The birds were keeping quiet this morning; again at first light I had a Buzzard and it was joined by a Besra and a Crested Goshawk. I walked up to Tai Om Shan seeing very little initially, the higher ground had significantly less frost, the cold air pooling in the valley floor. It was a very clear night last night and the stars were very clear (for HK). I didn't see many birds in the first forty-five minutes but things improved when the sun came up. I heard a Red-throated Flycatcher call on the way up.
At the top of the path I managed to get a Rufous-tailed Robin to come out and it was joined by a Lesser Shortwing. A thrush also came in but flew off before I could see it. More thrushes were about but impossible to see. On the way back down a mixed flock contained Pallas' Warbler, Black-winged Cuckoo Shrike, Grey-throated Minivet, Silver-eared Mesia, Velvet-fronted Nuthatch, Blue-winged Minla.
Near home were a female Daurian Redstart and Masked Buntings
45 species in a couple of hours was pretty good and seeing frost in Hong Kong spectacular!