
(outdated過期)香港鳥類名錄 List of HK Birds-2015-09-01

(outdated過期)香港鳥類名錄 List of HK Birds-2015-09-01

(outdated過期)最新修訂的"香港鳥類名錄"(連中文名字) - 2015-09-01

The next update List of HK Birds is available at:


黑眉似啄木鳥* - 2014年12月31 日於大埔滘發現
飯島柳鶯* - 2015年3月29日於蒲台發現
飾胸鷸* - 2015年4月19日於米埔自然護理區發現

第I 及第II類的香港雀鳥數目現增至535種。
基於IOC 的變動(由V5.2至5.3),以下鳥種須作出變動。
烏鶇Turdus merula 轉為中國烏鶇* T. mandarinus
基於新分類方式(V5.2),在香港的紫水雞Purple Swamphen 須再鑑定其身份。


Latest "List of HK Birds" with Chinese Name  - 2015-09-01

Additions to Category I of the HK List were

Chinese Barbet based on a record at Tai Po Kau dated 2014-12-31
Ijima’s Leaf Warbler based on a record on Po Toi dated 2015-03-29
Buff-breasted Sandpiper based on a record at MPNR dated 2015-04-19

In addition, House Sparrow was transferred to Category I of the HK List based on a record at Long Valley dated 2012-11-03

The HK List now stands at 535 species in Categories I and II.

The following changes to the List are required as a result of IOC changes in V5.2 and 5.3

Common Blackbird Turdus merula becomes Chinese Blackbird T. mandarinus
The correct Hong Kong species for Purple Swamphen needs to be determined following a split in V5.2.
A new HK List will be issued when this change is finalised.

HK_List_20150901.pdf (250.38 KB)
HK_List_20150901.xls (137 KB)
Unusual_Record_Form_罕有雀鳥紀錄表格.doc (42 KB)
香港觀鳥會 HKBWS

