
Bunting ID please

I presume 1 & 2 are the same bird, which looks like a Rustic Bunting to me. Pretty rare bird in HK with I think only 1 previous record in March & several records in November.

Good find.



I was referring to accepted records. I believe there is one  March record - at Mt Austin in 2010 - that has been accepted.

Up until at least the 2005 - 2006 Bird Report, Rustic Bunting was in Category B i.e a species which has probably occurred in HK in a wild state, but for which possibility of escape/release cannot be excluded.

It is now in Category 1 i.e. species considered to have occurred in a wild state. This change seems to be based largely on a pattern of November records (with also single records in December and January).

Perhaps now that Rustic Bunting is regarded as of definitely wild occurence, the previously unaccepted March records will be open to review ....


[ Last edited by ddavid at 18/03/2012 12:54 ]

