
[Hong Kong] Northern Hawk Cuckoo?

An interesting bird...

There are indeed a number of pro-Northern HC features on this bird: the dark chin, apparent rufous sub-terminal tail band, also the primary projection looks very long c.f. Hodgson's and of course the date is notable being close to the latest of the 3 Northern HC  records (between 29 Sep and 27 Oct) and with no records for Hodgson's beyond Aug in HK.

However, the tail is clearly re-growing which could of course significantly impede migration so I don't think we can attach too much weight to date.  This also makes an assessment of primary projection more difficult.  Furthermore, it seems to be a second year bird, for which plumages of both NHC and HHC are pretty much unknown.

Based on this and in the absence of photos of the underparts (which might have clinched ID) I think that this is probable NHC at best.


Why 'rather harsh'?  We don't know what the effects of complete tail loss might have on the timing of migration and we don't fully understand sub-adult plumages. Are you saying this is 'certainly' a NHC?

As far as I understand it, there is nothing which is diagnostic of NHC in the photos; as such probable seems fair.

[ Last edited by lpaul at 11/11/2013 13:49 ]

