
[Gulls] Egret Site in Tai Po Market was destroyed

Egret Site in Tai Po Market was destroyed

Dear all,

I was so sad this afternoon when found out the Egret site near Tai Po Market MTR (Wan Tau Kok Lane) was destroyed by the government department. I've changed the transport routing so haven't been there for 6 months, so shocked to find out I can't do anything as the site used to be a resting/nesting place for serveral species of Egrets, now was totally destroyed.

p.s. sorry if problem in posting, for I'm very green at that.
here are the photos:

[ Last edited by rosefinch at 11/03/2014 19:36 ]


Egret site_Tai Po 04.jpg (138.49 KB)

11/03/2014 19:28

Egret site destroyed

Egret site_Tai Po 04.jpg

Egret site_Tai Po 01.JPG (92.57 KB)

11/03/2014 19:33

Egret site_Tai Po 01.JPG

Egret site_Tai Po 03.jpg (76.57 KB)

11/03/2014 19:33

Egret site_Tai Po 03.jpg

Egret site_Tai Po 02.jpg (83.41 KB)

11/03/2014 19:34

Egret site_Tai Po 02.jpg


they have destroyed more then 90% of the trees where the egrets nesting.
Most of the egrets used to nest at the lower part of the slope facing the main road.

agree with you, it seems that probably concrete will be used, especially the 2/3 part of the slope already "stripped" off by them, and I noticed the top of those trees/plants left died out in brown colour--don't know they naturally died by the effect of the works, or at the beginnning they use poison to make some of the plants died quickly to pave the way for clearence?

looks like that might effect a lot on the future nesting?


[ Last edited by rosefinch at 12/03/2014 01:27 ]


From my brief observations yesterday, some of the trees, bushes and plants at the mid/lower level, i.e. the slope near the jockey club direction were cut, last years I saw the highest density of nests on those trees.
From my photos there are some trees partly or wholely cut down.

Sure, hopefully the effects of those works on egrets nesting will only be temporary.

[ Last edited by rosefinch at 12/03/2014 20:39 ]


Congratulations again, Joycelyn!

Surprised when learnt about the news because usually I think gov't offices may need more time to decide, so this time the prompt decision by the gov't department is impressive!

But also implies the society staffs and the NGO conservative teams have done a lot. Excellent!

Though the site has been already disturbed but the suspension give us more confidence and initiative that some government offices can be reasonably dealed with, so let's keep eyes on the welfares of birds!


[ Last edited by rosefinch at 18/03/2014 17:11 ]


Thank you Jocelyn and those related to work for preserving the Egret site!
Please help continuously to keep eyes on this for it's too much for the very developed HK to bear to lose one more breeding site like this!


[ Last edited by rosefinch at 12/09/2014 19:02 ]

