The view is limited and other views would be helpful.
That aside, the striking thing here is the moderate depth incomplete breast band, which has a chestnut tone & a similar tone to the ear coverts. This excludes all the ‘Ringed’ group – Kentish/Little ringed/Long billed/White faced/Ringed etc..
The shape & overall plumage is all wrong for the Oriental/Caspian group - legs are too short and too dark for Oriental, breast band incomplete etc..
Clearly a Charadrius and by a process of elimination we are left with Lesser or Greater Sand Plover. As most of the distinguishing features are based on shape and relative proportions rather than colour– I would be foolish to stick my neck out any further without seeing a side on profile. Having a lump of mud stuck on its bill is particularly unhelpful!!
You probably knew all that and were just asking if this a Greater or a Lesser? The answer to that question, unfortunately, is I cant tell from this one shot – but perhaps someone else has some additional id features that would differentiate this bird, at this angle.
[ Last edited by RUWright at 2/04/2011 16:46 ]