
Long Valley Summer 2009 塱原夏2009

Yes - excellent photos.

I find the occurrence of White-rumped Munias fascinating. Generally the species is pretty rare at Long Valley c.f. the regularly occurring Scaly-breasted Munia. However, last year I noticed W-r Munia on the planted rice at the northern end of the valley, and since rice was planted at the Yin Kong end this summer, my counts have been as follows:

July 1st - 50
July 16th - 200
July 25th - 350+

The increase in numbers as the rice has matured is obvious. Word seems to get around on the W-r Munia circuit, but quite how this works is not at all clear to me.

According to the Avifauna, the previous high count was of 200 at Cheung Sha Wan poultry market  on 31 December 1997.

Rice clearly has a pulling power. In November 1992, in the Tan Shan Valley, when the planted rice at the Produce Green there was ripe, I saw 13 Crested Buntings and 5 Yellow-browed Buntings - at the time, this was, as far as I know, the only rice field in the territory.

So there would seem to be great potential if rice could be planted in Long Valley so that it ripens in autumn.


[ Last edited by ddavid at 29/07/2009 00:59 ]

