
香港鳥類名錄 Checklist of Hong Kong Bird Record

The discrepancies between the Category A and the Category F lists have been there for quite a while - and perhaps they should have been corrected for this latest update - but this is clearly just an oversight on the part of the people involved. I guess we should remember that these people do this voluntarily on top of their day-to-day commitments etc etc...

Anyways, I'm sure they'll respond to Mike's comments and update Category F asap.

And I'm sure Mike is right about Vega Gull being upgraded - and I imagine Bean Goose (of one form/species or another) will be too!!

As for Category E, is there now not a strong case for upgrading (or re-upgrading!) Hawfinch to at least Category B??

Just a thought.



I guess I didn't express myself very well - apologies to Mike if my comments appear injudicious. I certainly didn't mean them to be so - and, of course, Mike himself has put in many hours on Annual Reports, bird counts etc.. etc..


[ Last edited by ddavid at 27/03/2009 08:31 ]

