
7 Banded Common Redshanks

Thank you KC.

KT was ringed on 8-Nov-2021. All 19 sightings of this bird is from Mai Po. You saw this bird earlier in Apr.

LZ was ringed on 29-Apr-2022. It was recorded in Shenzhen once and at Mai Po 2 times.

NC was also ringed on 29-Apr-2022, but it was not seen since it was ringed. Good record.

PE was ringed on 2-Sep-2022. It was recorded 16 times in Mai Po and once in Shenzhen. You saw this bird in Mar.

PY was ringed on 28-Sep-2022. This is the 11th record from Mai Po. You recorded this bird in Feb and Apr 2023.

TH was ringed on 26-Nov-2022. It was only recorded once earlier in Mar.


