
Po Toi Spring 2012 - May

翻譯及編輯自Geoff昨天的回覆 Edited and translated from: ... amp;page=3#pid49653

Each week more than 100 individuals read this blog on Po Toi. If you’ve enjoyed reading these reports, there is now something you can do to help preserve Po Toi - for this and future generations of bird lovers.

You are probably aware that the Government is reviewing the status of Po Toi following the illegal construction of a columbarium in the valley past the sisters café. HKBWS has made a submission supporting Po Toi as a Country Park and Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) to protect the main migrant bird areas. The Company which built the columbarium has also made a submission supporting its use as a columbarium.

At the moment, the columbarium company has managed to get more supporters than HKBWS! so we need your support for the HKBWS submission. The numbers of supporters is an important consideration for the Government/Town Planning Board.

We need you to show your support for Po Toi and the migrant birds. It’s easy to do and it doesn’t take more than five minutes.

The steps you need to take are

1. go to this website


and you will see the following picture

2. Find ‘Po Toi Islands’ and click on ‘Make Comments’

3. Enter the website by typing the Text shown and clicking ‘I Agree’ and ‘Next’

4. On the next page shown, enter your name and email or postal address. Your addresses will remain confidential. Then, in the ‘Details of Comments’ section, enter
‘TPB/R/DPA/IPTI/1-4’ in the left column Representation Number and
‘I support Hong Kong Bird Watching Society's representation (TPB/R/DPA/IPTI/1-4)’ in the right column Details of Comments.
You can add you own comments or refer to the below

1. Po Toi has high scientific value and conservation value, the Board should designate "Site of Special Scientific Interest" for Po Toi. Hong Kong Bird Watching Society's detailed submission have proven the conservation value of Po Toi.
2. More than 300 species of birds have been found on Po Toi including many Hong Kong 1st Records;
3. Po Toi is a natural habitat for Romer's Tree Frog and the government should provide extra protection;
4. Po Toi has high value in landscape and recreational activities and the Government should designate it as a Country Park. By doing such, the government has the responsibility to promote tourism and improve the public utilities on the Island;
5. The illegal activities on the island has damaged Po Toi's ecological and landscape value. The Lands Department has been carrying out enforcement actions and other relevant authorities should control these activities.
Then click ‘Submit”

5. The website will ask for your confirmation. Click ‘I Confirm’

That’s all you have to do. Please do it and help us protect Po Toi.
We need your support.



在早前發現有人在坤記士多對開非法興建一個疑似骨灰龕場之後, 政府現正檢討蒲台島的規劃, 香港觀鳥會亦提交了一份建議書, 支持蒲台納入郊野公園範圍及劃作「具特殊科學價值地點」保護遷徙候鳥的主要棲息地。
直至目前為止, 發展商比香港觀鳥會找到更多支持者!
我們需要你們支持香港觀鳥會的建議, 因為支持者的數量是政府/委員會的重要考慮。

為了蒲台島及賴以為生的遷徙雀鳥, 我們需要你們的支持。表達支持只是舉手之勞-不消5分鐘便可以做到


1. 到以下城規會網站


2. 找「蒲台群島」及按下「提交意見」

3. 鍵入圖片所示的文字, 按一下「我同意」及「繼續」

4. 在下一頁, 輸入你的姓名、電郵(或郵寄地址), 你的聯絡資料將會保密。
意見詳情: 「我支持香港觀鳥會(TPB/R/DPA/IPTI/1-4)的申述」
1. 蒲台島擁有極高生態價值及科學研究價值,城規會應劃設具特殊科學價值地點(SSSI),香港觀鳥會的詳細申述文件亦已證明蒲台的生態價值;
2. 蒲台島曾發現300種以上的雀鳥,當中包括多個香港首次記錄的品種;
3. 蒲台島是盧氏小樹蛙的棲息地,當局應加以保護;
4. 蒲台島擁有高康樂及景觀價值,支持劃設蒲台島作郊野公園;劃作郊野公園後當局亦有責任改善當地的設施及推廣旅遊;
5. 早前島上的非法活動已破壞該區的景觀及生態價值,地政署亦正採取行動,當局應予以管制。
5. 網站會要求你確認, 按下「確定」完成。


from HKBWS Conservation Officer 本會自然保育主任的小建議
Apart from making comments to the Town Planning Board, we also hope that you would like our facebook page "支持蒲台郊野公園 Support Po Toi Country Park", keep updated about latest news and share your views on Po Toi.
除了以上之外, 我們亦希望大家"LIKE" "支持蒲台郊野公園" Facebook page, 留意蒲台的最新消息及你對蒲台島的意見。

