Original posted by wgeoff at 30/07/2013 10:07
Hi Wilson
If you mean the pier joining to the restaurant, that has been there as long as I've been going to Po Toi, so from 2005 at least.
There was a big fire, in the 1990s I think, affecting the re ...
I think I first started going for seafood lunch around 1984 ish ... and there was only a wooden platform connecting the restaurant to the boats (which is still currently there) but the public pier which we use now from Aberdeen/Stanley certainly was not there, or at least it was not in service because we could only access by speedboat due to depth of the water. The currently one as mentioned by John, would certainly have been a replacement built in the mid-90s by this time, I would have been boarding school and hence coming back less.
its so interesting going back to po toi for the first time in early-2012 as a birder as oppose to just for hiking/seafood ..