
[Oversea] SBS wintering site becomes Bangladesh’s 20th IBA

The video is very good in a way that the AIG programe give a way for the hunters so that conservation can be done. A win-win situation. It also shows the respect to the hunters. I hope that in Hong Kong, when we are fighting for conservation, can be also think about other alternatives for those who do not on the same side to show our respect for them.

這個視訊十分好, 因為當中顯示出保育工作者提出如AIG這類計劃, 讓獵人有其他方式生活或生存, 這是一個雙贏方案, 這亦顯示出在保育工作中亦可以尊重他人的權利如獵人。我亦希望在香港, 當我們為保育爭取時, 亦可以為與我們不同意見者考慮其他方案以表示我們對他們的尊重。

