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A Post at 16/01/2014 11:01 Show all
2014 施政報告 Policy Address
今年的施政報告在有關自然保育沒有任何新措施。 政府還沒有表明將會投放資源去執行《 生物多樣性戰略計畫》,我們為此表示關注。
Not much new in terms of nature conservation in this year's Policy Address. Resources for carrying out the BSAP (Biodiversity Strategy Action Plan) is still a concern.
Policy Address:
125. 政府去年建議將36幅共約27公頃GIC及其他政府用地改作住宅用途,當中18幅已劃作住宅用途或正進行法定規劃程序。過去一年,規劃署另外物色了21幅共約34公頃GIC用地,適合改作住宅用途,當中11幅已完成或正進行法定規劃程序。政府也陸續將沒有植被、荒廢或已平整的「綠化地帶」用地,及合適的工業用地,改劃作住宅用途。規劃署已開展新一輪工業用地檢討工作,預計可在今年內完成。
Land Use Review
125. Last year, we proposed to rezone 36 sites for residential use, including GIC sites and other Government sites with a total area of around 27 hectares. Of these, 18 have been rezoned for residential use or are undergoing the statutory rezoning process. Over the past year, the Planning Department (PlanD) has identified another 21 GIC sites with a total area of around 34 hectares suitable for rezoning for residential use. Of these, 11 have completed or are undergoing the statutory rezoning process. We are taking steps to rezone for residential use sites in Green Belt areas which are devegetated, deserted or formed, as well as suitable industrial sites. The PlanD has commenced a new round of industrial land review, which is expected to be completed in 2014.
126. 新界東北新發展區是本港中長期土地供應的一個重要計劃,亦是2022年起房屋供應的主要來源。政府已盡量增加新發展區的發展密度,及提高資助房屋比例。新發展區將提供約6萬個單位,其中六成為公屋及居屋。
Development the North East New Territories
126. The North East New Territories New Development Areas (NDAs) project is essential to Hong Kong’s medium and long-term land supply and will become the major source of housing supply from 2022 onwards. The Government has made every effort to increase the development intensity and proportion of subsidised housing in these NDAs. They will provide about 60 000 units in total, of which 60% will be PRH and HOS units.
128. 發展局去年進行的東涌新市鎮擴展第二階段公眾參與活動,建議可向東、西兩面擴展,提供約53 000個住宅單位及建設商業樞紐區。
Extension of the Tung Chung New Town
128. The DEVB conducted Stage 2 Public Engagement of the Tung Chung New Town Extension last year, proposing the extension of the new town to the east and the west. The extension will provide space to construct about 53 000 residential units and a commercial hub.
172. 政府亦正推行多項措施,包括通過管理協議計劃及公私營合作試驗計劃,加強保育具生態價值的私人土地,並會透過法定程序,保護有高生態價值的地點。
Nature Conservation
172. The Government is implementing a number of measures to strengthen the conservation of ecologically important sites in private ownership through the Management Agreement Scheme and the Public-Private Partnership Pilot Scheme, and to conserve sites with high ecological significance through statutory procedures.
Policy Agenda:
可持續發展必須在保護環境、保育文物、發展經濟和照顧社會需要之間,取得適當平衡。本屆政府在就任後的第一年已發表兩份藍圖,在空氣質素和廢物管理方面制訂了清晰的目標和工作計劃,為環保工作奠 定了穩固的基礎。我們正採取實質行動,藉不同的措施和計劃,把藍圖付諸實行。改善空氣質素和減少廢物都是艱巨的任務,但我們會與市民攜手合作,決心在本屆政府任期內取得重大進展。市民已日漸意識到,如不妥善保育香港的自然環境,他們的生活質素也會受到影響。我們為此而推行的一項重要工作,是根據我們在聯合國《生物多樣性公約》所承擔的責任,制訂香港的《生物多樣性策略和行動計劃》。為回應社會對氣候變化的關注,我們已加倍努力,推展多項措施,務求提高能源效益,並提倡低碳生活方式。
Environment and Conservation
Sustainable development requires a proper balance among environmental protection, heritage conservation, economic development and providing for social needs. This Administration has laid a solid foundation for environmental protection in its first year by mapping out clear targets and work plans for air quality and waste management in two published blueprints. We are taking concrete steps to actualize the blueprints through various initiatives and programmes. The challenges to improving air quality and reducing waste are huge. However, in partnership with the public, we are determined to make significant progress during this term of office. The community is increasingly aware of the impact on their quality of life if we fail to conserve our natural environment. A major effort to address this issue is our work to develop a Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for Hong Kong as part of our commitment under the United Nations’ Convention on Biological Diversity. To meet the concerns of climate change, we have redoubled our efforts on various initiatives to achieve higher energy efficiency and promote a less carbon intensive lifestyle. To make Hong Kong a better city for all, we will continue to enhance infrastructure to provide a safe and quality living environment. At the same time, we will improve the greening, landscape and tree management regime through the adoption of a holistic and professional approach as well as engaging stakeholders under the “Be Our Greening Partner” Campaign. We wish to preserve the city’s charm whilst respecting the need for development. together with the Antiquities Advisory Board, we will consult the public on the way forward for our built heritage conservation policy.