
Red-throated Flycatcher?

Wow!  The first adult male Red-breasted Flycatcher in HK.  The bill looks all dark here, but I suspect that there is some pale at the base.


Original posted by brendank at 6/12/2010 12:23
Given that this bird has a rather dark bill and gray plumage (uppertail coverts aren't clearly visible), I suspect it would be almost impossible to separate from Red-throated without hearing calls had ...
I'm a bit confused by your comments.  Adult male RBF have extensive grey on the head.  I also think you can see the uppertail coverts and these are clearly not blackish.


A wonderful series of photos of a very handsome bird.  It is interesting to see how much darker the bill is than on the other HK records.  I am not sure it is age related, as an adult male I trapped in Armenia a few years ago had a very obvious pale lower mandible, and more so than this bird.

The call really is strikingly different, all three Red-breasted I have identified in HK were initially located on call.

