
[Hong Kong] 幼鳥出世 立會添「成員」Bulbul nest in Legislative Council Building

本會亦已去信立法會秘書處, 但尚未收到任何回覆 (秘書處確認已收到信件並表示會轉交負責同事)
The HKBWS has also sent a letter of concern to the Legislative Council Secretariat but we have not yet received any reply (except a short note saying that the letter is received and will be passed to responsible colleauges).


Reply from LegCo Public Information Division:

"you may wish to note that the area where the bird's nest is situated used to be a restricted area.  Apart from reminding our staff and contractors of the relevant legislation on the protection of birds' nests and their eggs, we have taken additional measures to cordon off the concerned area, and post a notice to advise the public and staff that the bird's nest should not be disturbed."

立法會秘書處公共資訊部的回覆 (中譯):

"該巢的位置為禁區, 除了提醒我們的工作人員和承辦商關於保護雀鳥巢及蛋的法例以外, 我們亦已採取措施封鎖了該位置, 以及張貼告示提醒市民不應騷擾雀巢。"

