
[Frigatebirds] Lesser Frigatebird

Dear Mr. Tai and Mike,
The 3 frigatebird records that HKBWS Officer mentioned are talking about 3 records that seen at the peak during kite count in the past years! Please don't mis-understand!!

Dear Mr. Tai,
Thank you for concerning about the KRG work. We did counted the Lamma Island in winter 2007 or 2008. However, we found that the kite there may overlap with the Magazine Gap site (i.e. the peak). Overlapping of data will only cause inaccuracy of data in both sites and therefore we didn't take Lamma Island as a regular counting site. The number of kite in Magazine Gap is stable throughout past years and it is the biggest kite roosting site that we have found. However, it doesn't mean we can stop counting this site and go somewhere else.

Conveyor of KRG

[ Last edited by yvicky at 26/08/2011 16:17 ]


Thank you David for posting all the Lesser Frigatebird records. And this proofs that Magazine Gap is a site with higher chance to see Lesser Frigatebird!!

The previous 2 Lesser Frigatebird sighted DURING KITE COUNT that I've mentioned are either not submitted or not yet published.
One on 14-Jul-2002 by a former KRG member and one on 20-Sep-2009 but cannot 100% sure it is a Lesser. And this one (on 21-Aug-2011) is the 3rd KITE COUNT record. I was absent on all 3 counts!!

Well, the jest is not a jest anymore and people are getting serious on the frigatebird records. But I still insist that my sentence "this Frigatebird is the 3rd record that found during kite count (all by kite group members)!" is correct!!

