
pls id

I don't think so. My understanding is Little Ringed Plover, Kentish Plover, Common Ringed Plover and Long-billed Plover all have a white neck wing. That is there should be a white line at the back of the neck. (I am only learning to identify the birds for a few months only, so my understanding may not correct, please correct me if I am wrong) In the photo, I do not think that there is white neck wing at the back of the neck, so it should be either Lesser Sand Plover or Greater Sand Plover. As you have other picture of the breeding Lesser Sand Plover, I think it is a non-breeding Lesser Sand Plover. My guess only. Would appreciate other to correct me. I treat it as an exercise of identifying birds only, so I would more than happy that other tell me I am wrong. Thanks


Thanks John. I think I really learn much from you. I think my books do not mention the "round" or "square" head. Although they have mention the bill structure, but I think I need to watch them more to really understand the difference. Thanks again.

