香港觀鳥會就此設立「支持蒲台郊野公園」Facebook page,請大家按like並分享大家對蒲台島的關心、蒲台島的漂亮照片、歷史文化遺產.....等等!
1. 蒲台島擁有極高生態價值及科學研究價值,城規會應劃設具特殊科學價值地點(SSSI),
2. 蒲台島曾發現300種以上的雀鳥,當中包括多個香港首次記錄的品種;
3. 蒲台島是盧氏小樹蛙的棲息地,當局應加以保護;
4. 蒲台島擁有高康樂及景觀價值,支持劃設蒲台島作郊野公園;
Po Toi is the southern-most island of Hong Kong. The famous rock formations such as the Coffin Rock, Palm Cliff and Tortoise Climbing up the Mountain attract many hikers. Meanwhile, it is a natural habitat of the endemic Romer's Tree Frog which is internationally endangered. The special geographical location together with the natural environment makes the island a crucial refueling stop for migratory birds. More than 300 species - 60% of the Hong Kong Total - have been recorded from the island.
In early 2012 workers cleared vegetation on the island and put hundreds of concrete slabs on Po Toi, damaging the landscape and ecological value. In fact, the Planning Department has suggested in 2001 that Po Toi Islands should be zoned as Country Park but this has never happened.
We think that designating Country Park for Po Toi is the best way to protect its landscape, ecological, cultural and recreational values from destruction.
HKBWS has set up the "Support Po Toi Country Park" Facebook page, Please "Like" and share your views, photos, stories about Po Toi.
Link: http://www.facebook.com/SupportPoToi
Please put the "Support Po Toi Country Park" logo on your photos of Po Toi's scenic views, cultural and recreational activities, animals and plants...and send together with your comments to the Town Planning Board (tpbpd@pland.gov.hk) and AFCD (mailbox@afcd.gov.hk). Deadline for sending comments to Town Planning Board is 2 May 2012(Wed)
Suggested opinions for your reference:
1. Po Toi has high scientific value and conservation value, the Board should designate "Site of Special Scientific Interest" for Po Toi;
2. More than 300 species of birds have been found on Po Toi including many Hong Kong 1st Records;
3. Po Toi is a natural habitat for Romer's Tree Frog and the government should provide extra protection;
4. Po Toi has high value in landscape and recreational activities and the Government should designate it as a Country Park...
...etc. That you can think of!
Logo 可於以下連結下載 The Logo could be downloaded from:
[特別鳴謝貓魔鈴義務設計logo! / Special Thanks to MaoMorning for designing the logo!]
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