On top of the above list, there were also;
Little Bunting x 3
Ferruginous Flycatch x 1
on the note of the Ferruginos Flycatch, he was staying very still and I only had a fontal-view of him in a dark area near the Bramblings and therefore I cannot be 100% sure.
seightings of this bird over the Easter Break:
-Friday: hanging around the hold house at the bottom of the steps to the school all day ..
-Sunday: not seen at all .. I assumed he had gone left with the improved weather
-Monday: seen at around 11am down from his last seighting on Friday but was not seen for the rest of the day ..
White Bellied Sea Eagle x 1 - seen about 30 minutes after leaving abderdeen ..
[ Last edited by wilsondring at 2/04/2013 10:34 ]