Thanks Geoff. Very well explained.
Re: Gary
Po Toi is now designated with various zonings under the Town Planning Ordinance and it is currently the consultation period (deadline 27April) for the general public to make comments on it. The zonings proposed by the Planning Department is shown in the above images.
A residential zoning (which allows residential development)is proposed at one of the core area of bird habitats. This is considered to be inappropriate and unacceptable. That is why we are encouraging people to make their own comments/recommendations on the Plan, and get this message across to the Town Planning Board members who will have the power to decide to approve the Plan or not. Please see our letter above for the some of our specific recommendations on the Plan.
I understand the threats that you have mentioned, they can also happen under the current zoning (e.g., in Conservation Area). However, Country Park offers regular management and active patrolling, which the current zoning system under the Town Planning Ordinance cannot provide. Any development within a Country Park will also require to apply through the Country and Marine Parks Board. That is why, we ultimately would like Po Toi to be designated as a Country Park as it can provide better protection to the islands.
Thanks a lot for your concerns and comments, and please also submit your views to the Town Planning Board regarding the proposed zonings and the conservation of Po Toi. I think it is important to voice out our concerns/recommendations.