at Mai Po #11.


