


本會的調查員於上周五在米埔附近一個魚塘中,記錄到一隻全球極度瀕危 (CR) 的勺嘴鷸(Spoon-billed Sandpiper)。

Our surveyor recorded a globally critically endangered (CR) Spoon-billed Sandpiper at a drained fishpond near Mai Po last Friday.
The fishpond operator has engaged in the habitat management agreement project organized by our Society, by lowering down the water level, many shorebirds attracted to this fishpond to loaf and forage. We noticed that this young Spoon-billed Sandpiper was born last year from its plumage. The last record of the first summer individual in Hong Kong recorded in mid-May 2007, which was about 10 years ago. The population of Spoon-billed Sandpiper declines rapidly over the last decade, the decline attributes to the relatively high death rate of this species in the first year. Therefore, it is closely related to the absence of first summer individuals recorded in Hong Kong, and it is very important for this bird to survive its first year.
Recording this globally critically endangered species is a very encouraging sign to our conservation work. We hope that all of you can continuously support our work and local farmed freshwater fish. Thank you!
香港觀鳥會 HKBWS

