
[Gulls] Egret Site in Tai Po Market was destroyed

You may also contact the CEDD engineer looking after this contract, for more direct information about the contract details, rather than routing via AFCD.
The contact information can be found here, from Google search: ... Bg524-I7ZBcSAnXKEpQ


lpm_activesite_eng.pdf (39.22 KB)

12/03/2014 10:28, Downloaded count: 822


Has this been resolved now?


With due respect to hkbws, your reply reminded me of those bureaucratic government replies to public enquiries in the 60's - 80's, before Chris Patten introduced the open and transparent government structure in HK.  If I raise a similar query to the CEDD engineer or AFCD official about this case, I am sure that I will get much better response than yours.  I am disappointed that you simply kept close watching of the case but didn't take proactive actions.

[ Last edited by irsychan at 15/03/2014 11:15 ]


You should at least tell us what you have done.  Any letters sent, any meeting or site visit held, and whether there is habitat lost from your own observations.  You can always tell this even the case is still being resolved.  Or perhaps I better ask the CEDD engineeer directly in my role of a concerned public for more details.


Sorry, not used to this snail speed of working...  Not in my profession any way.
I shall wait, as suggested.


Please note that Government departments in HK are most open and transparent, compared with other governments in the world.  Hence there is no reason to hold back anything, as the normal response time to public queries from Government particularly CEDD or HyD would be very quick, and they are environemntally conscious as any public.
Kmike et al:  Please be advised of the above.

[ Last edited by irsychan at 18/03/2014 19:14 ]


Original posted by HKBWS Jocelyn at 17/03/2014 17:48
Last week, an informal discussion with AFCD and issuance of a formal letter written to CEDD was done to voice out our concerns.  The Society and the Egrets Research Group have conducted site visits to ...
Thank you Jocelyn for the detailed report.  Keep up with the good work!


Well done Mike, Jocelyn and all involved.

