I'm no expert but I think this a very difficult bird to ID. I can see why Richard suggested Sandwich Tern - the wing pattern fits 1st-summer Sandwich and there does seem to be pale tip to the bill in the photos. However, the "jizz" doesn't seem quite right to me (very subjective) and, as Richard points out, the leg colour in one of the photos is wrong for Sandwich.
Also, of course, HK is way out of range for Sandwich, which doesn't usually occur east of Sri Lanka - although Mark Brazil includes the species in Birds of East Asia on the basis of a record from Taiwan.
My own personal feeling is that this is an odd Roseate Tern in non-adult plumage (1st-summer? 2nd-summer?) - but I wouldn't bet my life, for what it's worth, on that assessment.
[ Last edited by ddavid at 21/08/2010 23:16 ]